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The General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International
General Grand Chapter RAM Int’l Welcome Morning Invocation Introduce the GGC Team
Goals of Training Session Review The Mission Statement Review The Vision Statement Duties of District Deputies Duties of Ambassadors Dates of Regional Conferences RAM Magazine Membership Development Under 40’s Group Emerging Leaders E Newsletter Grand Secretary Remarks New Developments for the RARA Charity (Sunday’s agenda)
General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Mission Statement
Mission Statement The mission statement of General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International, with a heritage of over 200 years, is to offer services and support to its Subordinate and Grand Chapters throughout the world in fulfilling the goals of Capitular Masonry by:
Mission Statement Providing a source of, and administration for, the rituals of the four degrees of the American Royal Arch system. Assisting in the creation and chartering of new Subordinate and Grand Chapters throughout the world while maintaining our traditional standards. Being the primary source for developmental information concerning the formation and administration of a Royal Arch Masons Chapter or Grand Chapter.
Mission Statement Providing a means of communication, liaison and interaction for our member Chapters and Grand Chapters worldwide. Supporting and encouraging York Rite unity around the world in harmony with regular Grand Lodges, the General Grand Council and Grand Encampment. Recognizing achievement and service.
Mission Statement Helping member Chapters and Grand Chapters to fulfill the obligation of all Royal Arch Masons to spread further light in Masonry. Encouraging education for all Royal Arch Masons. Organizing a Triennial Convocation for all member Chapters and Grand Chapters to express their concerns, offer programs, legislate and elect officers for the next three years. Representing Royal Arch Masonry to the world in its highest tradition and heritage.
Mission Statement Summary Administer the four Information liaison degrees of RAM between subordinate Assisting development Chapters & Grand of subordinate & Grand Chapters Support & encourage Informational source York Rite unity with for new Chapters & regular Grand Lodges, Grand Chapters the General Grand Council and Grand Encampment
General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Vision Statement
Vision Statement To uphold and support the Mission Statement of the General Grand Chapter. To take all reasonable steps to secure membership of those Grand Chapters in North America which are not currently members of the General Grand Chapter. To take all reasonable steps to retain all existing members. To respond to requests and to encourage development of the American Royal Arch system in foreign lands especially Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa.
Vision Statement To maximize our communication efforts through enhanced development of the Royal Arch Magazine into the internet world and to create and maintain an electronic newsletter. To seek input from our younger members. To live and work together in a devoted team spirit. To divide and share responsibilities thereby creating an effective team leadership. To keep all involved in any question ‘in the loop’.
Vision Statement To enhance our image among our member Grand Chapters though more recognizable Regional Deputies and Ambassadors with duties and responsibilities to and from the General Grand Chapter being careful not to interfere but to be visible as a support and a link.
Vision Statement Summary Support the Mission Statement of GGC Encourage membership of non affiliated Grand Chapters in North America Retain existing Members Encourage RAM development in foreign lands Enhanced RAM Magazine Inculcate team spirit Enhance the GCC image by higher profile Ambassadors & District Deputies
General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Duties of the Regional Deputy
Duties of the Regional Deputy To represent the General Grand Chapter and the General Grand High Priest at all appropriate Royal Arch functions within your region. At Annual Communications of each jurisdiction At Special Award events or degree ceremonies of each jurisdiction
Duties of the Regional Deputy At designated Annual Convocations you will be the official representative of the General Grand High Priest and General Grand Chapter. On other occasions, the General Grand High Priest, General Grand King or General Grand Scribe will be the Official Visitor. If the General Grand Visitor is attending you are to assist the General Grand Visitor at the session.
Duties of the Regional Deputy Check with the Grand Secretary at least 60 days in advance to be sure that all award requests have been sent to the General Grand Secretary Ensure that the General Grand Visitor has transportation to and from the airport and hotel. Immediately after the completion of the Convocation, electronically E-mail your report to General Grand Officers. Report includes: ü New officers ü RARA Chairman ü Your recommendations for future General Grand appointments.
Duties of the Regional Deputy At all convocations, be sure Be prepared to assist the General Grand Officer. that the awards have been Should you be the received by the Grand representative of the Secretary and that they are General Grand High Priest, ready for presentation then you will make the (unwrapped and unpinned). presentations. Make sure If a General Grand officer is that the recipients are present, acquaint him with present and review the location of the awards. Note: Awards are usually correct pronunciation of presented at the banquet. their names.
DDHP Duties at the Banquet During the awards presentation, always include the wives. Invite previous recipients of the Bronze and Silver Be efficient, plan and medals or Sweetheart prepare your presentations Awards to come to the side other awards may be made of the dais and greet the that evening from Grand new recipient as he or she Encampment & General leaves. Grand Cryptic Make the presentation a pleasant moment for all by keeping comments to a minimum.
