The largest territory in the world - Russia is the largest country in both Europe and Asia. The size is 17 124 442 km 2. The area of Poland is 312 679 km 2.
In Russia the greatest number of time zones If we consider the whole territory of France, including marine tenure, this country covers the maximum number of time zones – 12. United States (USA) are in second place with 11 zones, Russia, covering 9 zones, located at the 3 spot. Poland has 1 time zone
In Russia the majority of lakes in the world The largest number of lakes located in Canada. On the territory of this country are 60% of all lakes in the world. However, in Russia lake Baikal in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, the deepest lake on the planet, 1/5 of the world's freshwater. Average depth: 744 m, L Size: 31 722 km 2. Śniardwy, the largest lake in Poland. The area of 113. 8 km 2, max depth of 23 m.
In Russia the greatest number of nationalities In Russia, there are 146 million inhabitants 190 nationalities, Russians account for about 80%. Modern Poland is one of the most homogenous countries in the world. 38. 5 million inhabitants. Of them 96, 74% consider themselves ethnic poles.
In Poland education is better than in Russia Poland in 14 th place , while Russia 20 th place in the global ranking of education systems. Basic criteria - the test results, the social status of students and teachers, the culture of education. Tops the rankings Finland. In Russia the number of students enrolled in programs of higher professional education of the 5. 5 million people in 2015. 90 thousand foreign students. On the number of foreign students in Russia is still in eighth place in the world. The higher education system combines 607 state and 358 non-state universities. In Poland there are 131 state and 326 non-state, 2 million students
Russians don't prefer a healthy lifestyle 2% of Russians are vegetarians, 29% of the adult population is involved in sports and dance, 65% regularly visit the sauna, 40% prefer active rest: walking , сycling, automobile, ski, horse, motorcycle tours and rafting, volunteer projects, participation in historical balls and reconstructions
Name of Russian scientists and writers. athletes, politicians, whom you know