- Количество слайдов: 9
The Khabarovsk Krai is located in the center of the Russian Far East. Land, marine and air routes pass through its territory connecting the interior parts of the country with the Pacific ports, as well as the CIS and Western Europe countries with the Asian Pacific Rim coun tries. The Khabarovsk Krai is one of the largest administrative territo rial units in the Russian Federa tion. Its area equals 788. 6 sq. km which makes up 4. 5% of the Rus sian territory and 1 2. 7% of the Rus sian Far Eastern economic region. The territory stretches for 1 800 kilo meters from the North to the South, the maximum width from the West to the East is 750 km, the minimum, 125 km.
The Khabarovsk Krai includes 17 districts and 7 towns. The cities of Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur administratively are not within any of the districts and are the cities of the Krai subordination.
Executive power in the Krai is executed by the Krai Administration. The Krai Administration consists of the Head of the Krai Administration (the Governor), Deputy Heads of the Krai Administration, Boards, Departments, Committees, etc. The Head of the Krai Administration (the Governor) is elected by the Krai's population. At present time, for the reform period, the Head of the Krai Administration was ap pointed by the President of Russia.
The Head of the Krai Administration determines the main directions of the Krai Administration's activities and organizes its work on the basis of, and in order to execute the Con stitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws, Orders of the President of Russia, Decisions of the Govern ment of Russia and Krai Laws. The Head of the Krai Administration represents the Krai’s interests in the Federal Power Bodies and also in relations with other subjects (ad ministrative and territorial units) of the Russian Federation and with foreign states and signs agreements with them.
The Legislative (Representative) Power in the Krai is implemented by the Khabarovsk Krai Duma. The Krai Duma is elected by the Krai's population on the basis of a majority system. The Krai Duma implements the legislative regulation on the subjects referred to the juris diction of the Krai and, within its au thority, on the subjects referred to the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Fed eration and the Krai. The Krai Duma is authorized to address the State Duma of the Russian Federation with legislative initiative.
Local self administration in the cities and towns, settlements and vil lages is implemented through elected representative bodies of lo cal self administration (City Dumas Assembly of Representatives) through Heads of local self administration. The elected representative bodies of the local self administration confirm the local budget decree local taxes and payments adopt their own Charters and fulfill the control over the activity of the Head of the local self administration. The Head of the local self admin istration controls the municipal economy, works out the local bud get and fulfills the executive and or dering functions.
Используемые ресурсы: Дальневосточный Федеральный округ. Здесь все богатства собрались. Хабаровск, Издательский дом «Приамурские ведомости» , 2004 www. adm. khv. ru