Address of the DDGHP You may be invited to speak during the Convocation or banquet. Be sure of what you want to say. Be concise and prepared as possible. Open with appropriate thanks for courtesies rendered and bring the greetings of the General Grand High Priest. Bring good news of activities and events in other jurisdictions. Congratulate the jurisdiction on its achievements. Talk up RARA and the Royal Arch Magazine. Encourage attendance at the Regional Conference
DDGHP Remarks given at the Convocation If speaking after election, congratulate the incoming officers and wish them well. Thank and congratulate the outgoing Grand High Priest. Pay tribute to the hard working Grand Secretary and the RARA Chairman, if appropriate.
The DDGHP and the Regional Conference Held Annually In concert with the General Grand Council and the Grand Encampment. Usually the responsibility rotates. The decision for time and place of the next Conference is usually made by the membership before the close of the last Conference. In years that it is not your responsibility to chair, you will coordinate closely with the chair and assist in all possible ways with the facility planning and general program.
The DDGHP and the Regional Conference Usually the format is to provide for a general group session followed by breakout session for each body. Usually appropriate speakers are selected to present topics of interest regionally. It is your responsibility to prepare the program for the Grand Chapter breakout sessions. Make your session exciting and interesting
The DDGHP and the Regional Conference Goals and Objectives of General Grand Chapter Power Points & Printed materials will be furnished this year Goals for Chapters and Grand Chapters Leadership Programs Planning Execution of plans Should you have a shortage of talent, contact the General Grand Officers for suggestions. It is most important to keep presentations short and always to allow opportunity for interaction following the presentation.
The DDGHP and the Regional Conference Toward the close of the day, be sure to provide opportunity for each Grand High Priest to speak. He should be challenged to offer success stories and to present his challenges and seek comment from his peers. This part of the session can frequently be the most valuable of the day. An interesting ladies program is essential to a happy occasion for all. Check with your predecessor for ideas and any special concerns that he may have been faced with. A reunion of all bodies at the end of the day to recap and select next year’s venue is appropriate.
The DDGHP and the Regional Conference On events that you organize, it is common to invite the Grand Master of that jurisdiction to speak usually at the opening of the joint session. Creates an opportunity for interaction with the GM demonstrating the value of joint activity between the lodge and the chapter.
Regional Dinner Either the night before or on the closing evening, it is appropriate to have a group dinner. Usually these tend to be on the casual side and beyond the meal and the fraternizing, should keep speeches and introductions to an absolute minimum if at all. A general THANK YOU to all involved should be adequate without introductions of everyone who participated. Mix up the representatives from the various jurisdictions in order for delegates to meet each other
Regional Hospitality Suite Provides a venue for dialogue and interaction between the various jurisdictions. The registration fees should include adequate funding to cover. Local Grand Chapter officers and ladies should support this suite.
You are part of a Team! You are part of an international team of Royal Arch enthusiasts. You have been selected for this office because of your enthusiasm and talent General Grand is committed to TEAM working together for the common good. Use your initiative Be well acquainted with our teachings Read the Constitutions of General Grand Chapter Contact your elected GGC Officers if you have questions
You are part of a Team! Prompt communication, response and action will permit the greatest possible efficiency and effectiveness. We look forward to working with you and to helping you be a visible and effective example of leadership in our Royal Craft.
Organizational structure The General Grand Chapter is not an authoritative body. We are a supportive structure that binds together the thousands of Royal Arch Masons around the world that subscribe to our American Royal Arch system. Promote unity Assist Grand Chapters and subordinate Chapters Charter Chapters and Grand Chapters in jurisdictions not presently offering our Royal Arch system. Provide a supervision to maintain standards in ritual and protocol.
Organizational structure It is our duty and desire to support the Grand Chapters and to help them to be the best they can be. Their success is our reward. Go and fulfill your obligation as a Most Excellent Master to spread further light among our uninformed brethren. May the God of peace of love delight to dwell with and bless you.
DDGHP Summary of Duties Ø Represent GGC Ø Promote the RARA charity Assist the Grand Visitor when attending Ø Set up and promote Annual York Rite Ø Make sure all awards Conference are in good order Ø Evening banquet Ø Send in Reports Ø Hospitality room Ø
General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Duties of the Ambassador
Duties of the Ambassador You are the main source of information from your jurisdiction Your responsibilities will be numerous. Get commitment from each of your advancing line officers to attend the York Rite Conference. Provide conference materials to absentees 60 days before annual session, ensure that the names of the award recipients are sent to the General Grand Secretary Check Spelling of candidates name before submission to General Grand Make sure the award system is working.
