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The Future of the Web Deborah Mc. Guinness Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University Stanford, CA USA dlm@ksl. stanford. edu http: //www. ksl. stanford. edu/people/dlm
Today: Rich Information Source for Human Manipulation/Interpretation Human
“I know what was input” • Global documents and terms indexed and available for search • Search engine interfaces • Entire documents retrieved according to relevance (instead of answers) • Human input, review, assimilation, integration, action, etc. • Special purpose interfaces required for user friendly applications The web knows what was input but does little interpretation, manipulation, integration, and action
Information Discovery… but not much more • Human intensive (requiring input reformulation and interpretation) • Display intensive (requiring filtering) • Not interoperable • Not agent-operational • Not adaptive • Limited context • Limited service Analogous to a new assistant who is thorough yet lacks common sense, context, and adaptability
Future: Rich Information Source for Agent Manipulation/Interpretation Human Agent
“I know what was meant” • • • Understand term meaning and user background Interoperable (can translate between applications) Programmable (thus agent operational) Explainable (thus maintains context and can adapt) Capable of filtering (thus limiting display and human intervention requirements) • Capable of executing services
Semantic Markup Languages such as DAML+OIL Ontologies (www. daml. org) • Encoding background info • User modeling info • Annotating web pages DAML-enabled • Annotating services web pages thereby limiting needs for human disambiguation input, human interpretation, multiple answer display, translation assistance, agent assistance, adaptivity support, etc. )
The Semantic Web Enables… • The Semantic Web enables… E-commerce solutions • M-commerce • New models of intelligent services • • E-commerce solutions M-commerce Web assistants … New forms of web assistants/agents that act on a human’s behalf requiring less from humans and their communication devices…
DAML Markup of Web Services Function and action-based markup exploits ontologies: E. g. , service world-altering service Web Service purchase Ontologies purchase-plane-ticket purchase-UAL-plane-ticket parameters: c-name, origin, dest, d-date, … preconditions: know(c-name), valid(credit-card), … effects: purchased(ticket), debit(credit-card). . . rent-car. . . Information-providing service provide-schedule-info provide-flight-schedule-info. . . DAML-enabled web pages Courtesy Mc. Ilraith Collectively they create a distributed KB of services.
Vision: The Semantic Web Buy Car Find Restaurant Get Info Find Job Airline Ticket Buy TV
EXAMPLES HTML <html> <head> <TITLE>Fred Jones</TITLE> </head> <body> <H 1>Information About Fred Jones</H 1> <P>Fred Jones is in the U. S. Air Force. He is a Captain stationed at AFRL. </P> </body> </html> DAML XML <person> <name>Fred Jones</name> <employer>U. S. Air Force</employer> <station>AFRL</station> <rank>Captain</rank> </person> <rdf: RDF xmlns: rdf="http: //www. w 3. org/1999/02/22 -rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns: daml="http: //www. daml. org/2001/03/daml+oil#" xmlns: dod="http: //www. dod. mil/personnel#" xmlns: af="http: //www. af. mil/personnel#" xmlns: afrl="http: //www. rl. af. mil/personnel#" <dod: Officer rdf: ID="fsmith"> <dod: given. Name>Fred</dod: given. Name> <dod: surname>Smith</dod: surname> <dod: service rdf: resource="http: //www. dod. mil/services#Air. Force"/> <af: rank rdf: resource="http: //www. af. mil/personnel#Captain"/> <af: station rdf: resource="http: //www. af. mil/stations#AFRL_Rome"/> <daml: equivalent. To rdf: resource="ssn: 123 -45 -6789"/> </dod: Officer> </rdf: RDF>
The Future of the Web Deborah L. Mc. Guinness Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University Stanford, CA USA dlm@ksl. stanford. edu http: //www. ksl. stanford. edu/people/dlm