- Количество слайдов: 63
The German digital library project Jörn Sieglerschmidt Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum (Library Service Centre) Baden-Württemberg 6 th Information Policy Forum How Many Gates Are Enough? Cultural Portals in Estonia National Library of Estland Tallinn, September 16 th, 2010 Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010
German Digital Library: aims and adressees • enhancement of the access to digitized content • books, threedimensional objects, manuscripts, images, audiovisual objects, videos • national aggregator of Europeana • services for those, who will deliver data (extranet) • platform of information enhancement and exchange • services for collaborative and individual work of users on the data (internet) • participants: archives, libraries, museums, monument preservation, archæological sites, sciences, humanities: all digitized content of German cultural and scholarly institutions • addressees: scholars, teachers, pupils, media, the culturally interested general public Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek: political and organizational structure board of governors accounts yearly (9 members for four Federal Government years: 4 representatives of each the Fe- nominate Municipalities deration and the Länder, 1 representative of the munici- accounts yearly Federal States palities takes part in meetings of nominate Executive board: 1 -3 persons proposes a new member (2/3 majority) office (SPK) elects Network of competence: initially 13 members ---------------------- nominate approves the proposal of a new member General meeting of the network of competence Basis: 30000 cultural heritage institutions Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek: network of competence Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation Berlin Federal Archive of Germany Koblenz/Berlin German National Library Frankfurt/ Leipzig/ Berlin State Archives Baden. Württemberg Stuttgart German Film Institute Frankfurt State Office of Brandenburg for Preservation of Monuments Bavarian State Library Munich network of competence State and University Library of Lower Saxony Göttingen State, Regional, and University Library of Saxony Dresden Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Berlin Library Service Centre Baden-Württemberg Konstanz Foundation of historical museums Hamburg Digital archive of art and culture Düsseldorf Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Current state of the project • forming of political and professional bodies • constructing the technical infrastructure (hardware options: speed of data processing, storage) • choosing the technical tools and repository structure (software options: open source vs. commercial) • choosing the professional tools (standards and authority files) • development of ideas and decision regarding the user interface • communication and web design • proposals regarding IPR issues and licensing of data (open access vs. commercial use) • GDL data provider agreement • building up the services of the extranet (provider information, tools for the ingest of data) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
functional and security areas Security area consolidation semantic analysis, entity recognition Data processing related to use cases (who, where, … ) web API Full text index consolidation firewall analysis user interface API connecting external systems web API domains: (film/ image) archive, museum, library, monument preservation Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 firewall presentation of 51
German Digital Library (Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek) <http: //www. ddb. de> <http: //www. deutsche-digitale-bibliothek. de> Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
German Digital Library (Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
One example: Europeana (Eurpean Digital Library) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Europeana Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Europeana Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Metadata and ontologies: tagging a file üpoadfgölkjuzwrem xycvoi wrm, n<cxyoiw eremnb<ycgwer, mnbfvbdölkaejhgfqertzhlj phrase match in a character string üpoadfg§ölkjuzwrem xycvoi &wrm, n<cxyoiw ermnb<ycgwer, §mnbfvbdölk &aejhgfqer simple tags: §, & üpoadf§Role. Actorölkjuzw&wrm, n<cxyoiw eremnb<ycgwer, §Name. Actormnbfvbdölk& complex tags with initial and final tag <museumdat: Role. Actorölkjuzw/museumdat: Role. Actor>rem xycvoiwrm, ncxyoiw gwer, <museumdat: Name. Actormnbfvbdölk/museumdat: Name. Actor>aejhgfqertzhlj XML tags Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 15
Dublin Core Metadata Element Set: ISO 15836 Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Comité International pour la documentation (CIDOC): CRM Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Conceptual Reference Model • Comité International pour la documentation (CIDOC)/ Conseil international des Musées/ International Council of Museums (ICOM) • ISO 21127: 84 classs (entities), 141 relations (properties) • domain specific, expandable ontology (cultural heritage) • Knowledge organization by: • precise and flexible mapping of complex data structures, in order to cover scholarly information needs • integration of knowledge structures in ch institutions (libraries, archives, museums, monument preservation etc. ) • exchange of information • combination of data from different strands and domains of knowledge by using national and international