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The Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I 3) EURONS www. gsi. de/eurons Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
The I 3 project EURONS : Goals of an I 3 • Improvement of existing infrastructures* (Joint research activities, JRA) • Increase access to existing infrastructures* (Transnational access, TNA) • Foster networking and integrating activities (Networks) * Large-scale facilities, laboratories with unique instrumentation, collections and museums, data bases, communication networks, etc. Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
The I 3 project EURONS: Budgets for Access, Networks, and JRAs • Project Coordinator: Alex C. Mueller (Orsay) (Assistant to the Coordinator: Christoph Scheidenberger, GSI) • January 2005 to December 2008 • Work packages: 8 Transnational Access Activities 8 Networking Activities 11 Joint Research Activities • 45 institutions in 22 countries • Access to infrastructures: 6. 590 k€ • Networking and integrating activities: 1. 456 k€ • Joint research activities: 6. 010 k€ total: 14. 056 k€ Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
The I 3 project EURONS: Management structure General Assembly One representative of each laboratory feedback from and to community, monitor progress Project Coordination Committee All project leaders and the managing team Support of Coordinator in all management issues, surveys the overall coherence of the activities Management Administrative persons Keep track of financial situation, control „cash flow“ Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
The Activities : Networks No. Network Activity Responsible Person N 1 MANET - Management Network Alex C. Mueller (CNRS-IN 2 P 3) and C. Scheidenberger (GSI) N 2 CARINA - Challenges and Advanced Research in Nuclear Astrophysics C. Angulo (UCL) K. Sonnabend (IKP TUD) N 3 GAMMAPOOL - Coordination of the resources for g-ray spectroscopy in Europe S. Lenzi (INFN Padova) N 4 EWON - East-West-Outreach - European Nuclear Physics Network S. Harissopulos (NCSR Demokritos) and R. Broda (UWarsaw) N 5 Nu. PECC - Nu. PECC Mapping Studies S. Körner (Nu. PECC) N 6 PANSI 3 - Network for Enhanced Dissemination of Information on Nuclear Research within EURONS H. Leeb (AIAU) N 7 SHE - Transfermium element synthesis, properties and reactions A. Villari (GANIL) N 8 TNET - Network to coordinate the Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theory work I. Thompson (U-Surrey) J. Tostevin (U-Surrey) Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
The Activities : Joint Research Activities No. Responsible Person(s) Project JRA 1 ACTAR - Active Target Detectors for H. Savajols / P. Rousselthe Study of Extremely Exotic Nuclei Chomaz (GANIL) using Direct Reactions JRA 2 AGATA - Advanced Gamma Tracking Array W. Korten (CEA) JRA 3 Charge Breeding - Advanced charge breeding of radioactive ions O. Kester (GSI) JRA 4 DLEP - Detection of Low Energy Particles from Exotic β-decays O. Tengblad (CSIC) JRA 5 EXL - Exotic nuclei studied with Light hadronic probes N. Kalantar (RUG-KVI) Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
The Activities : Joint Research Activities No. Project Responsible Person(s) JRA 6 INTAG - Instrumentation for Tagging P. Butler (U-Liverpool) JRA 7 ISIBHI - Ion Sources for Intense Beams of Heavy Ions G. Ciavola (INFN-LNS) JRA 8 LASER - Laser techniques for Exotic nuclei Research P. Van Duppen (ULeuven) JRA 9 RHIB - Reactions with High-Intensity Beams of exotic nuclei T. Aumann (GSI) JRA 10 SAFERIB - European Joint Research Activity on Radiation Protection Issues related to Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities P. Thirolf (LMU) JRA 11 TRAPSPEC - Improvements and developments of ion traps, spectrometers and detectors for lowenergy nuclear physics experiments N. Severijns (U-Leuven) • see details here: www. gsi. de/eurons Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
I. TNA activities EURONS backbone: 8 facilities ~ 1900 users ~ 18700 person-days > 350 user projects ~ new user groups Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
The "theory access facility" of EURONS • • • International workshop series and collaboration meetings Doctoral Training Programme Postdoctoral Programme Theory of strongly-int. particles: • • matter under extreme conditions nuclear astrophysics condensed matter physics quantum physics of small systems • Alex C. Mueller, MANET – nuclear structure – QCD – hadron physics Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
