Скачать презентацию The impact of different governance arrangements on the Скачать презентацию The impact of different governance arrangements on the


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The impact of different governance arrangements on the human-well-being of lobster fishers in the The impact of different governance arrangements on the human-well-being of lobster fishers in the Caribbean Iris Monnereau, Ph. D candidate, Centre for Maritime Research University of Amsterdam

Lobster as a luxury product Lobster as a luxury product

This research Field research in Nicaragua, Jamaica, Cuba, Belize This research Field research in Nicaragua, Jamaica, Cuba, Belize

Governing system • Interactive governance approach • multi-actor (from public to semi-private to private) Governing system • Interactive governance approach • multi-actor (from public to semi-private to private) but also multi-scale ranging from the international, national to the local level. • a) the ‘fish chain’ (the lobster chain from ecosystem to capture to international market) • b) the institutional system, focusing on how the fishery is governed • c) the principles that guide the behavior of the actors involved.

Lobster chain Lobster chain

Differences in lobster chains (1) • Different gears: Trapping: • • wooden traps jaulones Differences in lobster chains (1) • Different gears: Trapping: • • wooden traps jaulones chicken wire traps casitas Diving: • free lung, • hookah • SCUBA.

Differences in lobster chains (2) • In some middlemen play an central role • Differences in lobster chains (2) • In some middlemen play an central role • Processing versus cooperatives • Distribution Fish Chain Different lobster fishing métiers (division by gear type and scale) Traders: Middlemen Proc plants Coops Process. Distribution To USA, EU And Canada Domestic chain for hotels and rest. Illicit chain: domestic and intern. market Consum er

Nicaragua Lobster fishers 1) small-scale trappers 2) Small-scale divers 3) Industrial divers 4) Industrial Nicaragua Lobster fishers 1) small-scale trappers 2) Small-scale divers 3) Industrial divers 4) Industrial trappers They sell to -hotels/restaurants -middlemen (official and unofficial) -processing plants Processing plants and distribution to market

Belize Lobster fishers 1) small-scale trappers 2) Small-scale divers Buyers: Households Hotels/restaurants Cooperatives Processors Belize Lobster fishers 1) small-scale trappers 2) Small-scale divers Buyers: Households Hotels/restaurants Cooperatives Processors Cooperatives And distribution to market

Jamaica Lobster fishers 1) small-scale trappers 2) Small-scale divers 3) Industrial trappers buyers Middlemen Jamaica Lobster fishers 1) small-scale trappers 2) Small-scale divers 3) Industrial trappers buyers Middlemen (different types of Middlemen Packer boats Processing and distribution to the market

Well-being of lobster fishers in the Caribbean Satisfaction Job Satisfaction Autonomy -level of participation Well-being of lobster fishers in the Caribbean Satisfaction Job Satisfaction Autonomy -level of participation in management -access to resources Human needs -Basic material for a good life (income etc. ) -Shelter -Health (labor conditions) -Education -Good social relations

Hypothesis • Well-being of fishers is related to level of influence on management • Hypothesis • Well-being of fishers is related to level of influence on management • the income of fishers depends to a high degree on the set up of the fish chain • Good relations between fishers and government decreases overexploitation

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