- Количество слайдов: 43
The Great Depression SS 10 Ms. Rebecca
Before we start, let’s write about The Grapes of Wrath n n n n Take out a piece of paper. Write one full page about how you think your life would be different if you were one of the children traveling to California in the movie. If I lived like the kids in this movie, my life would be very different. For example, now I like to talk to my friends on my cell phone. If I was one of the kids in this movie I wouldn’t have a cell phone because they were invented yet and I wouldn’t be able to talk to my friends because I would have to leave home. I would have to write letters to my friends if I wanted to communicate with them. Unless they were homeless too. Then I would have no address to send a letter to! Things you can write about: School What would you do for fun? What would you eat? How would you get clean? How would you feel about leaving your friends? Who would you talk to? What would it be like to pick fruit all day? How would you feel when you first leave your home? How would you feel many months after you first leave home? How would you feel about your future?
I. What was life like in the U. S. after WWI? n Good times! http: //www. historyteacher. net/AHAP/images/Flapper. JPG
A. Forget Problems of War http: //napoli. theoffside. com/files/2007/11/what-me-worry-715605. jpg
a. How? n i. Radio http: //www. austin 360. com/shared-gen/blogs/austin/outandabout/google-radio. JPG
ii. Go to the Movies url=http: //www. moah. org/exhibits/archives/movies/images/lumiere. jpg&imgrefurl=http: //www
Watch Baseball! http: //j-walkblog. com/blog/images 2/joejackson. jpg
Drive cars!
B. More progress after the War for: n WOMEN! http: //bss. sfsu. edu/tygiel/Hist 427/427 ads/1927 women's. Styles. jpg
a. Women gain new rights n i. Right to Vote http: //www. tchevalier. com/fallingangels/bckgrnd/suffrage/img/march. jpg
ii. Women leave home to work ges/Female. Delegatestothe. Scottish. Trades. Union. Congressin. April 1911. Copyright. National. Libr
iii. Women go to college! officemuseum. com/Class_National_Training_School_for_Women__Girls_Wash_DC_c. _192
C. More After the War: Business was booming! a. The Economy was really good. War actually helped the U. S. economy http: //www. einflatables. com/images/Business_opps_home_booming. gif
i. U. S. made money by trading goods during the War. n U. S. produced many goods like food, weapons, clothes etc to sell during the War. Everyone needs more things during war. http: //atdetroit. net/forum/messages/6790/56857. jpg
II. How did the good times end? n n A. Too many goods were produced after the war. a. People were used to producing in large numbers during the war while industry was growing.
n i. But people just didn’t need as much stuff. So companies had to lower prices to get consumers to buy things. http: //www. canadiancigar. com/lower-prices. gif
ii. Companies didn’t make as much money http: //images. publicradio. org/content/2006/12/08/20061208_empty_wallet_2. jpg
Do Now: n n What was life like in America after WWI? Why did this change at the end of the “Roaring Twenties”?
c. Investors n n Ordinary people could buy parts of a company: stocks The goal was to buy stocks for low prices and once the value of a company increased because they sold a lot, stockowners would sell their stocks for more money than they bought it. They made a profit.
n n i. Problem: When companies LOST money, so did investors. So when companies lost money from overproduction, so did their stock owners.
B. The Crash! n When prices all came down very quickly in the stock market, it was called the Stock Market Crash http: //www. affordablehousinginstitute. org/blogs/us/Stock_market_crash_1929_small. jpg
a. The value of entire companies went down
b. Stock owners (investors) freaked out http: //img. crocmusic. com/l/albums/15/frank_zappa_freak_out. jpg
c. Stock owners (investors) tried to sell all of their stocks at once so they didn’t keep losing money http: //www. ziglar. com/catalog/images/now_go_sell_somebody. jpg
d. And because everyone was selling and no one was buying……. n The prices of all stocks came CRASHING down.
Do Now: n n What is a stock? Why do people want to buy stocks? Why do people want to sell stocks? What happened when many people sold their stocks at the same time?