Duties of the Ambassador Understand the eligibility requirements & process of General Grand Chapter Distinguished Service Award Work with your M E G H P to get the recipient to the Banquet
Duties of the Ambassador Send to General Grand Secretary and the General Grand High Priest the date, time, and place of your next grand session, along with the date and time of the banquet. Send a list of the newly elected officers, their spouse’s names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail This will be included in the Report to be completed by the visiting General Grand Visitor or yourself if no Officer attends.
Duties of the Ambassador You are the connection from your jurisdiction to the Royal Arch Mason Magazine. Get articles and pictures from your State to the editor. Anything that is of interest to Capitular Masons of the world. The ROYAL ARCH MASON VOL 24 -No. 2 MAGAZINE Summer 2006
Duties of the Ambassador If asked to speak, promote Royal Arch Research Assistance through your State Chairman Promote attendance at the Regional Conferences. Make yourself familiar with the time and place etc. Promote the Royal Arch Mason Magazine and take orders for subscriptions. May be asked to arrange transportation from an airport when a General Grand Chapter Officer is visiting in your jurisdiction.
Duties of the Ambassador You are the personal representative of the General Grand High Priest and General Grand Chapter on those occasions when an elected General Grand Chapter Officer or Deputy General Grand High Priest is not present to represent General Grand Chapter, at a Grand Convocation or function where the presence of General Grand Chapter would be desired.
Duties of the Ambassador Ask what we as General Grand Chapter can do to better serve this Grand Chapter. Then let us know about it. Promote York Rite Masonry and Royal Arch Masonry in particular. Develop a team relationship with your Regional Deputy. Keep him well informed as possible about everything going on in your jurisdiction.
Duties of the Ambassador You will be invested with special regalia to identify you as the Ambassador. Please wear this during your term in lieu of other Past Office regalia that you might otherwise wear. We want you to be distinctive in your jurisdiction through the individuality of your office.
Duties of the Ambassador It is expected that the magazine will go ‘online’ during the next Triennial and that an on-line Newsletter will be launched. Identify IT savvy members of your jurisdiction to provide information for this program and also those who may be interested in working on it.
Duties of the Ambassador We will be starting a Under 40’s age members consultant forum to keep us abreast of the needs and aims of our newer younger members. Please seek out participants & forward their names to Jim Hodge jhhsnow@aol. com Justin C. Parnell jarnell 1982@charter. net.
Duties of the Ambassador Acquaint yourselves with the Vision Statement and Mission Statement Good luck! Any questions, contact any of the General Grand Chapter Officers.
Ambassador Summary of Duties Main liaison for your jurisdiction Encourage attendance at the York Rite Conference Keep DDGHP informed of activities and concerns Royal Arch Magazine articles and enrollment Assist in transportation and arrangements if needed Ensure awards are sent into General Grand Secretary Under 40’s recruitment Identify IT Savvy Companions May be called to represent GGC
General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Dates of Regional Conferences
REGIONAL CONFERENCES North East September 9, 10, 2011 Rocky Hill, CT South Central September 16, 17, 2011 Kansas City, MO North West October 14, 15, 2011 Boise, ID North Central October 21, 22, 2011 Des Moines, IA South West October 28, 29, 2011 Phoenix, AZ 2012 PROBABLE DATES – to be confirmed East Central March 9, 10, 2012 Merrillville, IN South East June 8, 9, 2012 Raleigh, NC
ME James Hodge, Editor Royal Arch Magazine
Royal Arch Magazine The ROYAL ARCH MASON The Royal Arch Magazine Official Publication of the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International J. H. Hodge, Editor VOL 24 -No. 2 MAGAZINE Summer 2006
Royal Arch Mason Magazine The Vision for the Future
Facts About the Magazine The magazine is the primary means of communication directly with our members It is delivered to 34, 000 members quarterly The number of subscribers has declined this past year 100% State Jurisdictions or 100% individual Chapter subscriptions are discounted $2. 50/member per year Subscriptions 1 Year $5. 00 3 Years $15. 00 5 Years 23. 00 Life $50. 00
Facts About the Magazine Less than one out of three members receive the RAM Magazine
Actions Taken in the Last Triennial New Editor Letter to the Editor Column Established Continued recruitment of new writers Content Changed and improved Increased 100% subscription rate Readership surveys established at Regional Conferences
State Supplements I. II. Provide instructions and tools to State Supplement Editors New Editors Struggling Editors Continue best practices Communication & Supplement Editor Training Improve the appearance professionalism and readability of the Supplements
Goals for this Triennium Continue series of Articles of current Interest Continue surveys at Regional Conference Determine how to get useful feedback from subscribers Utilize Ambassadors to increase subscriptions Improve overall quality of the magazine Improve the magazine as a Major Communication tool for General Grand Chapter Leadership
The Future? Build upon lessons learned from the “GGCRAMNEWS” Electronic Newsletter Develop an electronic magazine for those who wish an electronic version Continued development of positive upbeat message and image of RAM Find a replacement editor
Membership Development By Louis E. Bartrand
Membership Development q Purpose-Give Ideas q Input from several Grand Chapters q We thank all of them q See handout
Membership Development Develop Active Membership Committee Grand Chapters down to Chapters Split or share responsibilities Create programs and keep it current
Membership Development Visit Blue Lodges in your area Use best speakers-be positive and prepared In Costume Kiss Principle-15 Min Max Answer questions-be positive Know Freemasonry-Talk about it Education
Membership Development Possible Program No Cost Mark Master Proven where in existence
Membership Development Know your Companions Keep them informed-maintain contact Secretaries are the key here Phone Tree- Call, Call Why do you have NPD’s? Do you know? or care?
