“ The History of the Olympic Games” Presentation

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“ The History of the Olympic Games” Presentation was presented by Ustyancev Maksim And Ashmarin Roman
The Olympic Games are divided into three historical periods: 1. Ancient Olympic Games. 2. Revival of the Olympic idea. 3. Modern Olympic Games.
1. Ancient Olympic Games. The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece. Olympic Games of ancient Greece were the religious and sports festival, held in Olympia. The first documented celebration refers to the year 776 BC. e. They were established by Heracles, although it is known that the games were held in the past.
Ancient Olympic Games (continued). At the time of the game was declared a sacred truce, at that time it was impossible to fight a war, even though it has been repeatedly violated. When Christianity became the official religion, the game came to be seen as a manifestation of paganism, and in 394 BC they were banned last emperor of Rome.
2. Revival of the Olympic idea. The forerunners of the modern Olympic Games are the «Olympia», which are held regularly during the 1859 -1888 period. The idea of the revival of the Olympic Games in Greece belonged to the poet Panagiotis Sutsosu, bring it to life public figure Evangelis Zappas. Плакат первых Олимпийских игр ←
Revival of the Olympic idea (continued). The desire to revive the Olympic mindset and culture spread quickly throughout Europe, the founder of the modern Olympic Games was Baron Pierre de Coubertin. And so, on June 23 was, it was decided that the first modern Olympic Games to be held in 1896 in Athens, in the country, the ancestor of the Games — Greece. Baron Pierre de Coubertin →
3. Modern Olympic Games. Symbol of the Olympic Games — five rings fastened together, symbolizing the union of the five parts of the world in the Olympic movement, so-called. Olympic rings. Ring color on the top row — blue, black and red. In the bottom row — yellow and green. The flag of Olympic Games →
Modern Olympic Games (continued). But every country — the organizer razrabatvaet its official emblem and mascot of the Games. stylized in accordance with the peculiarities of the country. The emblem of the Olympic Games 2012 in London. →
Modern Olympic Games (continued). In our time, held a very interesting ceremony of Olympic Games, with a lot of Solutia and fireworks.
Полезные ссылки: Официальный сайт МОК. http: //www. olympic. org/olympic-games Сайт Олимпийской истории и статистики. http: //www. databaseolympics. com/gameslist. htm Википедия. http: //ru. wikipedia. org
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