The Indefinite Article 1. Исчис. сущ. в ед. ч. , употребляемое первый раз. I bought a jumper and a tie yesterday. 2. Перед абстракт. сущ. при наличии описат. определения. He has a deep knowledge of the subject. 3. В воскл. предл. после What ! What a lovely baby!
The Indefinite Article 4. Cо словами such, quite, rather, most=very It was such a stupid story. 5. В значении один (a month, an hour, a mile a week) I will be back in an hour. 6. В сочетаниях a few, a little, a lot of 7. После глаголов to be, to see, to have. I saw an interesting film.
The Indefinite Article 8. Set expressions: To be in a hurry, in a loud voice, to have a good time, as a rule, to take a seat, to keep a secret…. .
The Definite Article 1. Из контекста, второе упоминание, из ситуации. Have you seen the dog? (we have only one) 2. Единственный в своем роде или в данной обстановке. The sun, the moon, the sky, the Earth, the universe, the boss, the king, the Pope
The Definite Article 3. Обстоятельство места. Where is the book? On the tableat the windowin the forest 4. Превосходная степень прилаг. This is the most difficult problem I’ve ever come across. 5. OF-phrase или лимитирующее определение This is the house that Jack built.
The Definite Article 6. Классы людей или нац-ти. The old, the young, the rich, the poor, the unemployed, the disabled, the sick 7. C муз. инструментами. Can you play the guitar? 8. Set expressions: On the whole, the other day, on the one hand, to tell the truth, to do the shoppings, in the morning, during the day
The Definite Article with Proper Names. • Вся семья целиком The Browns • Страны The USA, The UK, the Philippines • Вода- океаны , моря , реки , заливы. The Pacific Ocean, The Nile
The Definite Article with Proper Names. • Горные цепи. The Urals, The Alps • Группы островов. The British Isles, The Canary Islands • Пустыни. The Sahara • Части света The North, The Far East
The Definite Article with Proper Names. • Названия гостиниц, ресторанов , пивных, театров, кинотеатров, музеев , англ. газет, некоторых зданий, некоторых организаций, кораблей. The Metropolitan Hotel, The Bombay Restaurant, The Red Lion, The Globe Theatre, The Odeon Cinema, The British Museum, The Times, The White House, The European Community, The Pobeda
No Article • Предметы и языки. English( the English language), Literature • C порядковыми числительными. He is in room 5. • Months, days of the week. • With proper namescountries, cities, towns, villages, conti nents, mountain tops, single islands, streets, roads, parks, lakes
No Article • Set expressions: at home, to go home, at work, in bed, by bus, to have classes, to watch TV, in time, by heart, on foot, with surprise, at present, to set fire