The genesis of the main political parties

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> The genesis of the main political parties in the USA The genesis of the main political parties in the USA

>     Contents 1. Introduction 2. First Party System: 1792 -1816 Contents 1. Introduction 2. First Party System: 1792 -1816 (Creation of Parties) a) The Federalist Era(1789 -1801) b) The presidential election of 1800 3. “The Era of Good Feelings”: 1816 -1828(one party rule) 4. The Second Party System: 1828 -1854 a) The National Republicans (1825 -1833) b) The Whig Party (1833 -1854) 5. The Third Party System: 1854 -1933 a) The Emergence of The Republican Party in the U. S. A. 6. Modern U. S. A. political party system: 1933 - present day 7. Conclusion 8. Bibliography

>   What is a party? Political party:  - a group of What is a party? Political party: - a group of persons who seek to control the government through the winning of elections and holding of public office

>  Two-Party system –    a political system in  Two-Party system – a political system in which only 2 political parties have a realistic opportunity to compete effectively for control

>The Democratic Party VS The Republican Party The Democratic Party VS The Republican Party

>  The USA Political Parties 1 st Party(1789) 2 nd Party(1854)  3 The USA Political Parties 1 st Party(1789) 2 nd Party(1854) 3 rd Parties(1971, 2009) Democratic Republican Libertarian Party, Tea Party Party, etc.


>    The First Party System  (1792 -1816)  “Creation of The First Party System (1792 -1816) “Creation of Parties”

>The First Political Parties   Federalists    John Jay  Alexander The First Political Parties Federalists John Jay Alexander John Hamilton Adams Anti-Federalists Albert Gallatin Thomas James Jefferson Madison


>  Federalists favored v A Сonstitution v A strong federal government v Close Federalists favored v A Сonstitution v A strong federal government v Close ties to Britain v A centralized banking system v Close links between the government and men of wealth

>   First Political Parties    Federalists    Democratic First Political Parties Federalists Democratic Republicans Led by Alexander Hamilton Led by Thomas Jefferson Strong central government led by Strong state governments led by the industry and the wealthy “common man” Emphasis on agriculture Emphasis on manufacturing, “Cultivators of the earth are the shipping and trade most valuable citizens”-T. Jefferson Favored the Constitution Opposed the Constitution Favored the national bank Opposed the national bank Favored protective tariffs Opposed protective tariffs Pro-British Pro-French



>“The Era of  Good Feelings” 1816 -1828  (One party rule) “The Era of Good Feelings” 1816 -1828 (One party rule)

>The  Federalist Party broke up. The Federalist Party broke up.

>The Democratic- Republican Party had been the only national political party till the late The Democratic- Republican Party had been the only national political party till the late 1820 s.

>    The Second Party System   (1828 -1854)  “Jacksonian The Second Party System (1828 -1854) “Jacksonian period”

> The Democratic-Republican  Party The National  The Jacksonian Republicans Democrats The Democratic-Republican Party The National The Jacksonian Republicans Democrats

> Jacksonian Democracy (1828 -1854) Jacksonian Democracy (1828 -1854)

>  The Modern Jacksonian  Democratic Democracy  Party The Modern Jacksonian Democratic Democracy Party


> John Quincy Adams John Quincy Adams

>  The National      The Democratic Party  Republican The National The Democratic Party Republican Party The Democratic The National Republican Party favored a limited party favored strong national government and economic nationalism opposed economic aristocracy

>  The Whig National Party Republicans The Whig National Party Republicans

>The Whig Party (1833 -1854) The Whig Party (1833 -1854)

> Democrats   Whigs Supported  the primacy of  the Supported Democrats Whigs Supported the primacy of the Supported the Presidency over the supremacy of Congress other branches of over the presidency government Favored a program of Opposed the Bank of modernization and the United States economic protectionism


>  The Third Party System • The issue of slavery led to collapse The Third Party System • The issue of slavery led to collapse of Second Party System by 1854 th • The Whig Party collapsed • Emergence of The Republican Party • Republicans mostly dominated national politics in decades after Civil War

>The Era of The Republican Party  (1860 -1932) The Era of The Republican Party (1860 -1932)

>The Modern Political Party System in the USA (1933 -present day) The Modern Political Party System in the USA (1933 -present day)

>Сonclusion Сonclusion

> Federalists   Parties  Democratic-      Republicans Federalists Parties Democratic- Republicans Death of Federalists Democratic-Republicans “The Jeffersonian Republican Party” “Era of Good Feelings” National Republicans The Jacksonian Democracy The Whig Party Republicans Democrats To present

>   Bibliography 1. The Great adventure to America: учебное  пособие / Bibliography 1. The Great adventure to America: учебное пособие / C. E. Зайцева - М. : КНОРУС, 2013 - 184 с. 2. Соединенные Штаты Америки: Пособие по страноведению. - СПб. : КАРО, 2013. - 448 с. 3. США: история, география и традици / Г. И. Бардина. - М. : Айрис-пресс, 2013. - 320 с. 4. http: //historysources. tripod. com/us- classnotes/Topic%208. 3%20 The%20 First%20 Party %20 System-Federalists%20 v%20 Republicans. pdf 5. http: //americanbuilt. us/party/republican- party. shtml 6. http: //pschist 1. hubpages. com/hub/Political- Ideology