English - Legislative branch of Australia2.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 9
THE PARLIAMENT The legislative branch of power is represented by the parliament in Australia. The Parliament of Australia consists of the Queen, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. The Queen is usually represented by the Governor-General.
THE SENATE The upper house, the Senate, consists of 76 members: twelve for each state, and two for each mainland territory. Senators are elected using a form of proportional voting and serve the 6 -year term with half the Senate contested at each election.
THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The lower house, the Australian House of Representatives has 150 members, each elected for a 3 -year term to represent a single-seat constituency (electoral district). Voting within these constituencies takes place using a system of alternative voting known as full preferential voting.
ALTERNATIVE VOTING SYSTEM - Voters rank candidates in order of preference, and their ballots are counted as one vote for their first choice candidate. - If a candidate secures a majority of votes cast, that candidate wins. Otherwise, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated. - A new round of counting takes place, with each ballot counted as one vote for the advancing candidate who is ranked highest on that ballot. - This process continues until the winning candidate receives a majority of the vote against the remaining candidates
FUNCTIONS OF THE PARLIAMENT The Parliament can discuss urgency motions or matters of public importance, though the principal function of it is to pass laws, or legislation.
BILLS Any Senator or Member may introduce a bill, but a money bill must be introduced in the House of Representatives only.
POWERS OF THE TWO HOUSES The Senate has the same legislative powers as the House, except that it may not amend money bills, only pass or reject them. Both Houses have an extensive system of committees in which draft bills are debated, evidence is taken and public servants are questioned. There also joint committees, composed of members from both Houses.
English - Legislative branch of Australia2.pptx