The Kazakh Khanate in the XV-XVIII centuries.pptx
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The Kazakh Khanate in the XV-XVIII centuries 1. Policy of Kazakh khans in XV-XVI centuries. 2. Policy of Kazakh khans in XVII- beg. XVIII centuries.
Literature • M. Abuseitova Kazakhskoye khanstvo vo vtoroy polovine XVI veka Almaty. 1985 • Masanov N. , Abylkhozhin ZH. , M. Abuseitova Istoriya Kazakhstana i Tsentralʹnoy Azii. Author, Meruyert Khuatovna Abuseitova. Almaty 2001
Vocabulary • • Eulogize- превозносить, восхвалять Reconcile – мирить, примирять, согласовать Concurrence – стечение обстоятельств Infringement – нарушение, несоблюдение
Policy of Kassym - khan • Kassym - khan takes an outstanding place in the history of Kazakhstan. Kassym entered khan throne in 1510 i. e. and inherited shattered full of different tribes, which hadn’t developed uniform government.
He was Khan ten years (1510 — 1521), but he began to rule much earlier before geting khan title. He was second khan, alongside with Burunduk khan, i. e. in result more than his 50 years state activity, including in a role of the sultan — headed the most part of the khanate.
• Kassym — sultan was the third son of one of the founders of the Kazakh khanate Janybekkhan who ruled with Kerei-khan was more senior than Janybek khan on genealogy, age and on the number of uluses. The principle of seniority in system of authority chinghizids was strong. After death of Kerei-khan, the authority has passed to his son Burunduk.
Kazakh khanate in last quarter of the XV century and the first quarter of the XVI century — during Burunduk-khan and Kassym-sultan, and in particular when last became autocratic khan, unifying process of the Kazakh land, growth of the nomadic tribes and nomadic territories had started.
Foreign policy of Kasim khan • All medieval history of peoples of the Central Asia and its early stages are full of continuous campaigns and the wars connected with the occurrence and falling of big and small states and sovereign formations fierce struggle for authority between numerous chinghizids. In this struggle the establishment of the control by the richest regions of Syr-Darya, Mavarannahr, cities of Turkestan, Tashkent, Bukhara and Samarkand were considered as priority.
• Activity of Kassym-khan can be estimated through conditions of developing with neighboring states, the contradictions of developing inside these states and between them, and moods of people, clanic-tribal groups in them, their attitude to Kazakh khanate, personally to his policy. He tried to exploit them in interests of expansion of territorial borders of khanate. • In the beginning of the XVI century in peaceful way he has advanced borders of Kazakh khanate up to Turkestan and to its nearby regions up to the southern city of Sairam, on Jetisu. In 1514 Turkestan became part of Kazakh khanate. Further Kassym-khan planned to seize Tashkent.
• Kazakh khanate bordered in the west with Nogai horde, established the control over the city Saraishyk in Jaiyk (Ural), which was the political and economic center of Nogai hordes. Kassym-khan develpoped peaceful relations with Nogai horde.
Internal policy of Kasim Khan • The Kazakh khanate divided on three juzes — on «Kishi juz» — Little jus, «Orta juz» — «Middle jus» and «Uly juz» — «Geat juz. Division of the country into three parts — on three zones existed at Chinghiz khan and chighizuds. Possession shared on the right wing, on the left wing and the center. It was military and administrative division into districts.
• Kassym-khan following old tradition divided this steppe into three parts, to each of them has given the Kazakh name «juz» , that meant «party» , conformable on sense with the «wing» accepted in recent times. « Juz» answered and more corresponded to a peace way of life of the population whereas «wing» management has been adapted more to a camp life a wartime.
• The logic and the contents of laws of the Kassym - khan «Kassym khannyng kaska joly» ( «Kassym khan's code» ) reflected his internal policy. • Kassym-khan supported the policy on the part of patrimonial leaders and elders, the authority whose influence was strong in tribal divisions. He created «council» which was regularly assembled by khan. Representatives of the authorities of nomadic communities on the behalf of clan rulers, biys and forefathers participated in it.
Takhir khan (1523– 33) • after the death of Khasim Khan in 1518 the Kazakh khanate wasn’t stable centralized state because struggle for power began among the khans and sultans. Mamash (Muhammad Husayn), the son and heir of Khasim, was killed, and Takhir became khan (1523– 33). But he couldn’t keeping Kazakh tribes together. His horde of 400, 000 people suddenly deserted him. He had to seek the assistance of the Kyrgyz of Moghulistan, among whom he died.
Khaknazar khan (1538– 80). • But a revival of Kazakh power seems thereafter to have taken place under Khasim khan’s son, Khaknazar khan (1538– 80). • Exploiting internal strife within the Noghai Horde, Khaknazar annexed the territory along the left bank of the River Yaik.
