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The German Research Landscape and Exchange with Malaysia Dr. Guido Schnieders DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Information Centre Kuala Lumpur
Presentation Topics • The DAAD • The German Research Landscape • Academic Exchange Germany – Malaysia • DAAD Funding Offers • Q & A 07/2008 2
DAAD is. . . Deutscher German Akademischer Academic Austausch Exchange Dienst Service . . . a self-governing organisation of German universities 236 Member universities 124 Student bodies 07/2008 3
DAAD is your partner. Worldwide. • We promote academic co-operation between Germany and the world, especially through the exchange of students, graduates, scientists and researchers To achieve this, we • provide a variety of different scholarships for Malaysians and Germans; • help to establish and fund co-operation between German and Malaysian universities; • offer free information and counseling on study and research opportunities in Germany; • promote German language and German studies in Malaysia. 07/2008 4
DAAD budget 2012 by sources (expectation) European Union 58. 0 m Euro = 14% Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 38. 1 m Euro = 9% Other funds 37. 7 m Euros = 9% Foreign Office 177. 8 m Euros = 44% 411. 2 Mio Euro 1. 65 bn Ringgit Ministry of Education and Research 99. 6 m Euro = 24% 07/2008 5
Goals and expenditures of the DAAD 2012 (expectation) Scholarships for Germans Internationalisation of universities Promoting young foreign elites at German universities and research institutes Promoting young German leaders of the future in their studies and research abroad (including ERASMUS) Increasing the international appeal of German universities (including marketing) and promoting the international dimension in German higher education 85 m Euros 104 m Euros Scholarships foreigners 83 m Euros 420 m Ringgit 340 m Ringgit Promoting German studies and the German language abroad 335 m Ringgit Educational cooperation with developing countries Promoting German studies, German language and area studies programmes (including Lektors) at foreign universities Promoting academic, economic, and democratic development in developing and reform countries 48 m Euros 370 m Ringgit 200 m Ringgit 91 m Euros 07/2008 6 6
DAAD Scholarship holders: Regions of origin and destinations (2010) 3. 144 6. 834 15. 727 5. 979 Western Europe 2. 080 5. 403 Central and Eastern Europe/CIS North America 4. 817 1. 541 North Africa/ Middle East 5. 152 3. 275 Lateinamerika Stand: April 2011 7. 395 6. 817 Asia/Australia/Oceania 3. 732 1. 764 Africa Foreigners 42. 047 Germans 31. 613 *without EU-programmes 07/2008 7
Worldwide DAAD Network Außenstellen (14) Informationszentren (IC) (48) 07/2008 8
The German Research Landscape The German Research System is characterised by three different players: - state-funded institutions (ca. 750) Research of higher education institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences etc. ) - Non-university based research facilities (Max Planck Society, Helmholtz Association, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Leibniz Association etc. ) - privately financed institutions Industrial research by companies (Siemens, Bayer, BASF, Ai. F etc. ) 07/2008 9
The German research landscape Ø About 250, 000 scientists Ø Third largest research country in the world (total number of researchers) Ø More than 750 state-funded scientific institutes Ø Top-level research in German companies 07/2008 10
Research expenditures in Germany Totel expenditures 2011: 267 bm RM Universities 16, 2 % 14, 0 % 69, 8 % Industry Figures for 2007, Source: Statistisches Bundesamt 07/2008 11
Research Landscape - Overview Fundamental Research Applied Sciences Max Planck Society Fraunhofer. Gesellschaft Universities Helmholtz Association Industry Leibniz Association 07/2008 12
