- Количество слайдов: 31
The Life of Steve Jobs Nick Adams Matthew Radke Stacey Mc. Millin
Young Steven Jobs n Born on February 24 th, 1955 in San Francisco, California n Put up for adoption a week after birth n Adoption was finalized under the condition that Steven would attend college
Education n Skipped 5 th grade Took his first electronics class in high school n n After school, attended lectures at the Hewlett. Packard company where he met Steve Wonzniak during work
Education (Cont. ) n Graduated high school in 1972 n Enrolled in Reed College in Oregon n Dropped out after one semester n Slept on his friends dorm room floor and dropped in on classes of interest
The Beginning of A Career n Returned to California in 1974 and was hired as a technician for Atari Attended meetings at Wozniak’s “Homebrew Computer Club” n n Steve convinced Wozniak to work with him in building computers
Apple n Born on April 1 st, 1976 n Apple I designed and prototype built n First single board computer with built-in video interface
Apple (Cont. ) n Apple II designed in the following year n Operating System loaded automatically Smaller Components & built-in circuitry n In 1976, Jobs looked to hire a public relations agency to help advertise n
Smooth Sailing n Most investors turned Apple down n Retired Intel executive Mike Markkula decided to invest Markkula became chairman of Apple in May 1977 n
Smooth Sailing (Cont. ) n Became publicly traded company in 1980 n Launched LISA in 1983 First commercial computer to use GUI n n Unpopular due to its few software programs and high price
Smooth Sailing (Cont. ) n Macintosh created to compete with PC n Marketed for friendliness, not just a mindless machine n Very popular – sold approximately 70, 000 Macs in the first 100 days
The Downfall n Sales began to plunge n Wozniak quit Apple in 1985 n Board members of Apple met on May 28 th, 1985 and each voted on the removal of Steve from the company
Still Looking Up n After taking time off, Jobs wanted to get back to Apple and his love for computers Decided to start his own company n n Founded Ne. XT Computer in 1989
Still Looking Up (Cont. ) n Ne. XT turned a profit for the first time in 1992 n Ne. XT software needed to be made more reliable and compatible for consumers n Company slowly starts going downhill
Still Looking Up (Cont. ) n Jobs was criticized for wasting money that belonged to the company in 1993 n Closed a Ne. XT factory in that February n Laid off half of the employees and stopped making computers
Still Looking Up (Cont. ) n Jobs had to make drastic decisions n Microsoft purchased Ne. XT software n Microsoft came up with $150 million to stake in Apple n Saved a dying company.
Still Looking Up (Cont. ) n Jobs management style had drastically changed n Relaxed and was open to suggestions n Employees commented that Jobs made experimenting with electronics fun
Still Looking Up (Cont. ) n Jobs began looking into alternatives to Object Linking and Embedding n Created Open. Doc n Jobs was very serious about this
Still Looking Up (Cont. ) n Ne. XT STEP software was being turned into Mac OS X n Under Jobs’ guidance the company increased sales n Introduced the i. Mac and other new products
Still Looking Up (Cont. ) n Jobs held the title of ICEO n Very influential impact on the Apple company n By the year 2000, he created even greater advances in new technology
The New Beginning n In early 2000, Pixar leads animated film industry Later that month, Jobs announced his return to the CEO position n n Insisted on keeping his $1 annual salary
The New Beginning (Cont. ) n Although his salary was low, the company granted him ten million shares of Apple stock worth hundreds of millions
The New Beginning (Cont. ) n First project as CEO was the G 4 Cube Was too expensive and didn’t satisfy a certain market n Lasted only twelve months in Apple’s line-up n
The New Beginning (Cont. ) n The next step for Steve was his newest operating system, Mac OS X n The future of Apple
The New Beginning (Cont. ) n Apple wanted software to sync up digital devices n Was turned down by most companies n Jobs took matters into his own hands and created i. Life suite.
The New Beginning (Cont. ) n In 2001, Jobs opened Apple retail stores so customers could: 1. 2. 3. n Try out computers Test software Meet with salespeople This was a large risk but he knew that people would want to buy them
Portable Audio Revolution n Less than a year after i. Tunes was released, Apple released the i. Pod n Originally only for Mac users In July 2002, the new i. Pod was available for Windows users as well n n Sales skyrocketed and 75% of MP 3 players are i. Pods
Portable Audio Revolution (Cont. ) n In eight weeks, five million songs were sold on i. Tunes n Took over 80% of the legal music downloading market
More Successful Changes n June 6 th, 2005, Jobs announced switch from Power. PC chips to Intel chips. This would conserve energy on Power. Book and i. Book n
More Successful Changes (Cont. ) n October 2005, 5 th generation of i. Pod was introduced Could play music videos and TV shows n Jobs announced the opening of the i. Tunes video store n
Pixar n Pixar was Jobs’ second company Swept the box office with its animated films n On January 24 th, 2006, Disney bought out Pixar for $7. 4 billion n
Conclusion n Despite a recent scare with pancreatic cancer, Jobs is back in health and doing just fine Jobs is an influential man who learned from his failures and gained maturity from them n n True role model