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The importance of family life The importance of family life

Get acquainted with some famous proverbs 1. Don’t wash your linen in public. 2. Get acquainted with some famous proverbs 1. Don’t wash your linen in public. 2. As you make your bed, so you must lie in it. 3. Every family has a black sheep. 4. There is no place like home. 5. Like father like son.

6. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 7. Men 6. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 7. Men make houses, women make homes. 8. He got out of bed on the wrong side.

Translate the following sentences using the family vocabulary. 1. Нет ничего важнее, чем крепкие Translate the following sentences using the family vocabulary. 1. Нет ничего важнее, чем крепкие семейные узы.

1. There is nothing more important than strong family ties/bonds. 1. There is nothing more important than strong family ties/bonds.

2. У нас с сестрой много общего. 2. У нас с сестрой много общего.

2. I have a lot in common with my sister. 2. I have a lot in common with my sister.

3. На каникулах я часто хожу в гости к своим друзьям. 3. На каникулах я часто хожу в гости к своим друзьям.

3. On holidays I often go to see my friends. 3. On holidays I often go to see my friends.

4. Я всегда могу положиться на свою сестру. 4. Я всегда могу положиться на свою сестру.

4. I can always rely on my sister. 4. I can always rely on my sister.

5. Конфликт поколений – это одна из самых острых проблем всех времен. 5. Конфликт поколений – это одна из самых острых проблем всех времен.

5. Generation gap is one of the most pressing problems of all times. 5. Generation gap is one of the most pressing problems of all times.

6. Строгие родители часто оказывают чрезмерное давление на своих детей. 6. Строгие родители часто оказывают чрезмерное давление на своих детей.

6. Strict parents often put too much pressure on their kids. 6. Strict parents often put too much pressure on their kids.

7. На выходные мы обычно уезжаем за город и устраиваем пикники. 7. На выходные мы обычно уезжаем за город и устраиваем пикники.

7. On weekends we usually go to the country and make up picnics. 7. On weekends we usually go to the country and make up picnics.

8. Весьма непросто дисциплинировать непослушного ребенка. 8. Весьма непросто дисциплинировать непослушного ребенка.

8. It is quite difficult to disciple a disobedient child. 8. It is quite difficult to disciple a disobedient child.

Ø Close family bond. Ø Family acts as a security, provide comfort and emotional Ø Close family bond. Ø Family acts as a security, provide comfort and emotional support, nurturing and the warmth of affection and tenderness. Ø Family bonds help to instill trust and hope in the world around us and belief in ourselves.

Ø family bonds are a guide to our future. Ø Enculturating and socializing children Ø family bonds are a guide to our future. Ø Enculturating and socializing children are two of the prime functions of a family. Ø We are molded within a unit, which prepares us how what we will experience in the world and how we react to those experiences.

Ø A family unit is a unit which builds up a person`s personality, teaches Ø A family unit is a unit which builds up a person`s personality, teaches him moral values at an early age which are carried throughout life, and often helps choose his/her career path. Ø The goals a person set for him/herself in life are very much dependent on the family life. Ø The family determines to a large extend the social roles that the children will perform. Ø Family life gives a person a self-confidence and strength.

Ø Strong family bonds help us to thrive in all aspects of life. Ø Ø Strong family bonds help us to thrive in all aspects of life. Ø Set of values. Each family has certain traits in common: communication, togetherness, sharing activities, affection, support, acceptance, commitment, and resilience. ØValues express fundamental belief about what and who is important, how relationships should be fostered, what is the place of money and power, who is entitled to make decisions.

Ø Values determine behavior, give expression to beliefs and meaning to everyday life. Ø Ø Values determine behavior, give expression to beliefs and meaning to everyday life. Ø Values shape the culture of the family, and ultimately the culture of the nation. Ø Family bonds can be strengthened through family rituals. Ø Traditions give the family stability and a feeling of belonging. Ø Values and beliefs are often reinforced through our traditions.

Ø One of the most simplest and most effective family rituals is sharing meals. Ø One of the most simplest and most effective family rituals is sharing meals. Now think on your own: Ø What are the ways that shared mealtimes can benefit families?