II. JRA and networking In 2002/3, when preparing the EURONS project, the nuclear-structure community in Europe had identified the following needs of high priority: • • Beams Detectors and instruments Reaction setups Safety JRAs • Co-ordination (synergies, strategies) • Mapping studies • Outreach Alex C. Mueller, MANET Networks Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Beams ISIBHI: intense primary beams efficient charged-particle generation for accelerators study and optimize the charge breeding process improve the beam quality and purity Charge Breeding: intense secondary beams optimization of breeding efficiency narrow the charge state distribution optimize the purification from rest gas contamination New beams optimize the transverse and longitudinal emittance of the Intensity Quality (purity, extracted beams phase space) LASER: efficient use of ISOL beams new exotic and isomeric RIBs optimization of RIB time structure injection into ion traps or post-accelerators, reduction of background in collinear spectroscopy, . . . ) Complementary developments, all facilities benefit Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Safety - Impact on Research Facilities SAFERIB project results: calculations and measurements of secondary radiation/activation from fast beams in thick targets Saferib improvement of research facilities: GSI: improvement of target shielding of Super-FRS development of high-intensity fission source EURISOL: concept for safe, intense fission source development of cryotrap to localize volatile radioactivity from intense fission source GANIL: improvement of radioprotection concept for SPIRAL-2 development of remote-controlled target handling system INFN-LNL: prerequisite for operation of SPES fission target study of impact on the environment: - soil and ground water activation - activity transport in ground water - spent ISOL targets: inventory, handling, release risks Alex C. Mueller, MANET any RIB facility licensing procedure CERN: improvement of radioactive waste handling and disposal Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Detectors and instruments Gamma-ray spectroscopy of unprecedented selectivity and efficiency, demonstrator ready end of 2008 Development of semi-conductor charged-particle detectors with pulse shape analysis AGATA demonstrator currently under construction in Legnaro Detector array + electronics built ISOLDE: evidence of a new state in 11 Be observed in 11 Li beta decay Application at LNL, GANIL, GSI AGATA INTAG Sensitivity Selectivity Count-rate capab. New opportun. Extend the method from a-decay tagging to b-g tagging using focal plane detectors and prompt radiation spectrometers Now in use at GANIL, GSI, ISOLDE, JYFL, LNL DLEP TRAPSPEC Implementation of new equipment for trap-assisted spectroscopy for nuclear structure and fundamental physics Applied at ISOLDE, GANIL, GSI, JYFL: masses, decay schemes, recoil spectra, neutron decay universally applicable to improve the performance of the facilities. Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Pooling of resources - GAMMAPOOL Pooling of existing, not site-specific g-ray instrumentation in order to use it Europe-wide in a coordinated manner among 20 participanting institutes from 6 countries: – Resources and campaigns: clusters, clovers, single-crystal Ge, electronics and other equipment for stopped beam, isomer and β-decay stud. RISING @ GSI/FRS CLARA @ LNL/PRISMA neutron rich nuclei, reaction mechanism JUROGAM @ JYFL/RITU proton-rich very heavy nuclei – New collaborations: Newgan @ GANIL, ORGAM @ ALTO, Euclides @ LNL AGATA: characterization of detectors – Workshops: 3 workshops with >200 participants and ~120 contributions. . a good example, how one can achieve a high value with good co-ordination and rather little money Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Identification and definition of needs and strategies - CARINA, TNET, SHE e. g. CARINA: co-ordinate activities, research efforts and efficient use of existing experimental facilities for nuclear astrophysics 4 working groups established: • Astrophysics and nuclear models • Instrumentation • Link to EURONS large scale facilities • Link to European small scale facilities 2 workshops 3 new collaborations established (JINA, EURISOL, ECOS). . a new degree of interaction for increased efficiency in nuclear astrophysics has been established Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Mapping studies - Nu. PECC, EWON • The mapping of the community at large, performed under the auspices of Nu. PECC are subject of two dedicated networks • EWON has specifically addressed the eastern-European nuclear physics research potential with an emphasis on the candidate countries • Enhanced involvement of more than 500 scientists • Look for actions necessary to improve the existing infrastructures • Exploit and promote the research potential of “local machines” • Promote the high-level of expertise of EWON scientists • Come up with ideas to be included in future I 3 => EWIRA • Interact intensively with Nu. PECC Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Enhanced dissemination - PANSI 3 A dedicated outreach activity • to reach the layman • to raise public awareness of nuclear science in Europe • to disseminate EURONS results. . . realized with a concerted networking effort. . . published recently Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
. . reaching the general public Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
EURONS monitoring: deliverables Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
