Скачать презентацию The International Focus of the University of Kansas Скачать презентацию The International Focus of the University of Kansas


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The International Focus of the University of Kansas KANSAS ROOTS, GLOBAL REACH A Presentation The International Focus of the University of Kansas KANSAS ROOTS, GLOBAL REACH A Presentation By Provost/EVC Richard W. Lariviere December 2006 1

KU’s Historic Commitment to Internationalization • Foreign language instruction in over 30 languages • KU’s Historic Commitment to Internationalization • Foreign language instruction in over 30 languages • 112 International partnerships and exchange agreements • East Asian Center is over 50 years old • Establishment of the Applied English Center in 1964 • Presence of Fulbright Scholars since 1951 2

The KU International Mission International Dimension. The University is dedicated to preparing its students The KU International Mission International Dimension. The University is dedicated to preparing its students for lives of learning and for the challenges educated citizens will encounter in an increasingly complex and diverse global community. Over 100 programs of international study and cooperative research are available for KU students and faculty at sites throughout the world. The University offers teaching and research that draw upon and contribute to the most advanced developments throughout the United States and the rest of the world. At the same time, KU's extensive international ties support economic development in Kansas. --- From the Statement of Institutional Mission, University of Kansas, approved December 1992 by the Kansas Board of Regents “Understand appreciate the development, culture, and diversity of the United States and of other societies and nations” --- Goal Four of KU’s Six Goals of General Education 3

The KU International Mission: Realized through Teaching, Research, and Outreach • Students • Faculty The KU International Mission: Realized through Teaching, Research, and Outreach • Students • Faculty and Scholars • Curriculum and Research • Service to Kansans 4

 Students 5 Students 5

Student Participation in KU Study Abroad Programs • 26% of KU’s graduating seniors studied Student Participation in KU Study Abroad Programs • 26% of KU’s graduating seniors studied abroad • Last year over 1, 300 KU students in over 60 countries • 500 additional students from other universities 6

Study Abroad at KUMC • 29% of the Med Center’s senior medical students have Study Abroad at KUMC • 29% of the Med Center’s senior medical students have studied in hospitals and clinics in 26 countries • 10 first-year medical center students study abroad as Clendening Scholars • 5 medical center students complete projects in India each year funded by the Robinson Scholarship Fund 7

KU Study Abroad KU ranked 8 th for undergraduate student participation among public doctoral KU Study Abroad KU ranked 8 th for undergraduate student participation among public doctoral research universities University of Delaware University of Virginia University of Vermont University of North Carolina Georgia Institute of Technology 41. 8% 37. 4% 37. 2% 35. 0% 28. 3% Michigan State University of Georgia 27. 5% 27. 4% University of Kansas 26. 2% University of Colorado University of Pittsburgh 25. 9% 25. 6% 8

KU-Lawrence Graduation Rates (Average of Freshmen Entering Classes Fall 1996 through Fall 1999) Students KU-Lawrence Graduation Rates (Average of Freshmen Entering Classes Fall 1996 through Fall 1999) Students Graduate in: 4 Years 6 Years With no study abroad experience 26% 53% With study abroad experience 45% 91% University overall 28% 58% 9

Looking Ahead for KU Study Abroad • Integrate study abroad into the undergraduate curriculum Looking Ahead for KU Study Abroad • Integrate study abroad into the undergraduate curriculum • Encourage broader participation in historical nontraditional foreign destinations • Remove the financial barriers preventing greater participation in study abroad 10

International Students at KU-Lawrence • In Fall 2006 1, 579 international students enrolled on International Students at KU-Lawrence • In Fall 2006 1, 579 international students enrolled on the Lawrence Campus • 58% are graduate students • Bringing the world to the KU campus 11

International Students at KUMC • Since 1994 some 225 international health sciences students from International Students at KUMC • Since 1994 some 225 international health sciences students from over 30 countries have studied at KUMC • The number of degree-seeking international students at KUMC had almost doubled, from 44 in Fall 2003 to 76 in Fall 2006 • International House opened in October 1998 12

 Photo Here Faculty and Scholars 13 Photo Here Faculty and Scholars 13

KU Faculty Fulbright Scholars • This year KU has four Faculty Fulbright Scholars in KU Faculty Fulbright Scholars • This year KU has four Faculty Fulbright Scholars in four countries • 277 KU faculty have received Fulbright awards for study since 1946 14

Visiting Scholars at KU in 2006 -07 • 103 international visiting faculty and research Visiting Scholars at KU in 2006 -07 • 103 international visiting faculty and research scholars • 2 international faculty Fulbright Scholars • 37 international student Fulbright Scholars and 4 Ford International Fellows 15

KU Faculty International Activities • Joint research with international universities • International Travel Fund KU Faculty International Activities • Joint research with international universities • International Travel Fund for scholarly activities • 212 KU-Lawrence faculty and staff presented papers, conducted research, or gave lectures internationally last year • 38 KUMC faculty participated in international health professional or scientific meetings last year 16

KU Student Fulbright Scholars • This year KU has six student Fulbright Scholars in KU Student Fulbright Scholars • This year KU has six student Fulbright Scholars in six countries • Since 1946 KU has had 394 student Fulbright Scholars 17

Graduate Direct Exchange Scholars • European Direct Exchanges established in the 1950 s • Graduate Direct Exchange Scholars • European Direct Exchanges established in the 1950 s • China Exchange since 1980 • 9 KU graduate students are abroad and 8 from abroad are studying at KU 18

 Photo Here Curriculum and Research 19 Photo Here Curriculum and Research 19

Key International Curricular Activities • 16 -hour language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts Key International Curricular Activities • 16 -hour language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree • GAP (Global Awareness Program) • KU Language Across the Curriculum • Internationalizing the Curriculum • International degree programs 20

Area Studies Centers • KU has six area studies centers: Kansas African Studies Center* Area Studies Centers • KU has six area studies centers: Kansas African Studies Center* Center for East Asian Studies* Center for European Studies Center for Latin American Studies Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies* Center for International Business Education and Research* • Four of these centers (*) are USDE Title VI Resource Area Centers 21

 Photo Here Service to Kansans 22 Photo Here Service to Kansans 22

Bringing the World to Kansas Communities • The People Speak is an annual, international Bringing the World to Kansas Communities • The People Speak is an annual, international forum program sponsored by the United Nations • Dole Institute programs on key international topics • Language classes and culture training for Black and Veatch employees 23

Bringing the World to Kansas Communities • Selected K-12 Activities – – KU Confucius Bringing the World to Kansas Communities • Selected K-12 Activities – – KU Confucius Institute teaches Chinese via distance ed. International Career Conference for high school students International Expo for Kansas elementary school students After-School Programs in a foreign language by international student volunteers – KU International courses offered to Olathe high school students – International Education workshops for Kansas K-12 teachers through KU’s Area Studies Centers 24

Hallmarks of KU’s Global Perspective • 2005 Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization Hallmarks of KU’s Global Perspective • 2005 Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization • Andrew Heiskell Award • Confucius Institute Established at KU 25

Recognition of KU’s Global Vision 26 Recognition of KU’s Global Vision 26