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The Late Roman Empire, and the Papacy The Late Roman Empire, and the Papacy

Late Roman Empire, Papacy l How can we compare/contrast political and temporal circumstances in Late Roman Empire, Papacy l How can we compare/contrast political and temporal circumstances in east and west? l Spiritual?

The Later Roman Empire The Roman Empire The Later Roman Empire The Roman Empire

The Late Roman Empire n Romulus Augustulus (r. 475 -76) The Latin West (5 The Late Roman Empire n Romulus Augustulus (r. 475 -76) The Latin West (5 th century) – Romans ruled fragments – Barbarians! – The Huns – Roman rule ended 476

The Late Roman Empire The Germanic Kingdoms (ca. 530) The Late Roman Empire The Germanic Kingdoms (ca. 530)

The Late Roman Empire n The Greek East – Survived Byzantine Empire – Hellenistic The Late Roman Empire n The Greek East – Survived Byzantine Empire – Hellenistic culture – Capital: Constantinople – Four patriarchs Constantine and Constantinople

The Late Roman Empire The Late Roman Empire

The Late Roman Empire n Emperor Justinian I (r. 527 -565) – Autocrat – The Late Roman Empire n Emperor Justinian I (r. 527 -565) – Autocrat – Well-versed in theology – Accomplishments § Code of Justinian § Reconquest of much of Latin West § Hagia Sophia

The Late Roman Empire n Empress Theodora (ca. 500 -548) – Of low birth, The Late Roman Empire n Empress Theodora (ca. 500 -548) – Of low birth, had “reputation” – “Partner in our counsels” – Champion of women

The Late Roman Empire The Late Roman Empire

The Late Roman Empire Hagia Sophia (532 -37), exterior The Late Roman Empire Hagia Sophia (532 -37), exterior

The Late Roman Empire Hagia Sophia, floor plan The Late Roman Empire Hagia Sophia, floor plan

The Late Roman Empire Hagia Sophia, interior The Late Roman Empire Hagia Sophia, interior

The Late Roman Empire Graffiti in Hagia Sophia? ! The Late Roman Empire Graffiti in Hagia Sophia? !

The Late Roman Empire The Basilica Cistern, Istanbul The Late Roman Empire The Basilica Cistern, Istanbul

The Late Roman Empire The Late Roman Empire

The Late Roman Empire n Justinian’s Religious Policies – Functioned as head of the The Late Roman Empire n Justinian’s Religious Policies – Functioned as head of the Church – Goal: empire of orthodox Christians – Measures taken against… § Judaism § Heretics § Paganism

The Late Roman Empire The Late Roman Empire

The Late Roman Empire The Late Roman Empire

The Late Roman Empire n Questions? The Late Roman Empire n Questions?

The Papacy n The Papacy – Office of bishop of Rome – Patriarch of The Papacy n The Papacy – Office of bishop of Rome – Patriarch of Latin West – Successor of St. Peter

The Papacy n Foundational Text – “And I say to you that you are The Papacy n Foundational Text – “And I say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16: 18 -19)

The Papacy n Steps toward Papal Supremacy – Had faced competition in east and The Papacy n Steps toward Papal Supremacy – Had faced competition in east and west – Called “Apostolic See” – Supreme spiritual authority in west (455)

The Papacy n Pope Leo I (r. 440 -461) – Literary remains: letters, sermons The Papacy n Pope Leo I (r. 440 -461) – Literary remains: letters, sermons – Papal theory § Peter: “prince of the apostles” § Pope: representative of Peter (“cuius vice fungimur”) § St. Peter writes, speaks through pope – Intervened in eastern affairs

The Papacy Alessandro Algardi, The Meeting between Leo the Great and Attila, St. Peter’s The Papacy Alessandro Algardi, The Meeting between Leo the Great and Attila, St. Peter’s Basilica

The Papacy The Papacy

The Papacy n Pope Gregory I (r. 590 -604) – Prefect of Rome first The Papacy n Pope Gregory I (r. 590 -604) – Prefect of Rome first monk-pope – “Servant of the servants of God” – Pastoral Rule

The Papacy n Gregory and the West – Monitored affairs of Latin Church – The Papacy n Gregory and the West – Monitored affairs of Latin Church – Western rulers: “our sons” – Administered Patrimony of St. Peter

The Papacy n Gregory and the East – Loyal subject of emperor – Cordial The Papacy n Gregory and the East – Loyal subject of emperor – Cordial with patriarchs – Offended by title “ecumenical patriarch”

The Papacy n Gregory’s Temporal Authority – – – City provisions Magister militum Organized The Papacy n Gregory’s Temporal Authority – – – City provisions Magister militum Organized defenses in Rome, elsewhere – Negotiated peaces, ransomed captives

The Papacy Tomb of Gregory the Great, St. Peter’s Basilica The Papacy Tomb of Gregory the Great, St. Peter’s Basilica

The Papacy S. Gregorio Magno al Celio, Rome The Papacy S. Gregorio Magno al Celio, Rome

The Papacy Gregory’s cathedra, S. Gregorio Magno Gregory’s cell, S. Gregorio Magno The Papacy Gregory’s cathedra, S. Gregorio Magno Gregory’s cell, S. Gregorio Magno

The Papacy Gregory’s Table, Gardens of Santa Barbara, S. Gregorio Magno The Papacy Gregory’s Table, Gardens of Santa Barbara, S. Gregorio Magno

The Papacy S. Gregorio della Divina Pietà, Rome Gregory serving at his table The Papacy S. Gregorio della Divina Pietà, Rome Gregory serving at his table

The Papacy n Questions? The Papacy n Questions?

Late Roman Empire, Papacy l How can we compare/contrast political and temporal circumstances in Late Roman Empire, Papacy l How can we compare/contrast political and temporal circumstances in east and west? l Spiritual?