The Jewish holiday of Purim.pptx
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The Jewish holiday of Purim 2013: February 23 night (in Jerusalem - February 24, in the evening)
Laws and manners of the Jewish holiday of Purim We celebrate Purim, the 14 th and 15 th of Adar in memory of the rescue of Jews from complete destruction during the time of King Ahasuerus, who ruled a vast Persian Empire. Dignitary of the king Aman plotted to kill all the Jews and cast lots (pur) to see when the most appropriate time. According to the word pur holiday called Purim, and all related events are described in Megillat Esther.
Duty to celebrate Purim - one of the seven commandments established by our sages, and this duty is itself also consists of seven commandments. Here they are: • 1. reading of Megillat Esther • 2. "Mishloach manot" • 3. "Gifts to the poor" • 4. reading of the Torah, • 5. utterance insert "Al Anisim" in "Shmone-esre" and "Birkat gamazon" • 6. merry feast • 7. prohibition of mourning and fasting.
The celebration of Purim includes moments not only spiritual, but also the purely material, as if intended to announce to the whole world: here, we live, eat, drink and have fun! And "mishloach manot" (sharing dishes with friends and family) and "gifts to the poor" shows that an integral part of our lives - is caring for others. Purim fun as a kind of demonstration of vitality of the Jewish people, and this is a demonstration in front of the heirs Amann, all those who would like to continue his dirty work. On Purim is customary to give gifts to the poor, to help.
Manners of Purim In an ocean of anguish, anxieties and trials around us all year, Purim was a lonely island of reckless fun, humor and optimism characteristic of the Jewish people. Special Purim literature, comic performances with disguises and masks amusing delight the heart. Manners arose oven Purim sweet cakes filled with poppy and sweets, which for some reason are called "ears Amann. " It should be noted that different communities have their own versions of Purim manners.
Thanks for watching, the end.
The Jewish holiday of Purim.pptx