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The Influence of MT toward BAE Relevance Judgments
Background • Information about the MT tool: – MT tool name: Dr. eye 7. 0 – Web page: http: //www. dreye. com/en/ – Dr. eye is the most popular MT tool at least in Taiwan – In general, compared to Dy. eye, Sri does better in proper noun translation and worse in sentence syntax.
Case Study: GNG 6 • Question: WHAT CONNECTIONS ARE THERE BETWEEN [World Cup games] and [stock markets]? The red part is judged • Restriction: Chinese blogs and news groups (MUT) as irrelevant probably because of bad MT • SRI QGNG 06 S 5 – SRI MT: World Cup results also have an impact on the stock market trend , ABN Amro Bank researchers pointed out that the " noble sentiments to the stock market. – Dr. eye: The combat success of World Cup also influences the stock market tendency, the researcher of De Nederlandsche Bank points out, take the excited mood of the target and come down in torrents to the stock market. – Source: 世 界 杯 战 果 亦 影 响 股 市 走 势 , 荷 兰 银 行 的 研 究 员 指 出, 夺标的亢奋情绪倾泻到股市。 The green part is the better The purple part is the corresponding MT which Dr. eye source produce and could be relevant
Case Study: GNG 6(Cont. ) • SRI QGNG 06 S 27 – SRI MT: World Cup is a contest forms of soccer feast , any team in the match could have a negative , this means that 32 % of its stock market be ground of ups and downs – Dr. eye: World Cup is that one is comparable to the soccer grand banquet which is known the form, any national team all defeat shouldering in much matches, this means, the national stock markets of the top 32 will rise and fall from head to foot in various degree – Source: 世 界 杯 是 一 个 赛 会 形 式 的 足 球 盛 宴 , 任 何 国 家 队 在 多 场 比 赛 中 都 可 能 有 胜 有 负 , 这 意 味 着 , 32 强 的 本国股市会不同程度地上下起伏
Case Study: GNG 18 • Question: DESCRIBE THE ACTIONS OF [Hu Jintao] DURING [04/24/2006] TO [4/30/2006] • Restriction: Chinese broadcast news (CTV, NTD, RFA) • SRI QGNG 18 S 4 – SRI MT: The Kenyan President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan at the invitation of State President Hu Jintao on the 27 night arrived in Nairobi Kenya for a state visit. 97 at night the plane arrived in Nairobi Kenyatta International airport. Kenyan Vice-President of Kosovo and of the airport to warmly welcomed Hu Jintao and his [President Hu] entourage – Dr. eye: In conformity with the lucky invitation of Republic of Kenya president Qi Bei, President Hu Jintao reaches Nairobi on the evening of the 27 th local time, begin to pay a state visit to Kenya, President Hu Jintao and his wife Liu Yongqing take the special plane to Nairobi Kenyata International airport at about twenty five past nine in the evening, Kenya Vice president And Ministry of Foreign Affairs' long distance go to the airport to meet President Hu Jintao and the entourage medium-sizedly warmly in A is fertile – SRI speech Transcriptiopn: 应 肯尼亚 共和国 总统 齐 贝 吉 的 邀请 国家 主席 胡锦涛 于 当地时间 二十七号 晚上 抵达 内罗毕 开始 对 肯尼亚 进行 国事访问 晚上 九点 二十 五分 左右 胡锦涛 主席 和 夫人 刘永清 乘坐 专机 抵达 内罗毕 肯雅 塔 国际 机场 肯尼 亚 副总统 阿 沃 里 和 外交部长 途中 等到 机场 热情 迎接 胡锦涛 主席 一行
Case Study: GNG 29 • Question: HOW DID [the United States of America] REACT TO [Iraq's approval of its constitution]? • Restriction: Chinese newswire (XIN) • SRI QGNG 29 S 4 – SRI MT: The Iraqi people on a new constitution before it voted, the White House being no longer able to this 1: 00 engraved on the arrival of feelings, " White House spokesman Scott Mc. Clellan had Iraq draft constitution greatly praise – Dr. eye: Before Iraqi people vote on the new constitution, White House has already been unable to suppress the happy mood of coming to this moment, Mc. Lellan, spokesman of White House has already gone ahead of the rest and commended the Iraqi draft constitution greatly – Source: 在 伊 拉 克 民 众 就 新 宪 法 进 行 投 票 表 决 之 前 , 白 宫 方 面 已经按捺不住对这一时刻到来的喜悦心情, 白宫发言人麦 克莱伦已先行对伊拉克宪法草案大大夸赞了一番
Case Study: GNG 29(cont. ) • SRI QGNG 29 S 19 – SRI MT: The Bush administration, once Iraq 's new draft constitution was rejected, it [Iraq] will mean that the United States prior to the efforts. – Dr. eye: In the view of Bush government, once Iraq's new draft constitution is rejected, that will mean all sorts of efforts that U. S. A. makes for it before vanish. – Source: 在 布 什 政 府 看 来 , 一 旦 伊 拉 克 新 宪 法 草 案 遭 到 否 决 , 那将意味着美国先前为之付出的种种努力化为乌有。
Case Study: GNG 33 • Question: DESCRIBE ATTACKS in [Bali, Indonesia] GIVING LOCATION (AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE), DATE, AND NUMBER OF DEAD AND INJURED. • Restriction: Chinese newswire (XIN) • SRI QGNG 33 S 11 – SRI MT: According to local TV station reported that the first explosion occurred at 18. 5 local time, and the third took place in nineteen points, three explosions occurred in different locations, but tourists are concentrated. – Dr. eye: According to American TV station of locality, the first explosion takes place at 50 past 18 local time, happen at 19 o'clock for the third time, three explosions take place in different places, but all places where visitors comparatively concentrate. – Source: 据 当 地 美 都 电 视 台 报 道 , 第 一 次 爆 炸 发 生 在 当 地 时 间 18 点 50 分 , 第 三 次 发 生 在 19 点 , 三 次 爆 炸 发 生 在 不 同 的 地 点 , 但都是游人较为集中之地。