Скачать презентацию The Mediate Project Ilenia Gheno AGE The Скачать презентацию The Mediate Project Ilenia Gheno AGE The


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The Mediate Project Ilenia Gheno AGE – The European Platform of Older People OASIS The Mediate Project Ilenia Gheno AGE – The European Platform of Older People OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009

The Mediate Project “MEthodology for Descr. Ibing the Accessibility of Transport in Europe” (A The Mediate Project “MEthodology for Descr. Ibing the Accessibility of Transport in Europe” (A Coordination and Support Action) SINTEF (NO) (Coordinator) Transport for London (UK) POLIS (BE) IMOB, Hasselt University (BE) AGE (BE) TIS. PT (PT) Transport & Travel Research (UK) TIMENCO (BE) OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 2

Overall objective to contribute to the development of inclusive urban transport systems with better Overall objective to contribute to the development of inclusive urban transport systems with better access for all citizens through the development of a set of tools to help measure and improve accessibility in public transport OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 3

Operational objectives to establish a common European methodology for measuring and improving accessibility to Operational objectives to establish a common European methodology for measuring and improving accessibility to transport based on defining indicators, identifying good practice and developing a self-assessment tool to create an End User Platform, representing a broad range of passenger groups, to provide input to Mediate and definition of a strategy for the End User Platform to become a permanent forum OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 4

Mediate Stakeholder Groups End User Platform: 10 individuals and organizations representing groups of people Mediate Stakeholder Groups End User Platform: 10 individuals and organizations representing groups of people who encounter barriers to using public transport in European cities Working Groups: 22 local authorities and transport providers representing European cities and focusing on various aspects of public transport accessibility Expert Group: 6 international experts in the field of public transport accessibility OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 5

Key Project Deliverables Set of indicators Self-assessment tool Portal on Accessibility Good Practice Guide Key Project Deliverables Set of indicators Self-assessment tool Portal on Accessibility Good Practice Guide End User Platform OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 6

Set of Indicators Definition of an indicator Indicators used elsewhere Definition of groups of Set of Indicators Definition of an indicator Indicators used elsewhere Definition of groups of indicators Service Operation and Standards Policy and Investments Vehicles and the Built Environment Information and Training Other travel issues OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 7

Self-assessment Tool The Policy Cycle Questionnaires Stakeholder involvement Levels of development OASIS International Conference– Self-assessment Tool The Policy Cycle Questionnaires Stakeholder involvement Levels of development OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 8

Self-assessment Tool (2) The Policy Cycle OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 Self-assessment Tool (2) The Policy Cycle OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 9

Portal on Accessibility “A portal providing information and links to information, on matters relating Portal on Accessibility “A portal providing information and links to information, on matters relating to the accessibility of public transport in Europe” www. aptie. eu (www. accessiblepublictransportineurope. eu) OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 10

Good Practice Guide Define Good Practice Questionnaire has been developed and reviewed by the Good Practice Guide Define Good Practice Questionnaire has been developed and reviewed by the project stakeholders’ group Areas of good practice to be covered are: Accessible Information & Communication Systems Level Access Throughout Transport Systems Staff Training Travel Training for Passengers Passenger Feedback and Monitoring Systems Ticketing Systems Leadership and Vision for accessibility Good Practice Guide to be published in May 2010 OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 11

End User Platform The End User Platform (EUP) represents organization of people with reduced End User Platform The End User Platform (EUP) represents organization of people with reduced mobility, i. e. people with disabilities, older people and other relevant user groups facing barriers in using public transports. Established by AGE – The European Older People’s Platform, the EUP is now composed by 11 end-users organizations (the approved size is of 10 organizations); it guarantees that the point of view of persons with mobility limitations is taken into account both in relation to the project activities (mainly European Indicators and Self-assessment tool) and to the effective accessibility of information and outcomes throughout the project life-span; moreover the EUP supports the internal dissemination and exploitation of information. The Platform intends to be active also after MEDIATE, in order to become a relevant group of stakeholders at European level; the participation to EU calls for proposal and the submission of papers for workshops and conferences are thereforeseen OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 12

The established End User Platform 1 ORGANIZATION AGE – The European Platform of Older The established End User Platform 1 ORGANIZATION AGE – The European Platform of Older People COUNTRY EU-BE 2 COFACE: Martin Schmalzried Confederation of Family Organizations in the European Union EU-BE 3 ECA - European Concept for Accessibility: Fabienne Feller EU - LU 4 EDF - European Disability Forum: Maria Nyman EU - BE 5 ENIL – European Network on Independent Living: Antonio Centeno EU-ES 6 EUB - European Union of the Blind: Jill Allen-King 7 EUD -European Union of the Deaf: Mark Wheatley In cooperation with Filip Verstraete from FEVLADO EU - UK EU -BE 8 Guide Dogs for the Blind Association: Carol Thomas/Gail Stewardson UK 9 National Pensioner’s Convention: Peter Rayner UK 10 UCP - Mouvement Social des Ainés Aisbl: André Demarque BE 11 Inclusion Europe: Soufiane El Amrani and Catherine Linerte The European Association of Societies of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities EU-BE 13

Public transport accessibility portal Data collection Modules Permanent End User Platform Questionnaire Self-assessment tool Public transport accessibility portal Data collection Modules Permanent End User Platform Questionnaire Self-assessment tool Indicators Good practice guide Levels of development Validation of tool at 2 -3 sites Stakeholder involvement Mediate stakeholder: Experts, End User Platform, Working Group (of local authorities) 14

Project Timeline Project Kick-off – Dec. 2008 1 st Working Group Meeting – Mar. Project Timeline Project Kick-off – Dec. 2008 1 st Working Group Meeting – Mar. 2009 2 nd Working Group meeting – Sep. 2009 Final set of Indicators – Nov. 2009 3 rd Working Group Meeting – Mar. 2010 Delivery of Self-assessment Tool – May 2010 Good Practice Guide – May 2010 Local Workshops – Sep. 2010 Final Conference – Nov. 2010 OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 15

Mediate and OASIS Matching the improvement of accessibility in public transport in Europe with Mediate and OASIS Matching the improvement of accessibility in public transport in Europe with assistance to older drivers and travelers: Analysis of the demand of mobility services in OASIS could be linked to the analysis on indicators in MEDIATE OASIS support services, vehicle demonstrations and route guidance could receive some feedbacks from the MEDIATE stakeholders and viceversa OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 www. mediate-project. eu 16

Thank you for your attention! More information. . . on Mediate? www. mediate-project. eu Thank you for your attention! More information. . . on Mediate? www. mediate-project. eu on accessibility in public transport? www. aptie. eu (www. accessiblepublictransportineurope. eu) isabel. borges@age-platform. org ilenia. gheno@age-platform. org Kusuto. naito@age-platform. org OASIS International Conference– Florence November 5 th 2009 17