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The Global Forest Observation Initiative - GFOI A GEO Flagship Giovanni Rum GEO Secretariat Afri. GEOSS Symposium, Victoria Falls 27 -29 April 2016
Some history… All started in 2008 with the GEO FCT GEO established the Forest Carbon Tracking (FCT) task in 2008, with three main objectives: – facilitate countries access to satellite and in situ data, – establish interoperability standards for the use of different processing and analysis tools and methodologies, and – create the appropriate framework for the implementation a global initiative (now GFOI) to provide operational support to countries wishing to establish a national system forest monitoring and carbon reporting.
How was the FCT task implemented-1 • Australia & Norway were key in activating the task : – They brought to the GEO coordination framework their bilateral activities with Indonesia and Tanzania, respectively; – They allocated specific resources (money to the GEO Secretariat plus people in the respective institutions) to ensure FCT programmatic and technical coordination. • Progressively other bilateral activities were brought within the FCT coordination (such as the US Silva Carbon, initially focused in South America, European Activities focused in Central Africa, etc. ) and additional technical support secured (Japan, NL, FAO, GOFC-GOLD)
How was the FCT task implemented-2 • CEOS joined since the very beginnining and then committed to provide coordinated satellite data • Indonesia and Tanzania were the first two “National Demonstrators”, defined as countries or large areas within a country, which were used for developing and testing approaches and methods and demonstrating the use of Earth observation capabilities. • The National Demonstrators became 10 in 2010 and constituted a key element for the FCT success • Annual meetings, starting from 2009, shared data, products, experience.
National Demonstrators The task identified “duties” for a country to become a National demonstrator as well as associated benefits. Political commitment: commitment at Ministers level Institutional commitment: committed availability of responsible government Units and local expert capability and assistance in providing better access to in-situ data. Access to coordinated satellite data Support for data processing and products development (a data processing team was established for each national demonstrator) Access to methodologies, tools and knowledge “Hands-on” capacity building and training
FCT transitioned into GFOI in 2013, with coordination office at the GEO Secretariat. Today the coordination office is at FAO where was moved in 2015 The Global Forest Observation Initiative inputs provided by: Douglas M. Muchoney, Ph. D. Sylvia Wilson U. S. Geological Survey
Global Forest Observation Initiative
GFOI Principles
GFOI Components
GFOI “Deliverables” GFOI Products In-country implementation using GFOI products, some by GFOI partners some by other organisations
Space Data Coordination Group (SDCG): 3 Elements:
Core Data
Contributing Data
GFOI Capacity Building principles • • Regional synergies Thematic Directed, Adaptive Social networking and sharing Broad participation Developing a cadre and network of practitioners Recognize “Deep-CB”
Capacity Building • In coordination with others including UNREDD, FAO and WB • Major effort through Silva. Carbon, other activities with Australia and Norway, involving Indonesia, Kenya and Tanzania • Tailored to meet country needs and requests • Aims to build up networks of experts in countries • Programmes in South America, SE Asia and Central Africa • 16 Workshops in the 2011 -2016 timeframe, plans until 2019 https: //sites. google. com/site/talleresgeofct/ https: //sites. google. com/site/gfoiseasiacapacitybuilding/home https: //sites. google. com/site/gfoiafricacapacitybuilding/home/
Methodological advice • • GFOI Methods and Guidance Document published in 2013 Provides operational link between IPCC methods and all the REDD+ activities identified by UNFCCC Consistent with UNFCCC Warsaw Framework on REDD+ Coordinated UN-REDD, World Bank, IPCC and GOFC-GOLD Consistent with the annual review of scientific developments provided by GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook Aimed at technical implementers, negotiators and those responsible for REDD+ nationally Supplementary documents being produced For report and additional material see: http: //www. gfoi. org/methods-guidance-documentation
MGD Additional Material and Developments
GFOI R&D Component GOFC-GOLD: http: //www. gofcgold. wur. nl/ GFOI: http: //www. gfoi. org/rd
Lessons learned 1. Only works with dedicated individuals tasked to support activities 2. Relationships are important, both institutional and personal 3. Adaptiveness 4. The convening power of GEO (GFOI) 5. Shared funding and technical support helps
Thank you! Douglas Muchoney (USGS): dmuchoney@usgs. gov www. gfoi. org www. ceos. org/sdcg www. silvacarbon. org #silvacarbon https: //sites. google. com/site/talleresgeofct/ https: //sites. google. com/site gfoiseasiacapacitybuilding/home https: //sites. google. com/site/gfoiafricacapaci tybuilding/home/ 20