Tevekkel khan (1582– 98). • The aged Shighay Khan (1580– 2), a grandson of Janibek, succeeded Khaknazar, and the next khan was his son, Tevekkel (1582– 98). • Tevekkel khan succeeded gradually in consolidating his authority in the khanate. He sent an embassy to Tsar Feodor in 1594 seeking support against the Uzbek ruler Cabdullah Khan (1557– 98) and the Siberian khan Küchüm. • The Russian documents refer to him as the ‘Kazakh and Kalmuk khan’, which suggests that he also had some Kalmuks as his subjects or chiefs. This might have been the result of an earlier conflict with the Kalmuks in which Tevekkel had carried out a raid into Kalmuk (Oirat) territory, which had in return brought upon the Kazakhs ‘a devastating irruption of the infidels’.
• Just before Abdullah Khan’s death in 1598, Tevvekel launched an invasion of the Maveranahr and defeated at a place between Tashkent and Samarkand. In 1598, after Abdullah Khan’s death, Tevvekkel seized ‘Aksi, Andijan, Tashkent and Samarkand’. His army numberd 70– 80, 000 people. Tevvekel’s conquests were soon retaken by the Uzbeks, but Tashkent and Turkestan remained with the Kazakhs until 1723.
Esym - khan (1598 — 1628) • Essym - sultan who was born at the end of 50 th at the beginning of 60 th years of the XVI century was the son of Shigai - khan. • Essym - khan has ascended on khan throne in heavy struggle against contenders, and in conditions of weakening and disintegration of once powerful state. During this time khan in Kazakh khanate carrying out an aggressive policy in relation to (Zhungar state. Russian state, etc. ). • Essym-khan showed his talent as the organizer, the reformer of low and as the commander.
Essym-khan Essym - khan has used desperate attempt in preservation of integrity of the Kazakh state. The most successful was his activity in the field of the device and self - determination of nomadic tribes, in preservation behind them and the traditional orders of departure of management and authorities of that time which was sanctioned and partly reformed by Kassym - khan. • Essym-khan developed Kasim khan’s low and was named «Essym khannyng eski joli» can be translated as «The codes of Essym - khan» . It was the collection of the basic legal establishments and political activity of Essym - khan.
Essym-khan wanted to be similar to Kassym khan and to follow his policy in strenthening of nomadic culture in Kazakh state. Affairs, orders and innovations of Essym-khan in these directions have found support and approval from masses of nomads. They were transferred from one generation in another and fixed as provisional public model under the name «Essym khannyng eski joly» — «The code of Essym - khan» .
Internal policy of Esim khan • In internal policy he attached great importance to definition of nomadic territories and places of winter pastures, strengthening of judicial authority of biy, public and social institutes of nomadic communities and their unions providing their unity and the responsibility for the members.
• Essym - khan continued tradition of Kassym khan and from time to time collected biys and ancestors of large nomadic tribes, consulted with them, listened to their advice and requirements. • Kazakhs have called him «Uncommon height Essym - bogatyr» . Orientalists who have described the event of these years, draw Essymkhan as brave and resolute in battles, at the same time simple, ordinary and soft in relations with nomads and their nobilities.
Khan's foreign policy • Essym - khan had to combat and war on next fronts: a) for the influence and even, within incidental increase of an external role, for prevalence in Maverannahr — in a rich valley of Syr - Darya with cities Sauram, Syganak, Samarkand, Tashkent, in the most part taking place under the control of Uzbek khanate (Shibanids); b) for the organization of repulse of the external aggression, trying to grasp lands of Kazakh khanate; c) with powerful internal opposition of chinghizids.
• In spite of the fact Essym - khan has been declared by the Supreme governor of the Kazakh khanate, the head of army and the governor of Tashkent was Tursun- sultan declared himself as the sovereign owner of city region and de facto the second khan in Kazakhstan. He led to open struggle for elimination of Essym-khan. After a number of mutual battles he managed to get the best and Essym khan was during 12 years in exile.
• In new war between them Essym - khan conducted at mass support and on an appeal of the nomadic unions, the Tursun - sultan was overthrew and since 1623 the control over all territory Kazakh khanate has again passed to Essym - khan. Tursun - sultan living in Turkestan as «forgiven» in 1626 again planned in the insidious way to take hold the khan throne but has been killed by the supporters, passed to the side of Essym - khan
• When the throne passed in 1680 to Tauke (or Tauka) Khan (1680– 1718), he took up the cudgels against the old nobility, and brought in new nobles, bıs or begs (lords), of his own, to play a major role in the khan’s councils.