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THE KAZAKH UNIVERSITY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND WORLD LANGUAGES NAMED AFTER ABYLAI KHAN PROJECT WORK Theme: “Typical pronunciation mistakes of the pupils, their types. Ways of correction and preventing them. ” Done by : Aimanbet T. ; Tymbaeva Zh. Checked by: Zhussupbekov A. Almaty 2016
Plan: Introduction Main body Worst pronunciation mistakes pupils make around the world How to fix it? ! The Simple System That Can Help Your Students Achieve Perfect Pronunciation 1. 2. 3. Conclusion References
Introduction Proper English pronunciation can be a big problem for some pupils and more difficult for some students than for others. A student’s native language determines, for the most part, the degree of difficulty and the types of difficulties students will have. But despite on the differences, between countries, there are certain mistakes that are the most common among pupils all over the world. =>Here, you’ll see not only what they are, but also how to help your students overcome them.
Questionnarie. . . 1) Do you speak in English? 2) Do you have difficulties and mistakes in english pronunciation? 3) What do you think, in english pronunciaton, are the mistakes connect with english so 4) What do you to prevent English pronunciaton mistakes? 5) Is it topic interest for you? Results.
Common Mistakes in English Pronunciation Poor Grasp of Phonics Misunderstanding of Words and Phrases Unusual Spellings FE: German ( handkerchief), French (Journalist) etc. Confusing Letter Sounds and Combinations FE: Live-leave, sitseat, fit-feet etc.
7 Worst Pronunciation Mistakes Pupils and Students Make Around the World
Pronouncing the “th” The “th” can be pronounced in three different ways: as a “d” (/ð; as the voiceless /θ; or as a /t/. How to fix it: Go over the difference between the three types of pronunciation. .
The “r” and “l” sounds are the stereotypical mistake students make How to fix it: Show them and contrast the position of the tongue and teeth.
Pronouncing the Schwa The schwa ([ə]) is a sound that is typical in unstressed syllables How to fix it: Introduce the schwa to students and give them plenty of examples.
Pronouncing the Short “i” How to fix it The short “i” or [i] usually poses a problem as students may be inclined to pronounce them as leave, seat, feet, or heat. : Give them plenty of practice with these confusing word pairs: live-leave; sit-seat; fitfeet, hit-heat, etc
Confusing the “w” and the “v” How to fix it: This is a typical pronunciation problem in some European nations. show them how to round their mouths into an “o” and then unround them to produce the right sound, like this.
Pronouncing the Magic “e” Some students may have a hard time noticing the difference between words like not and note or bit and bite. How to fix it: by practicing word pairs. .
Pronouncing Silent Consonants Pupils sometimes tend to pronounce consonants that are silent, like the “d” in Wednesday or the “g” in foreign. How to fix it: writing down the word on the board and crossing the silent letter out.
Conclusion l l l l As you can see, we have shown typical pronunciation mistakes of th and students. There a lot of typical pronunciaton mistakes, which connects with a student's native language. Despite on them, we tryed to explain mistakes of pronunciation and ways of correction and how to prevent them. If we follow these tipps, we will solve, prevent, overcome together it
References (A theoretical course of English phonetics) S. F. Leontyeva. 1980 https: //my. survio. com/P 9 R 2 U 2 M 2 C 9 M 5 B 6 Y 9 G 6 X 7 /data/index? lang=ru