Membership Development Recognize your people-avoid favoritism When did you personally recognize someone yourself? Talk about Philanthropies Have programs at all meetings Avoid mundane-Open, Read Minutes, Close
Membership Development Invite non-Masons to speak Attend Regional Meetings and Grand Convocations Give members a reason for coming Have dinner meetings
Membership Development Make degree work competitive Split Parts Don’t stick with one person Be professional-get away from books Develop fund raisers Have fun activities Establish a transportation committee
Membership Development Teach Masonic etiquette Do you recruit? If not, Why? Are ego’s getting in the way? Remember-We work on the level Lead Mentor Be personable
Membership Development Develop long-term & short term goals Assimilate new members-use them properly Programs for ladies (try the RA Widows Degree)
Membership Development Evaluate your jurisdiction Are you successful? If Not-Why? Try something new! Questions
Justin Parnell Under 40’s Committee
Goals of the RAM Future Committee Determine Interests of “ 40 and Under” Develop Methods to reach this group thru those interests Develop a Leadership development program Electronic Version of RAM magazine and content Discuss ways to utilize new forms of media to “update” RAM International Materials
RAM Future Committee Structure State level – All who would like to participate! Regional- Chairmen of the State’s committee’s National- Chairmen of the Regional’s
Contact Information Justin Parnell Email #1 - charter. net Email #2 - Justin. parnell@walgreens. com Jim Hodge Email- jhhsnow@aol. com
Emerging Leaders
Emerging Leaders A new leadership training to emerging talent within your Grand jurisdiction to be offered at the next Regional Conference. This training will be provided in cooperation with Grand Encampment and will be a separate session from the regular Conference program. This program will take seven hours and will be offered on Saturday.
Emerging Leaders Select those whom you feel could most benefit from what is to be offered. The target companions for this are those who are up and coming at the Chapter or District level and have demonstrated signs of leadership potential. Send us a list of those whom you feel merit the investment of this teaching.
Emerging Leaders Please understand that this is a program to prepare leaders for your future and we are not seeking to offer this to those who have already served as Grand Line officers. Although this naturally tends towards the younger members of our organization, it is not meant to exclude those who are perhaps newly retired and eager to become involved.
Emerging Leaders We will send a letter of invitation to each selectee inviting them to attend this seminar. Attendance is available only by invitation. There is no charge for this high level training. Room and meals are the responsibility of the students. We require: Name; Formal Mailing Address; Telephone numbers; e-mail address.
Emerging Leaders Send your list of emerging leaders to: Jeffrey M. Williamson 3872 Crittenden Road, Akron, NY 14001 or e-mail to york. rite@hotmail. com Contact Jeff with inquiries or further information at 716 -912 -6121.
Electronic Newsletter General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International News!
Electronic Newsletter Sign In #1 To Subscribe to the E-Newsletter http: //ggcraminews. org/mailman/listinfo/ggc raminews_ggcraminews. org Fill out form to subscribe
Electronic Newsletter Sign In #2 To Subscribe to the E-Newsletter http: //ggcraminews. org/ Enter E-mail address
Electronic Newsletter Who? What? When? Where? Why ? When submitting articles don't forget the 5 W’s
Electronic Newsletter Note: All of the e-mail addresses are contained on CDs and Ambassadors' hard copy Send all articles to Editor editor@ggcraminews. org.
