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IDWAL formed in 1978 The Portsmouth Diocesan Synod reaffirmed its support for IDWAL in June 2002 (unanimously). IDWAL’s most recent report to Synod was in June 2006.
PORTSMOUTH’S LINK (since 1998) has been (mainly) WITH GHANA • Most of the Deaneries in Portsmouth Diocese are linked with a Diocese in Ghana. • Portsmouth Deanery’s link is with Makurdi (Nigeria) • Alverstoke Parish (Gosport Deanery) is linked with Wusasa (Nigeria) • CHICHESTER linked with SIERRA LEONE, GAMBIA, LIBERIA, GUINEA and CAMEROON • GUILDFORD linked with NIGERIA (about 12 dioceses)
Strategy approved in 2002 • Links primarily about building relationships mutual support, sharing experience • Develop deanery to diocese links • Develop parish to parish links • Encouragement of visits to/from West Africa • Support St. Nicholas Seminary Cape Coast • Invite parishes to contribute to Idwal funds
Since 2002 • • Visits to West Africa by Deanery groups Parish to parish & school to school links (now about 35) Parish Visits from UK Deanery and Cathedral support for specific projects Visitors from West Africa Exchanges with St. Nicholas Seminary Financial support to St. Nicholas Seminary Emergency help for Flood Relief in Tamale – about £ 6000 (appeal co-ordinated by Cathedral) sent in November 2007 • Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 • Diocesan Library ‘exported’ to Ghana 2010
Deanery to Diocese (Ghana) Links Bishop’s Waltham Wiawso Fareham Sekondi & Wiawso Gosport Accra Havant Koforidua & Ho Petersfield Cape Coast & Dunkwa (East Wight Sunyani) (West Wight Tamale) Portsmouth Cathedral Sunyani Cathedral Kumasi
IDWAL REVIEW 2005 • Endorsed process of parish to parish links • Encouraged more school to school links • Asked for reflection and greater clarity on what we receive from our links • Proposed a ‘lighter’ IDWAL structure • Warned of effects of IDWAL ‘success’ on Mission Societies • Saw IDWAL as channel of dialogue
ST. NICHOLAS SEMINARY • About 40 students, from Ghana, (and other parts of West Africa) • Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2003 – over £ 8, 000 raised to complete new teaching block (completed 2007) • Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2008 – £ 18, 347 to purchase vehicle • IDWAL made a £ 2, 000 pa grant to Seminary in 2008, 2009, 2010 • £ 3, 500 given by Bishop Christopher at Installation (September 2010)
PORTSMOUTH IDWAL PRIORITIES (post Lambeth 2008) • At diocesan level • To continue to support the work of the Seminary • To support the Anglican University College of Technology project – first campus (hopefully) to open in 2010. (Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2007 gave £ 9, 700). • To explore ways in which those who have specific diocesan responsibilities – education, spirituality, liturgy, communications, social responsibility etc. could engage with IDWAL • To encourage more contributions to the diocesan IDWAL fund from parishes, deaneries, diocese • To maintain the status and profile of the IDWAL link • etc
PORTSMOUTH IDWAL PRIORITIES (post-Lambeth 2008) • At parish level • • To monitor and encourage existing links To develop new parish links, especially in Wiawso, Kumasi, Ho and Accra dioceses To maintain the existing deanery to diocese structure, but with some greater flexibility To foster school links, which have great potential • At deanery level • • • To invite Portsmouth Deanery to review link with Makurdi (Nigeria) To encourage deanery groups to identify diocesan projects in their linked dioceses To encourage support of the Spiritual Renewal and Retreat Centre in Kumasi (supported by Bishop’s Lent Appeals 2009 and 2010 and by sponsoring a priest from Kumasi Diocese (Fr. Daniel Pieh) who visited UK (May-September 2009) for ‘handson’ retreat house experience