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The Good Friendship: David and Jonathan The Good Friendship: David and Jonathan

Who are your friends? v v How many of you have friends? How many Who are your friends? v v How many of you have friends? How many of them would you say were really close to you? Does anyone just have one best friend? What makes that person or people your best friend? What kind of qualities?

Jonathan King Saul… v Who was he? v Who was King after him? v Jonathan King Saul… v Who was he? v Who was King after him? v King Saul was the first king of Israel in the old testament. He was King during the time of Goliath. v King Saul had a son named Jonathan. v

The friendship begins v Jonathan and David became good friends after David defeated Goliath. The friendship begins v Jonathan and David became good friends after David defeated Goliath. Even before hand, Jonathan prayed that the Lord would help David be victorious. Even after the death of Goliath, Jonathan stood by his father and David. Jonathan loved David so much because he knew that he trusted God in everything that he did.

How much did Jonathan love David? If you had a best friend, how much How much did Jonathan love David? If you had a best friend, how much would you give to that person? v Would you give them candy, toys, your room? ? ? v Jonathan was supposed to be the next King after Saul. But we all know that the next king was David. If you were in Jonathan’s place, wouldn’t you be upset that you were not going to become king? v

Not Jonathan! v v v But no!! Jonathan KNEW that God had chosen David Not Jonathan! v v v But no!! Jonathan KNEW that God had chosen David to be the next king, and he was just happy to be David’s friend! Imagine!! Just happy enough to be his friend and be there by his side! Jonathan did not let vain and wordly things, like being a king, get in the way of his love and friendship with God and David. Jonathan wanted to give David everything and anything that he needed! That’s how much he loved David.

Questions Who was the first king of Israel? v What was his son’s name? Questions Who was the first king of Israel? v What was his son’s name? v Who killed Goliath? v Why did Jonathan love David? v What was surprising about Jonathan’s character? v

Conclusion v v Everyone of us has a special friend that we tell everything Conclusion v v Everyone of us has a special friend that we tell everything to. We depend on them because we know that they love us and that they will listen to everything we say and help us out. Just like Jonathan and David were. Jonathan loved David because David was close to God. Similarly we should choose friends that are close to God.

Conclusion (Cont. ) v v But, imagine how much closer we should be to Conclusion (Cont. ) v v But, imagine how much closer we should be to Jesus. He did so much more for us than any of our friends can ever do, He died for us! With that kind of love…. what can separate us from His love. Jesus is there for me to talk to about anything! Any secrets, problems, concerns, sins…anything we need to talk about God is there for us and we should take full advantage of that.

Memory Verse v “The righteous should choose his friends carefully. ” (Prove rbs 12: Memory Verse v “The righteous should choose his friends carefully. ” (Prove rbs 12: 26)