ME Larry E. Gray General Grand Secretary
Sweethearts Award The award consists of a jewel and certificate. The jewel is available to all Royal Arch Masons and can be purchased for $100. Application on GGC website.
GENERAL GRAND CHAPTER RITUAL JEWEL Presented to Companions who excel in ritualistic endeavors. Companions qualify by completing at least 12 points from established requirements
Session # 1 Summary Review The Mission Statement Review The Vision Statement Duties of District Deputies Duties of Ambassadors Dates of Regional Conferences RAM Magazine Membership Development Under 40’s Group Emerging Leaders E Newsletter Grand Secretary Sweethearts & Ritual Awards New Developments for the RARA Charity (Sunday’s agenda)
The General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Session 1 Conclusion Concluding Remarks Parting Benediction Next Training Foreign Jurisdictions Saturday 4 -6 PM also R. A. Sunday 8 -10 AM
General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Foreign Jurisdictions
Use the Computer to Communicate! Foreign jurisdictions can be much closer today with Internet Communications. We cannot include or respond to your needs without information and similarly, you cannot work with us if we do not communicate.
Communication points We will introduce a Newsletter on line that will provide information from any jurisdiction that seeks to participate. Work with your Ambassador to send your news stories and pictures to: Bill Hyatt at bill. hyatt@ny-royal-arch. org. Newsletters will be issued as often as the format is filled. Subscribe to the Newsletter as follows:
Communication points Under 40’s Group seeks members to assist the Ambassador in creating and submitting news stories and photos. Contact Justin C. Parnell to join – jarnell 1982@charter. net. Ambassadors will offer RAM Magazine subscription at US$11. 00 per year. Use our website – www. yorkrite. org and click on the General Grand Chapter seal.
Information Reporting Working with the General Grand Secretary is a two way street. He cannot provide information to you if you do not provide information to him. Advice of the Annual Convocation MUST be provided to the General Grand Secretary’s office as soon as available
Information Reporting We NEED this information in order to plan our schedule of visits by the Regional Deputy and the General Grand Chapter Officer. Each General Grand Chapter Officer has an average of 36 visits per year to schedule which is 3 air travel meetings per month and late advice of meetings causes much inconvenience.
Information Reporting We NEED the date of the Convocation for per capita payment information. On receipt of that date the General Grand Secretary will send a Report Form to the Grand Secretary to be included with the per capita payment THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL AND RETURNED WITH THE PER CAPITA PAYMENT!!
Information Reporting This form includes information about your Grand Chapter that is essential to our mutual operation – such as the names and addresses of officers; a list of deceased Past Grand High Priests; details of the structure of your Grand Chapter with an explanation of membership numbers, demits, deaths, affiliates, exaltations, expulsions, number of perpetual Life Members, number of members who’s dues were remitted. This is all basic administrative information that is required each year.
Information Reporting If this is a burden for the Grand Secretary, then assign it as a responsibility to an assistant. THIS IS A CONSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY – NOT AN OPTION. There will be no awards or benefits provided unless this form is submitted complete and in a timely manner.
Awards General Grand Chapter Bronze Medal
General Grand Chapter Bronze Medal Every jurisdiction is entitled to select one member to receive the General Grand Chapter Bronze Medal. Chosen by the Grand High Priest. The recipient is usually not a Grand Line Officer but rather an untitled member who has distinguished himself by his devotion to the Chapter or by some special service.
General Grand Chapter Bronze Medal This award is presented at the Annual Convocation by the General Grand visiting Officer, Regional Deputy or the Ambassador. The selection must be submitted to the Regional Deputy for transmission to the General Grand Secretary at least 90 days before the annual convocation
General Grand Chapter Silver Medal Every Triennial, each jurisdiction is invited to submit to the Regional Deputy the name of an extraordinary individual Royal Arch Mason in his jurisdiction as a contestant for the General Grand Chapter Silver Medal. The winner is selected by the General Grand High Priest for presentation at the next Triennial.
General Grand Chapter Gold Medal There is also a GOLD MEDAL which may be presented at each Triennial to a recipient chosen by the General Grand High Priest.
Sweetheart Award Is presented to a lady who has distinguished herself by special service to the Grand Chapter. It is usually presented at the Annual Convocation This recommendation should come from the Grand High Priest and accompanied by details of the individual (as requested on the order form) and a payment of US $100. (See the website for further details)
Ritual Award is available to ritualists who have done exemplary work from memory. Please see the qualifications on the website for details. Send completed application to the Regional Deputy for approval. This is presented at the annual convocation by the General Grand Chapter representative.
