Скачать презентацию The identification of the hepatitis C virus Скачать презентацию The identification of the hepatitis C virus


  • Количество слайдов: 43

The identification of the hepatitis C virus The identification of the hepatitis C virus

But, many talented colleagues & collaborators…. . But, many talented colleagues & collaborators…. .

Trying to find a “needle in a hazardous haystack” Trying to find a “needle in a hazardous haystack”

1 2 3 4 1 a a b b c c d d 2 1 2 3 4 1 a a b b c c d d 2 3 4

1987/1988 : Success at last, using serum from a patient with chronic NANH (associated 1987/1988 : Success at last, using serum from a patient with chronic NANH (associated with unusually high ALT levels) as the presumptive source of NANBH Ab

Proof that clone 5 -1 -1 c. DNA really was derived from an etiological Proof that clone 5 -1 -1 c. DNA really was derived from an etiological agent of NANBH

1 2 3 4 5 6 M 10 7 8 9 1 2 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 M 10 7 8 9 1 2 M

1 2 3 1 a a b b c 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 a a b b c 1 2 3 2 1 2 3

2 1 ALT 9 71 19 17 11 54 9 10 18 106 10 2 1 ALT 9 71 19 17 11 54 9 10 18 106 10 22 DAY 0 76 118 154 0 42 169 223 0 15 41 129 C

Etiological role in NANBH now proven Agent now termed the hepatitis C virus (HCV) Etiological role in NANBH now proven Agent now termed the hepatitis C virus (HCV)

Serum Counts per minute 1 (PT-NANBH) 2 (PT-NANBH) 3 (PT-NANBH) Acute NANBH patients 1 Serum Counts per minute 1 (PT-NANBH) 2 (PT-NANBH) 3 (PT-NANBH) Acute NANBH patients 1 Implicated blood donors 2 3 Chronic NANBH patients Acute PT-NANBH patient Implicated blood donor Blood donors 1 2 3 4 5 Alcoholic hepatitis Primary biliary cirrhosis 31, 962 22, 871 25, 381 909 40, 883 25, 812 31, 495 32, 107 17, 483 20, 983 726 33, 521 23, 512 30, 907 32, 121 21, 623 21, 039 767 35, 870 26, 476 33, 723 28, 584 19, 863 20, 047 580 34, 526 23, 723 33, 043 1, 207 590 740 469 1, 786 477 1, 489 461 998 887 591 634 584 775 632 446 533 531 647 561 459 758 553 584 469 327 649 429 842 915 571 1, 118 586 741 566 750

1 st International Meeting on HCV & Related Viruses 1 st International Meeting on HCV & Related Viruses