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The Impact of External Shocks on Emerging Countries, The Case of Romania MSc Student: The Impact of External Shocks on Emerging Countries, The Case of Romania MSc Student: POPA LACRAMIOARA SUPERVISOR: Professor MOISA ALTAR

Topics n Motivation § Objectives § Literature review § FAVAR approach § The asymmetry Topics n Motivation § Objectives § Literature review § FAVAR approach § The asymmetry of external shocks, (TVAR) § Conclusions

Motivation • Because of the perspective of the integration in the European and Monetary Motivation • Because of the perspective of the integration in the European and Monetary Union it is important to establish a correct assessment of the impact of the euro area shocks on the Romanian economy • Moreover the financial crisis reflect the fact that the monetary authority should take into account the external disturbances when designing the monetary policy because even if Romania had important gains in which concern the reduction in inflation, reduction of budget deficit and unemployment it is still small open economy vulnerable to external disturbances originating from more developed countries

Objectives n n This paper has to major purposes: to establish if the external Objectives n n This paper has to major purposes: to establish if the external originating from the euro area are transmitted to the Romanian economy and their magnitude I have considered three kind of shocks: monetary policy shocks, demand shocks and supply shocks finding possible asymmetric effects of a negative and a positive shock.

Literature review • The study of the open economies started with the work of Literature review • The study of the open economies started with the work of Mundell(1962, 1963), Dornbusch(1976), Obsfeld anf Rogoff(1995). • Canova (2005) uses a Vector autoregressive model identified using sign restrictions to study the effects of US shocks on several countries from the Latin America • Persman and Smets (2001) effects of an unexpected change in monetary policy in the euro area using an identified VAR model alternative identification scheme • Dawit Senbet(2008) uses a Factor augmented VAR model on a wide range of macroeconomic indicators for several industrialized countries. He findes that model with factors eliminates the “price puzzle” response evident in the standard VAR models for all countries

Econometric methodology -FAVAR n n n The model consists of two blocks, one for Econometric methodology -FAVAR n n n The model consists of two blocks, one for the Romanian economy which is named “domestic” and one for the Euro area, which is named ‘foreign’. Let Yt be an M × 1 vector of observable economic variables from the foreign block assumed to affect the dynamics of the variables from the Romanian economy Additional economic information, not fully captured by the Yt, may be relevant to modeling the dynamics of these series. Suppose that this additional information can be summarized by an K × 1 vector of unobserved factors, Ft, where K is “small”.

Econometric methodology -FAVAR -Nx. K-matrix of factor loadings -Nx. M-matrix of factor loadings -vector Econometric methodology -FAVAR -Nx. K-matrix of factor loadings -Nx. M-matrix of factor loadings -vector of error terms ν~N(0, Q) -Kx 1 -vector of unobserved factors -Mx 1 -vector ofobservable factors -Nx 1 -informational time series e ~ N(0, R)

2. 1 Transform the model into the following state-space form: -measurement equation -transition equation 2. 1 Transform the model into the following state-space form: -measurement equation -transition equation Define:

-where Λ is the loading matrix from the measurement equation -joint posterior density -where Λ is the loading matrix from the measurement equation -joint posterior density

2. 2 The Gibbs sampling methodology -it implies following three steps 1 First, choose 2. 2 The Gibbs sampling methodology -it implies following three steps 1 First, choose a set of starting values for the parameters θ , say 2 Second, conditional on values for and the data from the conditional density 3 Third, conditional on the sampled values of and the data, draw a set of values of the parameters θ draw a set of Say-

1. Choice of I used the principal components method 2 Drawing from the conditional 1. Choice of I used the principal components method 2 Drawing from the conditional distribution • It can be expressed as the product of conditional distributions of factors at each date t as follows • I use Kalman filter to estimate the unobservable factors

3 Drawing from the conditional distribution 1. Rgression equation Bayes theorem Define: 3 Drawing from the conditional distribution 1. Rgression equation Bayes theorem Define:

2 VAR model The Minnesota Prior – conditions They are based on an approximation 2 VAR model The Minnesota Prior – conditions They are based on an approximation which leads to great simplifcations in prior elicitation and computation , The original Minnesota prior simplifies even further by assuming Σ to be a diagonal matrix. -each equation of the VAR can be estimated one at a time and we can set i (where is the standard OLS estimate of the error variance in the ith equation and is the iith element of ) For the prior mean of , Min, the Minnesota prior involves setting most or all of its elements to zero , except for the elements corresponding to the first own lag of the dependent variable in each equation these elements are set to one.

-constructing diagonal elements of so that the prior variance of parameter on k lagged -constructing diagonal elements of so that the prior variance of parameter on k lagged j'th variable in i'th equation equals

Data description n n The analysis is based on monthly data covering the period Data description n n The analysis is based on monthly data covering the period 2000 M 01 -2010 M 02. The sources of data are Eurostat, The National Bank of Romania and National Institute of Statistics. For each of the two blocks I collected data on real activity, inflation, money and interest rates. For real activity, I considered data on output growth, employment, imports and exports. Inflation is measured including the consumer price index on different category of goods (alimentary, nonalimentary) services, interest rates include ROBOR on different maturities, 3 M EURIBOR and monetary policy interest rate.