Grand High Priest Recognition At the end of the term of Grand High Priest, it is appropriate to recognize him for his activity. This is done with a plaque created in his honor to be presented with a lapel pin and Permanent Membership card in General Grand Chapter.
Grand High Priest Recognition In order to prepare this plaque, it is essential that the information be provided to the General Grand Secretary through the Regional Deputy at least 90 days before the annual convocation. This presentation will be made at the annual convocation by the attending General Grand Chapter Officer.
Annual Convocation Having received the date of the convocation well in advance, plans are made for a General Grand Chapter officer or the Deputy to try to attend. If not possible, the Ambassador will represent the General Grand High Priest. This officer will make such presentations are appointed, give the message of the General Grand High Priest and complete a visitation report form.
Visitation Report Form This report form includes certain information that is also on the report of the Grand Secretary but is used for other purposes and requests information about the convocation that is important for us to learn. This report should be completed and returned to the General Grand Secretary as soon as possible after the convocation.
Regional Conferences It is recommended that regional conferences take place at least one time between Triennials. The jurisdictions within the region shall decide on which wishes to act as the host and then this decision, plus that of where to meet, must be discussed with the Grand Councils and the Regional Deputy for the General Grand Council so the decision is made with joint concurrence.
Regional Conferences The program should be determined in concert with the two Regional Deputies with them seeking input from the Grand Officers. General Grand Chapter will provide the Deputy with a CD-ROM that outlines the program for regional conferences in the USA as a guide only.
Regional Conferences Your conference should be a combination of information from all three General Grand Bodies together with the special needs of the Region. Devote some of the session to ritual and symbolism. Time must be allocated for discussion. It is essential that the program not be dominated by any visiting General Grand Officer
Expansion It is in the best interests of every jurisdiction to be an ambassador to other jurisdictions who are not in the American Royal Arch system to promote our organization and offer assistance to any who may wish to inquire about membership. Please keep the regional deputy informed of any ongoing opportunities.
Expansion Europe/Africa region The development in Africa is, for the time being, considered a part of the Europe/Africa region. To assist in the development of this very vast territory, we are grateful to Most Excellent Teko Foly, PGHP of the District of Columbia as one well versed in the structure of politics and masonry in Africa. He holds the position of Special Deputy and reports to the Regional Deputy and to the General Grand High Priest.
Expansion Latin America We have appointed Most Excellent Jaime Perez. Velez, PGHP of the Grand Chapter of Mexico, as Special Deputy for development in Latin America. His main responsibilities will be to develop a regional conference for Latin America and to explore other involvement for the region. He will work with the Ambassador to Mexico, Right Excellent Isaac Hadad and will report to the Regional Deputy and the General Grand High Priest.
CMI Official Representative Right Excellent Companion Christian Flores Maldonado, officer in the Grand Chapter of Brazil, to be our official representative to the International Masonic Confederation which membership includes the regular Grand Lodges of Latin America.
CMI Official Representative This will give us the opportunity to be present at CMI meetings and to achieve exposure to those Grand jurisdictions that do not yet embrace our Royal craft. Companion Christian will report to the Regional Deputy and to the General Grand High Priest.
Foreign Jurisdictions Conclusion We are here to help you promote the growth and development of our Royal Arch system. You must help us by communicating and providing us with the information we need to help you. Your communications are always welcome so let us take advantage of this electronic age to shrink our world and become true Companions in the universality of international Royal Arch Masonry.
