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THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF SMOKING Smoking It’s Between Life Or Death
What is smoking? Smoking is a practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco is burned and the smoke is inhaled. If you smoke, you’ll probably get Nicotine addiction. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance. Nicotine is defined as poisonous, oily, pale yellow substance and turns brown when in contact with oxygen. It can be used as a insecticide.
Why teenagers smoke? There a variety of reasons. 1 out of 8 boys will say that smoking is “cool”. 2 out of 8 girls will say that smoking will keep them slim. Others start because their friends smoke and influence them to smoke. Most of them smoke because it ‘relieves stress’. Statistics show that 9 out of 10 tobacco users start smoking before they reach 18.
Thinking of picking up a cigarette? Trying to come up with reasons to quit? Well, feast your eyes on this menu of tasty ingredients in cigarettes… *Acetic Acid (vinegar) *Ammonia (floor and toilet cleaner) *Arsenic (poison) *Butane (cigarette lighter fluid) *Cadmium (rechargeable batteries) *Carbon Monoxide *DDT (insecticide) *Ethanol (alcohol) *Formaldehyde (preserver for bodies and tissues) *Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison) *Methane (swamp gas) *Methanol (rocket fuel) *Naphthalene (mothballs) *Nitrobenzene (gasoline additive)
Global Statistics for Smoking (adults) A third of the global male adult population smokes. Smoking-related disease kills one in ten adults globally, or cause 4 million deaths. If trend continues, 1 in 6 people will die in 2030. Every 8 seconds, 1 person dies from tobacco use. Smoking is on the rise on the developing world, but decreasing in developed countries. 1. 5 billion cigarettes are sold daily. 12 times more British people died because of smoking then in WWII. The Western Pacific (East Asia & Pacific) has the highest number of men smoking. (2/3) The tobacco market is controlled by Britain, America and Japan.
Global Statistics for Smoking (Youth) Among young teens (13 -15) about 1 in 5 smokes worldwide. Between 80, 000 to 100, 000 children worldwide start to smoke everyday. Evidence shows that 50% of young teens who smoke will continue smoking for 15 -20 years. Teens are heavily influenced by tobacco advertising. About a quarter of youth alive in the Western Pacific Region will die from smoking.
Some effects of smoking Smokers suffer from severe diseases such as heart diseases, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, lung disease, respiratory problems and other problems related to pancreas, kidneys, and liver. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): This is a group of health conditions that blocks airflow and thus one will have difficulty in breathing. The COPD causes health dysfunctions like chronic bronchitis and emphysema. (air sacs of lungs are inflammed)
Cancer: Smokers are more likely to get cancer; cancer of the lungs, throat, gullet (esophagus) and mouth. It is approximated that 90% of lung cancer cases are associated with smoking. Cardiovascular Diseases: These are diseases of the heart, the blood vessels, including veins and arteries. Nicotine increases the cholesterol levels in the blood, these cholesterol and other fats are deposited in the arteries. The arteries therefore become rigid, narrow or blocked.
Effect#1 Respiratory System Smoking can cause of dangerous diseases like; Asthma, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, emphysema, feeling out of breath, pneumonia, cold and flu.
Effect#2 Digestive System It creates peptic ulcers, gallstones, stomach cancer, and heart burn.
Effect#3 Blood Clotting Brain goes to the un-conscious level at the time of intoxication and it kills essential tissues of the brain. It can also cause of blood clotting in brain.
Effect#4 Blood smoking a cigarette can repeatedly produce an immediate, temporary rise in the blood pressure Lack of oxygen to small blood vessels can cause them to become inflamed and block arteries
Lungs Lung Cancer can occur to smokers. When a person smoke then tobacco makes blockage in lungs, and gradually it develops lung cancer
Effect#6 Heart attack Smoking leads to inadequate blood supply due to the effects of carbon monoxide discharged from tobacco. Also leads to, Heart failure Stroke
Treatments Chemotherapy Uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. Destroys bad cells but also good cells. Side effects go away after therapy has stopped. Cure cancer - when chemotherapy destroys cancer cells to the point that your doctor can no longer detect them in your body and they will not grow back. Control cancer - when chemotherapy keeps cancer from spreading, slows its growth, or destroys cancer cells that have spread to other parts of your body. Make a tumor smaller before surgery or radiation therapy.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy Transdermal patches (which stick to your skin), available in formulations that release nicotine for either 16 hours or 24 hours Chewing gum that is available with either 2 mg or 4 mg of nicotine Inhalators, which look like plastic cigarettes through which nicotine is inhaled Tablets and lozenges, which are placed under your tongue Nasal spray, which passes nicotine through the lining of your nose
Ways to quit smoking without therapy Put it in writing. Write down what are the good things about quitting smoking. Get Support. You’re not alone. Family and friends can help you quit. Throw away ALL your cigarettes. It’s very tempting to smoke when you’re cigarettes are still there. Wash all of your clothes. To get rid of the cigarette smell. Substitute something else for cigarettes. Chew gum, suck a lollipop or a candy.
Keep yourself busy. It helps because if you’re busy you won’t crave cigarettes that much. If a slip-up happens, don’t give up! ! Major changes sometimes have false starts. If you're like many people, you may quit successfully for weeks or even months and then suddenly have a craving that's so strong you feel like you have to give in. Think of the slip up as a mistake. You can continue trying to quit. Remind yourself why you’ve quit and how well you’ve done. Your family and friends are there to support you. Reward yourself. With all of that money, buy something else than cigarettes.
“If you finally quit smoking, That will be a beautiful service for the Society”
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