standards Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Conceptual Reference Model: classes Entity Primitive Value Temporal Entity Time Span Place Persistent Item Dimension Number Condition State Period Actor Stuff Contact Point Appellation Event Legal Object Man Made Stuff String Time Primitive Activity Begin Existence Physical Stuff Information Object Conceptual Object Physical Man Made Stuff End Existence Physical Object Physical Man Made Stuff Physical Feature Design/Procedure Document Linguistic Object Visual Item Mark Image Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Conceptual Reference Model: relations (properties) Relations (properties): • is identified by (identifies) • has type (is type of) • has time-span (is time-span of) • took place on or within (witnessed) • consists of (forms part of) • occurred in the presence of (was present at) • was influenced by (influenced) • was intended use of (was made for) • had specific purpose (was pupose of) • transferred title of (changed ownership through) • has dimension (is dimension of) • refers to (is referred to by) • is composed of (forms part of) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
museumdat. org Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Why museumdat? • Different databases with a variety of data structures • Harvesting of data by a machine, i. e. automatically • Data exchange in case of e. g. a loan • Use of the data for different internet platforms • • Enlargement, adaptation, maintanence of the format New working group of CIDOC concerned with the format: Data harvesting and interchange Expectation that museumdat will become an internationally acknowledged und distributed format • Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 15
museumdat data delivery: net of contributors to portals Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 15
museumdat → LIDO • Lightweight Information Describing Objects • Catogeries for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA Lite): J. P. Getty Trust • Spectrum (The UK Museum Standard): MDA, MLA (Museums, Libraries and Archives Council) • museumdat (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, Foto Archive Marburg) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Formats and structures of different media • metadata (METS, MODS, DC, TEI, EAD, LIDO, IPTC, CIDOC CRM, EDM …) • audio files (mp 3, wav, …) • video files (mpeg, …) • text files (pdf, txt, doc, …) • image files (jpg, tif, bmp, …) • internal structure of data (chapter, pages, sequences, parts of books, films, audios, objects, …) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Automatic indexing vs. controlled vocabulary 1. Reliability of automatic indexing 2. Reliability of controlled vocabulary persons places times subject headings of national libraries things unique reference to an individual concept reference to synonyms, polysems, homonyms reference to broader, narrower, similar concepts multilinguality Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Thesaurus: RAMEAU Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Thesaurus: Library of Congress Subject authority headings Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Thesaurus: Library of Congress Subject authority headings Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
LC Subject Headings: Concept Details and Visualization Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Thesaurus: Subject headings LC Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Subject headings of the German National Library Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
OPAC of the Southwestern Union Catalogue Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 15
Descriptor and Wikipedia entry Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 15
J. Paul Getty Trust: Research Institute, Vocabulary Program Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Arts and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Iconclass: iconographic classification Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Iconclass. org Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Iconclass. nl: browser Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Iconclass: Abstract, non-representational art Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Iconclass: Meteorological phenomena, rain Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Iconclass: Query for rain Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Intelligent Browsing Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Types of knowledge following Ernst Pöppel Explicit knowledge: algorithmic knowledge, that could be reproduced with regard to explicit rules and without regard to social contexts (benennbares, eindeutig kommunizierbares und nach angebbaren Regeln abrufbares Wissen). Implicit knowledge: knowledge how to act, to behave (Handlungswissen); physical knowledge (Körperwissen); heuristic knowledge (standard operating procedures); intuitive knowledge (experience, emotions). Pictorial (metaphorical) knowledge: images and histories making sense; perception knowledge (Anschauungswissen); memory knowledge (Erinnerungswissen); abstraction knowledge (Abstraktionswissen). Pöppel, Ernst: Wissen – und wie es kommuniziert werden kann. [Knowledge ‒ and how it is communicated] In: Ball, Rafael (Hg. ): Wissenschaftskommunikation der Zukunft. (Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Bibliothek 18) 2007, 11 -21. [http: //hdl. handle. net/2128/2893] Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Frans Francken (1581 – 1642), Cabinet of Curiosities 1625, Art History Museum Vienna Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Andrea Domenico Remps (ca. 1620–ca. 1699), Cabinet of Curiosity 1690, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Firenze Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Paul Otlet ( 1868 -1944), founder of the systematic bibliology Qui scit ubi scientia habenti est proximus. Who knows, where the knowledge is, is closest to the knowing. (Otlet, Paul: Traité de documentation. Bruxelles: Mundaneum 1934, p. 2) Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Paul Otlet ( 1868 -1944), founder of the systematic bibliology: the cataloguing room in the Palais Mondial 1903 Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 von 15
