- Количество слайдов: 10
The Job Search Process
Career Center Services S Initial Intake S Resume/Cover Letter Review S Graduate Essay Review S Internship Intake S Career Counseling & Assessment S On Campus Recruiting S Mock Interviews S Alumni Services S Hire@TU S Career Fairs
Let’s talk about time… S The average person should spend 30 -35 hours per week in job hunting activities S Full-time employees or students should expect to spend about 15 hours per week S It takes the average person 6 months to find a job
Design Your Job Search Tools S Develop your resume, cover letter, and references S Schedule a resume review and cover letter review appointment S Review books in the Career Center’s Resource Library S View online resume tutorial
Identify Job Opportunities S Hire@TU S Job Search Websites S Career Fairs S On-Campus S Recruiting Program S Networking S Professional S Organizations
Most Successful Ways of Job Searching S Network S Visit employers S Identify Target Employers S Yellow Pages S The Book of Lists S Internet S Chamber of Commerce directory
Use Your Networks S Two Types of Networking: S Informal S Formal
Informational Interviewing S Access the Career Mentor Database in Hire@TU S Another great way to network! S Be prepared with questions, you are the interviewer S Gather as much information as possible about the interviewee’s job and career path S Conduct company research prior to the interview S Ask for another name of someone at the organization that you can meet with
Closing the Deal S Complete salary research – salary. com is a great place to start! S Interview the company S Get the job of your dreams!
www. towson. edu/careercenter@towson. edu (Call to schedule an appointment)