The Infinitive Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs

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The Infinitive Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs The Infinitive Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs

The Infinitive Indefinite To V To be V 3/ed Continuous To be Ving Perfect To haveThe Infinitive Indefinite To V To be V 3/ed Continuous To be Ving Perfect To have V 3/ed To have been V 3/ed Perfect-Conti nuous To have been Ving

 Forms of the Infinitive He was glad to see them.  It was pleasant to Forms of the Infinitive He was glad to see them. It was pleasant to be driving a car. I was pleased to have done something. You should have stayed at home. ( ought, could, might, was, were ) – не відбулася I am happy to have been living in Kyiv for 25 years.

The Objective Infinitive Complex  The Objective Infinitive Complex

Verbs (органи чуття) To see  to hear  to feel  to watch  toVerbs (органи чуття) To see to hear to feel to watch to observe to notice She saw Mary cry.

Verbs  (( бажання, намір, почуття) To want  to wish to desire  to likeVerbs (( бажання, намір, почуття) To want to wish to desire to like to dislike to hate to intend should/would like She wanted them to read that book.

Verbs  (думка припущення,  сподівання) To consider  to believe  to think  toVerbs (думка припущення, сподівання) To consider to believe to think to find to know to expect to suppose We consider him to be the best pupil of our school.

Verbs  (( наказ, прохання, дозвіл, порада, примус) To order  to ask  to requestVerbs (( наказ, прохання, дозвіл, порада, примус) To order to ask to request to allow to permit to advise to recommend to cause to force to make We made him work. to let The teacher allowed us to use dictionaries.

The Subjective Infinitive Complex The boy/he was seen to run there.  Складний підмет (відокремлений) ComplexThe Subjective Infinitive Complex The boy/he was seen to run there. Складний підмет (відокремлений) Complex subject Іменник/займенник(називний відмінок) Інфінітив Присудок в пасиві Бачили як хлопець біг туди.

Verbs To say  to report He  is said to write a new novel. Verbs To say to report He is said to write a new novel. Кажуть …

Verbs  (( думка припущення,  сподівання) To consider  to believe  to think Verbs (( думка припущення, сподівання) To consider to believe to think to find to know to expect to suppose He was thought to have gone.

Verbs (органи чуття) To see  to hear  to feel  to watch  toVerbs (органи чуття) To see to hear to feel to watch to observe to notice He was seen to enter the house.

Verbs  (( наказ, прохання, дозвіл, порада, приму сс )) To order  to ask Verbs (( наказ, прохання, дозвіл, порада, приму сс )) To order to ask to request to allow to permit to advise to recommend to cause to force to make to let They were ordered to leave the hall.

Verbs To seem  to appear  to happen to chance  to turn out toVerbs To seem to appear to happen to chance to turn out to prove He seemed not to listen to him.

Verbs To be sure  to be certain  to be likely  to be unlikelyVerbs To be sure to be certain to be likely to be unlikely He is certain to be sleeping. Напевно…

The Prepositional Infinitive Complex It’s time for us to go. The Prepositional Infinitive Complex It’s time for us to go.

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