Fraunhofer Society Ø Carries out applied research of direct value to private and public enterprise of wide benefit to society Ø Research fields: from next generation internet, augmented reality and virtual factories through mechatronics and energy technologies Ø 80 research institutes Ø Annual Budget: RM 7 billion Ø Of this: RM 6 billion from contract research Ø 17, 000 employees www. fraunhofer. de 07/2008 13
Helmholtz Association Ø An alliance of 16 autonomous scientific centers (30. 000 employees) dedicated to the pursuit of long-term research goals and priorities of the state and society. Annual budget: RM 14 billion Ø Offers long-term programs for scientifically and technologically complex problems. Ø High level research in 6 areas: structure of matter, earth and environment, health (incl. cancer research), energy (incl. nuclear safety) and key technologies (incl. nanotechnology). www. helmholtz. de 07/2008 14
Max Planck Society Ø Basic research of the highest quality at the frontiers of knowledge Ø Provides competitive research conditions for excellent scientists from all over the world Ø Research fields: Biosciences, Neurosciences, Cognitive Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geosciences, Computer Sciences, Social and Cultural Studies Ø 80 research institutes Ø Annual budget 2009: RM 8 billion Ø 13, 000 employees www. mpg. de 07/2008 15
Leibniz Society Ø Demand-oriented and interdisciplinary centers of excellence Ø Co-operation partners for industry, public administration and politics Ø Research fields: Arts, Humanities and Education, Economic and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Environmental Research Ø 82 institutes Ø Annual budget 2008: RM 3. 5 billion Ø 13, 700 employees www. wgl. de 07/2008 16
German research – a track record of success More than 100 Nobel prize winners. In recent years: 2009 Literature (Herta Müller) 2008 Medicine (Harald zur Hausen) 2007 Chemistry (Gerhard Ertl) 2007 Physics (Peter Gruenberg) 2005 Physics (Theodor Haensch) 2001 Physics (Wolfgang Ketterle) 2000 Physics (Herbert Kroemer) 07/2008 17
Number of Nobel Prizes 07/2008 18
Share in triadic patents (2009) Germany Korea France United Kingdom Netherlands Switzerland Canada Sweden Italy Israel Australia Belgium China Austria % Finland 0 5 10 Germany ranking 3 rd after the US and Japan 15 07/2008 19
Research publications (Wo. S) world-wide 1992 -2007 07/2008 20
Research publications (Wo. S) world-wide 1992 -2007* *Malaysia‘s 5 RU, generating 75% of the country‘s Wo. S-publications, tripled their output of Wo. S-publications 2007 -2011 07/2008 21
Academic Exchange with Malaysia DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur Dr. Guido Schnieders DAAD Representative and Visiting Lecturer at Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, Universiti Malaya German Business Center, Suite 47. 03 Menara Am. Bank, No. 8 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +60 -3 -92351841 Mob: +60 -14 -2376711 Web: http: //ic. daad. de/kualalumpur Malaysia • Kuala Lumpur Information Center (IC) Lektor 07/2008 22
Malaysian students in Germany (HE degree programmes) 07/2008 Quelle: Wissenschaft Weltoffen 23
Malaysian students in Germany: What do they study? 07/2008 24
DAAD-Funding for Study and Research to Germany from Malaysia Exchange Statistics (with DAAD-Funding) from Recent Years 07/2008 25
Offshore activities of German Universities (with DAAD funding) Tallinn Riga Kaunas St. Petersburg Moskau Kiew Nowosibirsk Sumy Almaty Ankara Antalya Damaskus Kairo Bischkek Teheran Amman Kolkata Maskat Mumbai Chiang Mai Bangkok Bengaluru Guadalajara Santa Marta Santo Domingo Jimma Rio de Janeiro Buenos Aires Seoul Beppu Shanghai Hangzhou Hanoi Dar es Salaam Windhoek Maputo Curitiba Qingdao Suzhou Hefei Kuala Lumpur Singapur Accra Kinshasa Santiago de Chile Baku Yerevan Germany backed study courses, branch-/off shore campuses African Centres of Excellence Kapstadt ex)/(ceed: HE Excellence in Development Cooperation Bi-cultural German-Arabic Master Courses Centres of Excellence Juni 2011 07/2008 26