Royal Arch Research Assistance
R. A. Board Members • • Edmund D. Harrison, President, GGHP Louis Bartrand, Vice President, GGK Larry E. Gray, Secretary – Treasurer, GGSec. , PGGHP James H. Hodge, GGS Sid Le. Luan, PGHP AZ Dr. Paul L. Chello, PGHP CT William J. Riggs, PGHP KY, PDGGHP
R. A. Administration Jerry Muceus, Executive Director, PGHP OR George D. King III, Project Director, V-P Alcoa, NYC Dr. John W. Siscel III, Publicity Director, Officer in GC of MO
Royal Arch Research Assistance 2011 -2012 Royal Arch Research Assistance Incorporated is the philanthropy of the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International
Royal Arch Research Assistance 2011 -2012 The Board of Directors have chosen three organizations for research funding for 2011 -2012
Royal Arch Research Assistance 2011 -2012 Royal Arch Research Assistance CAPD Research University of Connecticut Deafness Research Foundation Autism Speaks
Royal Arch Research Assistance 2011 -2012 Advance National & Local recognition Provide a positive image for RAM Supports more research in CAPD disorders Provides greatest “Bang per Buck” The grants will be reviewed annually to assure that the goals and objectives are being met
University of Connecticut Department of Communication Sciences Neuroaudiology Laboratory Storrs, Connecticut Frank E. Musiek, Ph. D. , CCC-A Professor and Director of Auditory Research
Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) Also known as: q Auditory processing disorder (APD) q Auditory perceptual problems q Central hearing loss q Higher auditory dysfunction
CAPD is: q A type of hearing problem q Difficult to diagnose q Relatively common q Often confused with other kinds of hearing, language, and attention problems
Some Characteristics of Individuals with CAPD q. Difficulty hearing in noise q. Difficulty following auditory directives q. Difficulty understanding people that talk fast q. Usually pass basic hearing tests
Kinds of individuals that may be at risk for CAPD Children with learning problems difficulty in reading, spelling, language Individuals with neurological problems head injury, strokes, developmental problems The elderly
How is CAPD diagnosed ? By well trained professionals with training in CAPD By the utilization of special audiological test procedures By the help of other professionals such as speech pathologists, psychologists and physicians who contribute to the diagnosis
How can CAPD be treated ? By training the auditory system By using assistive listening devices By reducing background noise By using various listening strategies By consulting with medical personnel when necessary
Why is CAPD research needed ? CAPD involves both the ear and the brain and is a highly complex Process. Much is unknown about CAPD and the best way to learn is through both clinical and basic research. Not enough scientists and clinicians are currently investigating CAPD. There is a demand from parents and professionals to learn more about this problem.
What kind of research ? New ideas and approaches to CAPD are needed More research on the neuroscience of CAPD is required Both clinicians and researchers must communicate and exchange ideas
Education and CAPD The general public needs to know more about CAPD Professionals in other fields need to know abut CAPD It is important to train future clinicians about CAPD It is important to develop future researchers to Investigate CAPD
Deafness Research Foundation www. drf. org
Mission Statement Deafness Research Foundation (DRF)'s mission is to attain a lifetime of healthy hearing and balance through quality research, education, and advocacy. Since its establishment in 1958, DRF has awarded over 2, 000 research grants in hearing and balance science, totaling over $26. 5 million. DRF relies on donations to execute its mission.
DRF and CAPD Research DRF encourages new areas of CAPD research by funding a diverse pool of new researchers. In 2012, DRF is funding six scientists investigating CAPD as part of its Emerging Researchers grants program. Because the causes of CAPD are unknown, each scientist has a different research focus. After successfully undergoing a rigorous application and review process, each grant awardee receives $25, 000 to conduct his or her research for a period of 12 months. The CAPD researchers that have been selected this year are among the best in the nation and represent Indiana, Iowa, New York, Michigan, and Texas. Their research abstracts follow.
DRF Emerging Researchers Edward L. Bartlett, Ph. D. Purdue University Research Goal: Some hearing loss is attributed to peripheral hearing loss due to cochlear degeneration, but other aspects of hearing loss, particularly the loss of temporal processing abilities, are clearly due to changes in processing in the central auditory pathway. These changes cannot be compensated for by hearing aids which simply “turn the volume up. " This project aims at better understanding these central auditory pathway processing deficits. The ages of the test subjects may reveal clues to treatments for auditory processing disorders in patients across the age spectrum. Brenton G. Cooper, Ph. D. Texas Christian University Research Goal: To further the understanding of how different sides of the brain are specialized for processing different frequencies of sounds. Auditory processing of speech and language is lateralized to the left hemisphere of the human brain. The long-term goals of this research program are testing and refining treatments for hearing loss and lateralized frequency processing deficits in humans, including central auditory processing disorder.
DRF Emerging Researchers Elizabeth Dinces, M. D. , M. S. Albert Einstein College of Medicine Research Goal: To understand the perceptual difficulties of individuals with auditory processing disorders (APD) and how automatic processes interact with attentional factors that mediate perception of complex sound scenes in individuals having difficulty in noisy environments, which will provide a foundation for developing better targeted strategies for rehabilitation of people with CAPD. Kirill Vadimovich Nourski, M. D. , Ph. D. University of Iowa Research Goal: To gain better understanding of how the human auditory cortex processes perceptually important temporal features of speech sounds. Deficits in temporal processing within the central auditory system constitute one of the aspects of central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) (American Speech Language-Hearing Association, 2005). Knowledge of how the human brain normally processes spoken language is key to successful intervention of CAPD (Medwetsky et al. , 2009).