Data description n n The data were seasonally adjusted using European Union program Demetra Data description n n The data were seasonally adjusted using European Union program Demetra and were normalized considering 2005=100. Because the number of variables used in the model is very high I included their description in the Appendix A of the paper where also specified the results of the unit root tests

FAVAR – Estimation Results Impulse response to a foreign monetary policy shock FAVAR – Estimation Results Impulse response to a foreign monetary policy shock

Impulse response to a foreign monetary policy shock Impulse response to a foreign monetary policy shock

Impulse response to a foreign supply shock Impulse response to a foreign supply shock

Impulse response to a foreign supply shock Impulse response to a foreign supply shock

Impulse response to a foreign demand shock Impulse response to a foreign demand shock

Impulse response to a foreign demand shock Impulse response to a foreign demand shock

2. The TAR model, that permitsexternal shocks, (TVAR) A general asymmetry of the existence 2. The TAR model, that permitsexternal shocks, (TVAR) A general asymmetry of the existence of two regimes and more than one lag, may be written as : if if -where I() is an indicator function which takes the value of 1 if the logical statement is satisfied and 0 otherwise Variables : HICP, EUR/RON exchange rate, the consumer price index, 3 M ROBOR, volume of loans in national currency, volume of loans in devises, the index of industrial production

TVAR-Empirical results Asymmetric effects of monetary policy shocks • The reduction inflation in the TVAR-Empirical results Asymmetric effects of monetary policy shocks • The reduction inflation in the euro area can be explained by a reduction in the real activity • To stimulate the economy, the Central Bank reduces the monetary policy interest rate and the demand for the national currency will increases, determinating an appreciation of the national currency. • The difference between the response of the exchange rate to a positive shock and a negative shock can be explained by the opportunistic behavior of importers who try to take advantage of the decrease in European prices causing the appreciation of the national currency • The difference in response in consumer prices can be explained by the behavior of producers who try to maintain their market share while in the case of depreciation firms absorb a part of the inflationary impact. • The response of the industrial production to european monetary policy shock is much bigger in the case of negative shock. An explenation for this may be the fact that usually, negative shocks have bigger effects on emerging markets, because of their dependencies on exports in covering the current account deficits

TVAR(positive and negative monetary policy shocks- Probabilities of the two regimes TVAR, 2000 (3) TVAR(positive and negative monetary policy shocks- Probabilities of the two regimes TVAR, 2000 (3) - 2010 (1) 5 0 L_HICP_EU DL_CPI DL_CRNGR DL_PI DLCS_EUR DROBOR 3 M DL_CRNGV -5 -10 1. 0 2001 2002 2003 Probabilities of Regime 1 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2001 2002 2003 Probabilities of Regime 2 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0. 5 1. 0 0. 5 2001 2002 2003 -it presents the periods in which each of the two regimes occurred. Both regimes includes periods of small changes in HICP

TVAR-Empirical results Asymmetric effects of demand shocks • An increase in unemployment rate causes TVAR-Empirical results Asymmetric effects of demand shocks • An increase in unemployment rate causes a reduction in the real activity of the euro area, so the Central Bank will adopt an expansionary monetary policy reducing the interest rates. • An increase of the unemployment rate determines a reduction in the real activity from the euro area. The EURO/RON exchange rate increases and this can be explained by the reduction of demand for currencies of the emerging countriesinvestors preferring to buy safer currencies. • The second regime reflects that a reduction in the unemployment rate determines a decrease of the exchange rate. This may happen because of an increase in real activity, leading to an Increse imports which results in the increase of exports for the national economy

TVAR(positive and negative demand shocks- Probabilities of the two regimes TVAR, 2000 (3) - TVAR(positive and negative demand shocks- Probabilities of the two regimes TVAR, 2000 (3) - 2010 (1) 5 0 DL_UNEMPL_EUR DL_CPI DL_CRNGR DL_PI DLCS_EUR DROBOR 3 M DL_CRNGV -5 -10 1. 0 2001 2002 Probabilities of Regime 1 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2001 2002 Probabilities of Regime 2 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0. 5 1. 0 0. 5 2001 2002

Conclusions n n n I showed that external innovations play an important role for Conclusions n n n I showed that external innovations play an important role for the evolution of macro-economy variables External shocks propagate quickly to our economy and their effects are felt for a long period of time, more than one year Comparing the three shocks we see that the effect of the demand shocks is lower then that of the monetary policy shocks and is transmitted in the economy for a shorter period of time. An explanation for this may be the fact that financial variables react more quickly to an innovation the variables referring to real activity for example Asymmetric effects manifests for all the shocks considered

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Kalman filter for Prediction Updating is the Kalman gain Kalman filter for Prediction Updating is the Kalman gain

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