Paul Otlet ( 1868 -1944), founder of the systematic bibliology or: the Otlet galaxy in 1934 “The desk is no more loaded with any book. Instead of that there a screen and a telephone within reach. Remote at a different place there are the books and the information in a huge building … From there the page to be read will appear on the screen, in order to get an answer to a question put by telephone without and with a wired connection. The number of screens will be doubled, quadrupled or increased tenfold, if it is welcome to display many texts and documents simultanously (at once). There would be a loudspeaker, if the visible must be supplemented by the audible, the seeing by the listening. Today utopia, because such things nowhere exist, but it might become reality, if methods and tools are enhanced, still. And such an enhancement could reach a state that the documents are delivered automatically on the screen and the sequence of following documents automatically either …” Paul Otlet, Traité de documentation, 1934, p. 428 Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Thank you very much for your patient attention. Jörn Sieglerschmidt Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum (Library Service Centre) Baden-Württemberg joern. sieglerschmidt@uni-konstanz. de <www. deutsche-digitale-bibliothek. de> <www. ddb. de> Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Staircase of knowledge (Klaus North, Wissensorientierte Unternehmensführung, 2002) nt e m e ag n ge ed a m l ow kn competitiveness competence + uniqueness action + right action nd t a n en c gi tio em e a g knowledge + application at m a tr or an s f in m e e information + context iv dg t ra wle peno data + meaning o k sign + skill + will syntax Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 51
Great expectations: Web 2. 0 What‘s new in Web 2. 0? applications & services semantic network(ing) participation New users. New approach of using? Different forms of perception! technologies & programming languages Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 software & systems of 52
Aims and problems Semantic network(ing) Semantic maps Ontologies Cooperative and collaborative production of knowledge, sharing of knowledge (virtual individualism vs. virtual collectivism) Social tagging Folksonomies Wikis Community building and networking Blogs Networks (facebook, flickr, twitter, …) Problems: Lacking authenticity, genuineness, sincerity permanent public Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 53
Three general remarks about documentation The kind of documentation is dependent on its purposes. Documentation is not an end in itself. Questions of documentation should never be of an ideological, but of a pragmatic kind. Documentation should serve only (and exactly only) one aim: the enhancement of the retrieval of knowledge relevant to our daily work. Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 54
Overview and purposes of ordering devices Syntax / Grammar Ontologies, Metadata schemas, other (tagged) formats Semantics Vocabulary: thesauri, classifications, word nets Pragmatics Data: databases, files Semiosis Interpretant Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 55
Documentation languages • • • Documentation languages: A documentation language is a set of terms which are used for the description of documents following prescribed rules in order to store and retrieve documents. Thesaurus A thesaurus is a set of controlled terms regarding synonymy, homonymy, and polysemy. In each term set a preferred term must be defined. Terms are related by subordination (narower term), superordination (broader term) and similarity (related term). The relationsships could be expressed by a polyhierarchy or a monohierarchy. Classification A classification is a system of abstract, hierarchically ordered classes of concepts, types or categories. Each class is labelled by a notation, a unique identifier normally used for shelving. Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 56
poly- vs. monohierarchy function age part of body gender clothing swimming head sleeping feet children men protection professional leisure Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 57
Europeana Data Model: Classes Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 58
Europeana Data Model: Properties Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 59
M Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 von 15 of 60
Lotman, Jurij M. : Inside the worlds of thinking Man, Text, Semiosphere, History Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 61
Lotman, Jurij M. : Culture and explosion, Inside the worlds of thinking Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 61
M Jörn Sieglerschmidt: German digital libary | 6 th Information Policy Forum Tallinn, Sept. 16 th, 2010 of 61