C. The Dust Bowl n To make it even worse, there were very bad droughts at the same time. Crops died, and there wasn’t enough to sell so farmers lost their land there weren’t enough fruits and vegetables for people to eat. p: //projects. loudoun. k 12. va. us/schools/lchs/english/rader/project/essays 2/kristinm/gd 23. gif
Story time! n Now you will hear a story about life during the Dust Bowl as read by Ms. Rebecca!
III. Effects of the Crash on people n A. People lost EVERYTHING. /www. tqnyc. org/NYC 074794/gd 4. jpg&imgrefurl=http: //www. tqnyc. org/NYC 074794/dailylife. h
a. Some people had bought stocks on interest or borrowed money n They couldn’t afford to pay it back. So they had to sell their homes and other things and were forced to live on the streets. http: //www. bbc. co. uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/images/hist_depression. jpg
c. Workers lost their jobs n n Because businesses couldn’t afford to pay workers. i. Many people were now unemployed. http: //i 147. photobucket. com/albums/r 300/Psychomantiszs/Posters/Unemployed. jpg
d. Effects felt around the world n Because no one could trade with the U. S. The U. S. couldn’t afford to buy or sell things overseas. p: //www. lib. utexas. edu/maps/world_rel_803005 AI_2003. jpg&imgrefurl=http: //w
IV. How do you fix these problems? n A. Make people happy again! People need to be happy to buy things, put money into the economy, and fix the problems of the Great Depression! stockphoto. com/file_thumbview_approve/2588386/2/istockphoto_2588386_happy_consum
a. How do you make people happy? n Give them a New Deal! http: //opinionjournal. com/editorial/070107 rosie. jpg
n The New Deal: President Franklin Roosevelt’s plan of programs to help fix the problems of the Great Depression.
i. Get people jobs n new jobs, (national parks created so needed new workers paid by government money) chives. gov/exhibits/new_deal_for_the_arts/images/work_pays_america/images/ccc_work_p
ii. Made it so the government helped people more n n n With food stamps Welfare for unemployed New rules about investing in the market to prevent future depressions. http: //www. elderweb. com/sites/elderweb/files/albums/history/acoffee_sm. jpg
B. The thing that fixed the Great Depression…. . n a. The New Deal helped some people by getting people jobs and helping them to get off the street.
n b. But the REAL end of the Great Depression came with the start of WORLD WAR II. Why do you think that WWII would help the U. S. economy? http: //www. newvideo. com/images/boxart/AAE 76280 -03. jpg
Great Depression Review! - - Answer the following questions to be turned in before the end of class: 1. What was life like BEFORE the Great Depression? 2. Why did the Stock Market Crash? List at least 3 main causes for the crash. 3. How did people try to fix the Great Depression? And What was the final thing that fixed the Great Depression?
Reading Questions! n Yeah!
n n n 1. What was like before the Great Depression? People were happy! Life was good 2. Why did the stock market crash? 1. People thought that the values of companies would keep rising so they bought stocks EVEN WHEN THEY DIDN’T have enough money to buy. HOW did they buy? : Borrowed money that they had to pay back with interest (extra money in addition to the money they borrowed) 2. HOW did people buy? : Credit Borrowed money that they had to pay back with interest (extra money in addition to the money they borrowed) 3. Stock Prices at unrealistic levels Stock prices kept rising because people were buying stocks even when they didn’t have enough money to do so. SO it LOOKED like the value of companies was increasing because people were buying stocks. BUT they were buying on credit so it wasn’t real money. 4. Consumer Spending Decreased: People no longer had money to buy anything. 5. Struggling Businesses: Businesses lost money and had to close so they were worthless. 3. How did people try to fix the Great Depression? -New Deal- government programs- get money to the people so they can buy things and get money into the economy -WWII was the final thing that ended the Great Depression.
Homework: n n n n n Make picture notecards of the following terms: The Stock Market Crash The Dust Bowl Stocks Profit Investor Interest Unemployment The New Deal