The Great Patriotic War Шабанова.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 5
THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Shabanova Dasha 6 B School № 504
June 22, 1941 , Nazi Germany invaded without declaring war on the Soviet Union. A large force of German aviation brought down thousands of tons of deadly cargo. For the people began the Great Patriotic War. Zina Portnova Zi na Portnova got a job in the officers canteen. Germans liked the Russian girl with pigtails. Once she replaced the maid. This facilitated her access to food. Seizing the moment , Zina had time to pour the poisoned powder into the pot. . . Two days later more than a hundred officers that dined that day were buried at the cemetery.
Thousands of people risked their lives to get people out of the besieged city, or bring back food and fuel. A month later, after the Leningrad was taken in the ring, the first concrete plans appeared to break off the blockade. In autumn evacuated from Leningrad were transported on barges. In winter it was decided to lay the track directly on the ice. It was supposed to be a road 10 meters wide with heating shelters every 5 kilometers. Lake did not freeze completely, in December the thickness of the ice in some places was no more than 3 centimeters. Track was laid on the principle of least depth - there was less ice broken. Drivers did not shut the door in time to jump out if the machine started to sink.
Victory Day is the celebration of the victory of the Soviet Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 -1945. The Soviet government established May 9 celebrations. On Victory Day a march to the Cenotaph takes place, the military parade and salute in honor of the victory.
The Great Patriotic War Шабанова.pptx