Offshore activities of German universities in SEA (with DAAD-funding) Malaysia Universität Rosenheim - University Kuala Lumpur Projekt: Green Building Energy and Management, Singapur Technische Universität München - National University of Singapore & Nanyang Technological University Projekt: German Institute of Science & Technology (GIST); ) Thailand RWTH Aachen - King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok Projekt: Sirindhorn International Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering; Universität Hohenheim - Chiang Mai University Projekt: Sirindhorn International Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering; Vietnam Technische Universität Dresden - Technische Universität Hanoi Projekt: Vietnamesisch-Deutsches Ausbildungs- & Forschungsinstitut (VDAFI); Fachhochschule Köln - Vietnam Institute for Water Resources Research (VIWRR) Projekt: Export des Masterstudiengangs "Technology and Resources Management (TERMA)" 07/2008 27
. . . in Malaysia 07/2008 28
Academic exchange between Malaysia and Germany (highlights) • 45 university partnerships between Germany and Malaysia • Double-degree programmes Uni. KL - FH Rosenheim UKM - Uni Duisburg-Essen UMP - FH Karlsruhe Ui. TM - FH Heidelberg (new) • Extensive scholarship programmes by Malaysian government (MARA, JPA), mainly for engineering programmes • Raising number of Malaysian students in Germany • More than 120 DAAD-scholarships per year 07/2008 29
DAAD Funding Opportunities: Scholarships for individuals Ø Ø Ø Research Grants for Ph. D candidates within the “Sandwich Model” Postgraduate Courses for Professionals Research Stays for Scientists Re-Invitations for DAAD-Alumni Study Visits for Groups of Students Ø Check out: www. funding-guide. de 07/2008 30
DAAD Ph. D Scholarships p research projects at a German university for the purpose of gaining a doctorate in Germany requirements: p Master‘s degree, good Bachelor‘s degree p no more than 6 years between Master‘s degree and start of Ph. D studies p admission to a structured Ph. D-programme or confirmation of supervision by a German professor Application deadline: 15 October 07/2008 31
DAAD Sandwich Scholarship p support for a „Sandwich“ structure of studies combining periods of study/research in Germany with those in the home country, leading to a Ph. D in the home country requirements: p Master‘s degree, good Bachelor‘s degree p no more than 3 years between start of Ph. D studies and commencement of scholarship 07/2008 32
Application documents p Application form, curriculum vitae p Research proposal (including timeline) Download our guidelines: „How to write a research proposal“ p Letter of supervision/ letter of admission to Ph. D programme Download our guidelines: „How to find a Ph. D supervisor“ p 2 academic references p Authenticated copies of school leaving/Bachelor‘s/Master‘s certificate p Proof of language competence (Test. Da. F or Toe. FL / IELTS) p One deadline per year: 15. October contact us early on, if you intend to apply 07/2008 33
Funding options for cooperation with German universities Øpreparatory visits Øsubject-specific university partnerships, joint research Øguest lecturers Øresearch stays (post-docs) Øalumni conferences, summer schools Østudents exchange, study trips Øjoint supervision of Ph. D/ Master students Øjoint programmes, double degrees 07/2008 34
Subject-related University Partnerships p funding for university partnerships based on formal agreements facilitating long-term exchange and cooperation measures. p duration: four years, up to 50. 000 Euro per year requirements: p a formal agreement between a German and a foreign institution p application to be submitted by the German institution 07/2008 35
DAAD Information Centre Kuala Lumpur Address German Business Center, Suite 47. 03 Menara Am. Bank, No. 8 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng 50450 Kuala Lumpur Contact Tel/Fax: 03 -92351841 E-mail: info@daadkl. org Web: http: //ic. daad. de/kualalumpur facebook: DAAD Information Center Kuala Lumpur Consultation hours without appointment: Mon 10 -12 h, Fri 14 -17 h or any other time on appointment Subscribe to our Email Newsletter! Just send us a mail! 07/2008 36