DRF Emerging Researchers Erin Purcell, Ph. D. University of Michigan Research Goal: To manipulate physical and chemical signals to attract nerve cells to the auditory brainstem. The long term goals are to regenerate auditory nerves and understand the conditions that promote neural connections with the auditory brainstem. Achieving these goals may ultimately restore hearing for patients with neural hearing loss and lay a foundation for therapies for individuals with auditory processing disorders. Zhengqing Hu, M. D. , Ph. D. Wayne State University Research Goal: To develop effective strategies to regenerate auditory pathways using stem cell-based approaches, with the hope of restoring hearing. The peripheral auditory system is usually damaged in patients with CAPD. Therefore, in order to rebuild the central auditory processing system, the function of peripheral auditory system must be restored. The following step is to explore whether stem cell-derived cells can be used to regenerate auditory cells that are damaged in CAPD. Note: Dr. Hu does not use human embryonic stem cells in any of his research.
Autism Speaks Royal Arch Research Assistance
Autism Speaks: The nation’s leading charity helping children with autism • And a national charitable partner of the Royal Arch Masons
What is Autism? A developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate and develop relationships, and which is often characterized by repetitive behaviors
Autism is a serious public health concern § 1 in 110 children has autism. The rate has increased 600% in the last 20 years. § Most people know someone with autism personally. § The societal cost of caring for people with autism in the USA is $35 billion each year.
What causes autism? Is there a cure? § Scientists do not yet know what causes autism. § There is no cure for autism today. § We are learning more each day about what autism is, and this will lead to better treatments and, someday, cures for autism.
Autism and CAPD Early symptoms of auditory processing disorders (APDs) are seen in some children with autism, such as: § difficulty processing information and language § anxiety or confusion in social situations § trouble paying attention and remembering information § behavioral problems § poor listening skills Some children with autism are later diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder such as CAPD.
About Autism Speaks Ø We are North America's largest autism science and advocacy organization Ø Our goal is to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders Ø Founded in 2005 by Bob and Suzanne Wright, whose grandson Christian has autism
Our Impact RESEARCH: • Made earlier diagnosis of autism possible, as young as 12 months of age • Improved therapies and translation of lab research into treatments • Every $1 invested leveraged into $10 in additional NIH funding AWARENESS: • UN-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 nd • “Learn the Signs” campaign increased awareness among parents by 35% FAMILY SERVICES: • Tool kits for families, schools, first responders, professionals • 15, 000 individuals served in 35 states through our community grants ADVOCACY: • Federal funding for research through Combating Autism Act of 2006 • 27 states have passed new autism insurance reform bills
Autism Speaks is a national charity with a strong local presence § We hold Walk-a-thons in more than 80 cities annually. Anyone can participate in our walks. § We have successfully lobbied for laws mandating some insurance coverage for autism therapy in 27 states. § Our online resource guide includes more than 30, 000 local services and programs, and is searchable by zip code. § Our ‘Light It Up Blue’ campaign empowers families and companies to raise awareness in their neighborhoods each year on April 2 nd.
The Autism Speaks Toddler Treatment Network § Children with autism who are diagnosed and treated intensively at an early age make the greatest improvements. § The goal of our Toddler Treatment Network is to develop new therapies for children under age 3 that can prevent some symptoms of autism. § Some of these symptoms are also precursors of auditory processing disorders and could be treated through our Network.
With Royal Arch’s support, Autism Speaks will: • Fund the ongoing research activities of the Toddler Treatment Network • Include auditory processing disorders in the scope of the Toddler Treatment Network. • Educate healthcare providers and parents about the role of CAPD/APD in their child’s Autism diagnosis. • Encourage further evaluation for young children who demonstrate auditory processing difficulty. • Create a tool kit that addresses autism symptoms including those present in auditory processing disorders, potentially preventing some of the symptoms from occurring in the long run.
We invite you to get to know us better! • Please visit http: //www. autismspeaks. org and http: //blog. autismspeaks. org • Print out one of our Family Services Tool Kits (Newly Diagnosed Families Kit, Transition Kit, School/Community Kit, Asperger’s Kit) • Participate on the annual Research Update conference calls we will be holding for Royal Arch Masons • Start a Walk Now for Autism Speaks team in your city • Become a Fan of Autism Speaks on Facebook • Wear blue on April 2 nd
Jerry Muceus, Executive Director, PGHP OR Donor Participation & Recognition Program
R. A. Recognition Awards Certificates are designed for contributions of $25. 00, $50. 00, and $100. A $500. 00 dollar contribution receives a very impressive pin with a diamond in the center. Additional contributions of $500. 00 add a small diamond to the pin.
R. A. Recognition Awards Certificates and pins are awarded to both individual donors and donating organizations. Donations are IRS deductible.
The General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International Session 2 Conclusion Concluding Remarks Parting Benediction