Скачать презентацию THE HISTORY OF NEW YORK When and Скачать презентацию THE HISTORY OF NEW YORK When and


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When and how did it begin? The history of New York begins around 10, When and how did it begin? The history of New York begins around 10, 000 BC, when the first Native Americans arrived. New York was discovered by the French in 1524 and first claimed in 1609 by the Dutch (Hudson)

 • As part of New Netherland, the colony was important in the fur • As part of New Netherland, the colony was important in the fur trade and eventually became an agricultural resource thanks to the patroon system.

In 1664, England renamed the colony New York City gained prominence in the 18 In 1664, England renamed the colony New York City gained prominence in the 18 th century as a major trading port in the Thirteen Colonies.

 • New York played an important role during the Revolutionary War. The Battle • New York played an important role during the Revolutionary War. The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the war. New York's constitution was adopted in 1777, and strongly influenced the United States Constitution.

New York hosted significant transportation advancements in the 19 th century, including the first New York hosted significant transportation advancements in the 19 th century, including the first steamboat line in 1807, the Erie Canal in 1825, and America's first regularly scheduled rail service in 1831. These advancements led to the expanded settlement of western New York.

 • During the 19 th century, New York City became the main entry • During the 19 th century, New York City became the main entry point for European immigrants to the United States. Millions came through Castle Clinton in Battery Park before Ellis Island opened in 1892 to welcome millions more. The Statue of Liberty opened in 1886 and became a symbol of hope. New York boomed during the Roaring Twenties, before the Wall Street Crash of 1929. New York City hosted the tallest building in the world from 1913– 74.

Following a period of near– bankruptcy, New York City renewed its stature as a Following a period of near– bankruptcy, New York City renewed its stature as a cultural center, attracted more immigration, and hosted the development of new music styles. The City became a media capital over the second half of the 20 th century, hosting most national news channels and broadcasts, as well as globally –renowned national newspapers. • The state's manufacturing base eroded over the period, as the state transitioned into service industries

 • The September 11 attacks destroyed the World Trade Center, killing almost 3, • The September 11 attacks destroyed the World Trade Center, killing almost 3, 000 people; they were the largest terrorist attacks on United States soil.