EURONS monitoring: milestones Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
EURONS monitoring: financial overview Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Impact and future • Applications data, basic knowledge and techniques for spin-offs in – health, medicine – safety, security – producing and evaluating nuclear data and techniques for applications, e. g. nuclear energy • Society – outreach activities have prompted public awareness and have attracted large interest (e. g. open-house days at various EURONS facilities) – integral part of the EURONS activities: education of next-generation nuclear scientists, a great value for the society as a whole • Future – all EURONS activities will continue in one or another way, ENSAR? – integration of east-European scientists from candidate countries – several long-term projects (NUSTAR@FAIR, SPIRAL-II, Eurisol. . . ) and many "small" laboratories increase future opportunities Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Applications for the society on-line PET imaging using pulse shape analysis Health, medicine Safety, security Trace analysis Polonium detection High-power X-ray imaging Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Conclusions EURONS activities have lead to an. . . efficient use of existing resources. . . improvement of its facilities. . . increase of access in quantity and quality EURONS has fulfilled its mission EURONS has largely disseminated its achievements, more publications to come EURONS is a managerial and scientific success, for the benefit of the facilities, the user community, and the public As a pan-European project, EURONS has very successfully contributed to structuring the field, coordinating ongoing activities, promoting the most needed R&D, defining future needs of the nuclear-structure community in Europe This community must be kept together by a successor project Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Intense primary beams High B-field (~3 T), operated at 28 GHz • compact source, permanent magnets Bmax=3 T, Brad~1. 7. . . 2. 2 T highest field of a permanent- magnet trap • commissioning has begun at the end of 2007, completion within next months • multi-purpose super-conducting ECRIS (MS-ECRIS) • largest adjustable magnetic field ever achieved: Bmax=4 T, Brad=2. 7 T, large ECR zone • all components built, but magnets have not yet achieved the requested performances. Simulations and tests at Grenoble, Groningen, Frankfurt, Catania to optimize E-field: • uniform field: ions weakly scattered, strongly improved beam quality • non-uniform E-field: ions strongly scattered Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
New opportunities with laser ion sources Increased selectivity New beams 6 - 68 m. Cu 68 g. Cu For the first time laser ionization of polonium: development of two new laser ionization schemes Alex C. Mueller, MANET 1+ Post-accelerated isomeric Cu beams at ISOLDE: 68 m, g. Cu, 2. 86 Me. V/u, 3 E 5 pps, 74% pure Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
New opportunities with laser ion sources Cu 6 (+1 Increased )selectivity 68 - New beams + 6 - 68 m. Cu 68 g. Cu 68 Cu 1+ 1+ 120 Sn 2+-0+ For the first time laser ionization of polonium: development of two new laser ionization schemes Post-accelerated isomeric Cu beams at ISOLDE: 68 m, g. Cu, 2. 86 Me. V/u, 3 E 5 pps, 74% pure Energy (ke. V) Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Charge breeders survey EBIS Injection of molecules: ECRIS 13 C 4+ 0. 5% 139 LO+ 139 L 23+ 2. 5 % 86 K 13+ Tests in the afterglow mode: 1% 132 Xe 18+ 2. 2% 85 Rb 1+ 85 Rb 15+ 2. 5 % Trapping and breeding of daughter nuclides: 61 Mn (T 61 Fe (T 1/2=0. 7 s) 1/2=359 s): qual. res. Simulations with CBSIM: ionization, charge exchange, RR, collisions, electronion-heating, ion-ion cooling, space-charge neutralis. , . . . Alex C. Mueller, MANET 13 C 16 O Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
Reaction setups for relativistic beams RHIB new: beam tracking with Diamond detectors new: proton tracking around the target with Si-strip detectors new: proton tracking behind magnet with drift chambers Exclusive measurement of all interesting reaction channels - knockout plus decay of residual system - inelastic excitation plus proton decay (nuclear, electromagnetic) - quasi-free scattering: (p, 2 p) (p, pn) (p, pa) New user groups from nuclear astrophysics attracted ! Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
New schemes for reaction experiments Reconstruction of full kinematics for EXL elastic and inelastic scattering transfer reactions break-up and knock-out GSI - high energy: storage ring + internal target Feasibility study (p, p) at ESR with 350 Me. V/u 136 Xe ions GANIL - low energy: active target Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009
An example for synergies ACTAR, GANIL TPC BORDEAUX AFTER (ASIC) ACTIVE TARGET, SPIRAL 2 + FAIR SAMURAI TPC, RIKEN TACTIC, TRIUMF R 3 B TPC, GSI/FAIR AT/TPC, MSU Alex C. Mueller, MANET Nu. PECC Meeting 2009, Vienna, March 13 th - 14 th, 2009