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The Invitation Fill out a pew card with a prayer request Put them in the Offering Plate Come TONIGHT at 6: 00 pm The House of Prayer Join in The Word Confession And Prayer
The Challenge Six weeks to Easter Week 1 Monday @1: 27 am Pray Psalm 127: 1 Week 2 Tuesday @ 1: 27 am Pray Psalm 127: 1 Week 3 Wednesday @ 1: 27 am Pray Psalm 127: 1 Week 4 Thursday @ 1: 27 am Pray Psalm 127: 1 Week 5 Friday @ 1: 27 am Pray Psalm 127: 1 Week 6 Saturday @ 1: 27 am Pray Psalm 127: 1 EASTER SUNDAY
The Day The Music Died John 12: 12 -19; 19: 15
The Music Came • Jesus came into a skeptical, cynical world – ”Truth? What is truth? ” • Lifeless gods & goddesses took worship by force. • Economic prosperity grew as souls of everyday men and women increasingly descended into meaningless poverty. • The religious world? They busily cleaned the outside saying nothing about the inside. • “Truth” was made out to be the servant of religion – pious, meaningless, disconnected
• So religion gave faithfully to the church but its people ceased to live out the simple justice and love of God. • Religion believed it had a corner on the market of truth and loved its importance and power more. • Religion let men live unclean and lost without them knowing it. • Religion increased shame and guilt but did nothing to help. • Religious practice demanded ethical and nice behavior but hid the key to the kingdom of God. • Religious men did not live as they said. Men who wished to find God had to crawl over them. Lk. 11: 40 -53
The Music Swells • You will give birth to a Son, the Son of the Most High whose kingdom will never end. Mary Lk. 1: 32 -33 • Praise the Lord; he has come and has redeemed his people. • He has raised up a horn of salvation for us – To show mercy – To rescue us – To enable us to serve without fear in holiness and righteousness Lk. 1: 8 -75 • We CAN be different!
But… • To their age and ours truth is nothing more than talk, slick talk at that. • The eye is the decisive organ rather than the ear. • The world craves real. Real is everything. Real is convincing. • So where is this love of God talked about? – I see child exploitation in Oswego County. – I see an 11%+ unemployment rate. – I see meth labs on the increase. – But I don’t see you…
The Musician… John 11: 12 - 19
The Musician Plays • In the 30 th year Jesus began to let them SEE. • • • The lame walked. The blind saw. The lepers were cleansed. The hungry were fed. The disenfranchised were defended. The dead rose from the grave. • This is the year of the captive set free!
Our Music of Freedom • Let everyone see your good deeds. Matt. 5: 16 • • • Love your enemies, do good to them. Luke 6: 31 -35 It is more blessed to give. Acts 20: 35 Overcome evil with good. Romans 12: 20 -12 Do good to all people. Galatians 6: 9 -10 Created to do good works. Ephesians 2: 10 Do not grow weary of doing good. 2 Thess. 3: 13 Be rich in good deeds. 1 Timothy 6: 17 -19 Engage in good deeds. Titus 3: 8 Be eager to do what is good. Titus 2: 11 -14 Spur one another on to love and good deeds. Heb. 10: 14
What is the Heart of Our Music? • The link between holy living and evangelism must be forged and unbroken. • You will stand out for your moral purity • You will stand out for your hatred of cruelty, civil obedience, and good citizenship. • You will stand out for your care and fight for throw away children on the altars of sexuality and perversion. • You will stand out as you live a disciplined life not overcome “buy” the gods of possessions. Such Lives Make Great Impact
What Do We See? • The link between holy living and evangelism must be forged and unbroken. • You will stand out for your moral purity • You will stand out for your hatred of cruelty, civil obedience, and good citizenship. • You will stand out for your care and fight for throw away children on the altars of sexuality and perversion. • You will stand out as you live a disciplined life not overcome “buy” the gods of life and possessions. Share how you love Jesus!
And SO the Crowd Went Wild • With palm branches and cloaks they welcomed their hero. • Bread Maker, Fish Multiplier, Disease Healer, Life Restorer – As King he would make life better and right! • But Jesus would not be coerced into fixing merely our visible life. He came to restore our invisible life and through us change the world. • So the said: If you will not give us what we want then - “Crucify him… We have no king but Caesar” And so the crowd went wild again
And the Music Stopped By your choices …