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The Knesset Research & Information Center State of Israel The 21 st Conference on The Knesset Research & Information Center State of Israel The 21 st Conference on Library and Research Services for Parliaments & The 71 st IFLA Conference, Oslo, 2005 Dr. Jacob Warshavsky Director of the Knesset Research & Information Center August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-1

What is the role of the Research & Information Services in the Parliamentary Processes? What is the role of the Research & Information Services in the Parliamentary Processes? August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-2

To provide service to the parliament To be the first resource the parliamentarians consult To provide service to the parliament To be the first resource the parliamentarians consult with when in need for R&I To improve legislative decision making To provide expertise on legislation To strengthen Democracy To see what everyone sees, To analyze and understand what no one understood before August 2005 The Added Value The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-3

Frame of Reference The Knesset The RIC The Conceptual Model Analytical Analysis Empirical Research Frame of Reference The Knesset The RIC The Conceptual Model Analytical Analysis Empirical Research Attitude Measurement Illustration of Findings Mapping Procedures Data Analysis Survey August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-4

Single Chamber 120 Members (MKs’) 13 Parliamentary Groups (16 th Knesset) 12 Permanent committees Single Chamber 120 Members (MKs’) 13 Parliamentary Groups (16 th Knesset) 12 Permanent committees (Constitution, Economics, Foreign Affairs & Defense, Finance…) 5 Ad-Hoc committees 30+ MKs - Ministers & Deputies Unique characteristic – “Intensive Legislator” Ann. average of laws passed ~100 Ann. average of bills presented ~ 1000 Ann. average of bills presented by MKs’ ~ 844 August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-5

Director Secretary Help Desk Standards Technology Department Information Department Research Department Logistic Coordinator Team Director Secretary Help Desk Standards Technology Department Information Department Research Department Logistic Coordinator Team Leaders Economics & Finance Department Desk Heads Committees Law Social Committees Comparative Economics Annual # of research papers (2002 -2005) ~ 500 Total: 35 -40 Researchers (Economists, Social Sc. , Lawyers, Interdisciplinary, part time jobs, Av Age 30+ …) August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-6

“There are three ways to advance knowledge, The first two being the two forms “There are three ways to advance knowledge, The first two being the two forms of logic, induction and deduction. The third is the search for a significant structure. ” Bertrand Russell, My Philosophical Development, 1959. August 2005 The purpose of the presentation is to identify and structure the operative strategic goals of Research and Information organizations within Parliamentary Processes. Research & Information Center The Knesset JW-7

Analytical Analysis - a rationalistic mode that focuses on the laws, rules and processes Analytical Analysis - a rationalistic mode that focuses on the laws, rules and processes that underlie parliamentary work in order to identify the relevant research services that should be embedded in the parliamentary processes. The Scope of Services Empirical Analysis - a study that transforms the requests of MPs and parliamentary committees into generalizations regarding the usage of R&I services. Normative Approach Facts & Figures Information Briefings Analysis Applied Research Presentations What ought to be? What should be done? How should be delivered? Positive Approach What is? When it is? Where? Whether the service is relevant? Attitude Measurement n tio sla i Leg n isio v per f Su o ent m ern v Go e of t s eba Issue D c li ub P & es res l Ru du e roc P Attitude Measurement - a survey that examines MPs’ opinions and perceptions regarding the services provided by a research and information department August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-8

Government bill Committee bill Private bill The Speaker & Deputies Preliminary Reading Deliberation in Government bill Committee bill Private bill The Speaker & Deputies Preliminary Reading Deliberation in Committee 1 st Reading Preparation in Committee 2 nd Reading 3 rd Reading Approval of Law August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-9

Preparation of the bill by the MK, with assistance from the Legal Department Approval Preparation of the bill by the MK, with assistance from the Legal Department Approval by the Knesset Presidium Tabling of the Bill 45 days for Deliberation in a Knesset committee Publication of bill in Official Gazette Preliminary Reading First Reading for Continuation of deliberation in committee, with reservations for Third Reading for Voting on the entire bill including reservations already accepted against (6 months) Second Reading Voting on reservations, if any, and on individual articles of the bill against (6 months) against Publication of the law in the Official Gazette and the Law Book August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-10

Approval of laws presented by the Government Demanding Information from the Government (Plenum & Approval of laws presented by the Government Demanding Information from the Government (Plenum & Committees) Presentation and Deliberations in the State Control Committee August 2005 Public debates on matters of state The Knesset Research & Information (Plenum & Committees) Center JW-11

Analysis of requests for R. I. C Services according to functions of the legislative Analysis of requests for R. I. C Services according to functions of the legislative branch Requests from MK's Requests from committees Legislation -21% Legislation - 55% Internal – 1% Personal – 4% Supervisor y – 65% Supervisor y - 35% Public agenda – 6% Public agenda – 13% August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-12

Analysis of requests for R. I. C Services according to type of document requested Analysis of requests for R. I. C Services according to type of document requested Requests from MK's Comparative Analysis (Legislation) 27% Comparative (General) 6% August 2005 Data / Information (Israel) 38% Presentation of issue 13% Economic Analysis 16% Requests from committees Comparative Analysis (Legislation) Comparative 10% (General) 6% Data / Information (Israel) 7% Economic Analysis 1% Presentation of issue 76% The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-13

Type of information you are interested in receiving from R. I. C 4. 5 Type of information you are interested in receiving from R. I. C 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 1. 5 1 0. 5 0 Raw information August 2005 data only presentation of issue positions on the issue international comparison Critical Recommendations analysis for action The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-14

*On a scale of 1 -10 10 53% Reliability of Information* 9 33% Scope *On a scale of 1 -10 10 53% Reliability of Information* 9 33% Scope of Information* 10 24% >7 14% August 2005 >5 5% 8 14% 9 29% 8 33% 10 24% Quality of Information* Timeline ss* 9 33% 8 38% 10 24% >7 14% The Knesset Research & Information Center 9 38% 8 24% JW-15


The Knesset Research & Information Center State of Israel Dr. Jacob Warshavsky jacobw@knesset. gov. The Knesset Research & Information Center State of Israel Dr. Jacob Warshavsky jacobw@knesset. gov. il August 2005 The Knesset Research & Information Center JW-17