The last tea By Dorothy Parker
Summary of the text • This story is about the young man and the girl met somewhere at the café for a cup of tea. He told her about another woman whom he was delighted by. While he was telling about that woman, the girl heard him out with patience and even with some positive commentaries. At the end of their conversation he suggested to pay the check and put her on a bus. Instead she refused and said with the irony that he wanted to call up his friend. And he without any suspicion said goodbye to her and gave her the best wishes.
Theme of the text • Speaking about theme of the story I’d like to pin down the relationships between a man and a woman who met for the last time. • And it’s expressed implicitly because it gives us insight into people and how they think and feel, and enlarges our understanding.
Idea of the text • As for the idea, it is the no mutual love as the result of not having much in common, misunderstanding between the main characters.
Type of the story • Type of the story is a psychological story is concerned with the emotional state of characters.
Method of characterization • Method of characterization is indirect because the author does not say directly that the girl is lonely but let her act and leaves the reader draw his own conclusion.
Characters • The characters are round because they are really true to life. There is no fantastic events but only realistic ones.
Setting of the text • The text is scenic because the events set in a cafe where a man and a woman are keeping a date they made the night before at a party.
Conflict • The conflict of the text is internal because
Mood of narration • The mood of the story is pathetic.
Symbol of the text • Symbol of the text is the artificial camellia which means that the girl is artificial too.
Title of the text • The author named the story “The last tea” because