Скачать презентацию The Future of Life Sciences Image credit Natasha Скачать презентацию The Future of Life Sciences Image credit Natasha


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The Future of Life Sciences Image credit: Natasha Vita-More, Primo Posthuman September 9, 2013 The Future of Life Sciences Image credit: Natasha Vita-More, Primo Posthuman September 9, 2013 Max Planck Institute, Göttingen, Germany Slides: http: //slideshare. net/La. Blogga Melanie Swan MS Futures Group +1 -650 -681 -9482 @La. Blogga, @DIYgenomics www. Melanie. Swan. com m@melanieswan. com http: //www. youtube. com/Technology. Philosophe

About Melanie Swan § § § Founder DIYgenomics, science and technology innovator and philosopher About Melanie Swan § § § Founder DIYgenomics, science and technology innovator and philosopher Current projects: Melanie. Swan. com Education: MBA Finance, Wharton; BA French/Economics, Georgetown Univ Work experience: Fidelity, JP Morgan, i. Pass, RHK/Ovum, Arthur Andersen Sample publications: § § § Swan, M. Crowdsourced Health Research Studies: An Important Emerging Complement to Clinical Trials in the Public Health Research Ecosystem. J Med Internet Res 2012, Mar; 14(2): e 46. Swan, M. Scaling crowdsourced health studies: the emergence of a new form of contract research organization. Personalized Medicine 2012, Mar; 9(2): 223 -234. Swan, M. Steady advance of stem cell therapies. Rejuvenation Res 2011, Dec; 14(6): 699 -704. Swan, M. , Hathaway, K. , Hogg, C. , Mc. Cauley, R. , Vollrath, A. Citizen science genomics as a model for crowdsourced preventive medicine research. J Participat Med 2010, Dec 23; 2: e 20. Swan, M. Multigenic Condition Risk Assessment in Direct-to-Consumer Genomic Services. Genet Med 2010, May; 12(5): 279 -88. Swan, M. Emerging patient-driven health care models: an examination of health social networks, consumer personalized medicine and quantified self-tracking. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2009, 2, 492 -525. September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: http: //melanieswan. com/publications. htm 1

What is your world-changing vision? § Where will you be in one year? § What is your world-changing vision? § Where will you be in one year? § § Back in school? § § Start-up company? Working for someone else? Who are your role models? September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 2

Agenda Our Futuristic World § Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities § Synthetic Biology, Regenerative Agenda Our Futuristic World § Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities § Synthetic Biology, Regenerative Medicine, 3 D Printing, Genomics/Omics § Neuroscience, Nanotechnology, Big Data, Citizen Science, Quantified Self § Aging, Space § § Conclusion Potential Risks § Summary § September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 3

The future… September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Image: http: //www. sydmead. com The future… September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Image: http: //www. sydmead. com 4

…is notoriously difficult to predict Seemed likely to occur first: Positional nanoassembly Actually occurred …is notoriously difficult to predict Seemed likely to occur first: Positional nanoassembly Actually occurred first: Young lady’s illustrated primer September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 5

Miniaturization Trend, Next Node: Microdots 10 -100 years ago 2000 s 2050 s 2100+ Miniaturization Trend, Next Node: Microdots 10 -100 years ago 2000 s 2050 s 2100+ Room(s) size Handheld Invisible Non matterbased? Computing machinery Information storage DNA sequencing September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 6

Information Transmission Eras (Kuhnian paradigms, Foucauldian epistemes) Analog Digital Life code ? 17, 300 Information Transmission Eras (Kuhnian paradigms, Foucauldian epistemes) Analog Digital Life code ? 17, 300 years ago 1455 & 1950 -2000 -2100+ Painting, scrolls Press, Transistor DNA ? September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 7

Prominent Artificial Intelligence Eras Enumeration Biomimicry Big data ? 1950 s 1990 s+ 2000 Prominent Artificial Intelligence Eras Enumeration Biomimicry Big data ? 1950 s 1990 s+ 2000 s+ 2100+ Expert syst, CYC NLP, HTM, NCC Google, Watson ? September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 8

Big Data: Personal Health Informatics DNA: SNP mutations DNA: Structural variation RNA expression profiling Big Data: Personal Health Informatics DNA: SNP mutations DNA: Structural variation RNA expression profiling Health 2. 0: Personal Health Informatics Proteomics Microbiomics Epigenetics Metabolomics September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Academic papers re: integrated health data streams: Auffray C, et al. Looking back at genomic medicine in 2011. Genome Med. 2012 Jan 30; 4(1): 9. Chen R et al. Personal omics profiling reveals dynamic molecular and medical phenotypes. Cell. 2012 Mar 16; 148(6): 1293 -307. 9

Human Agency: Collective Intelligence Computing Crowdsourcing Concierge research Consumer genomics Consumer blood tests Continuous Human Agency: Collective Intelligence Computing Crowdsourcing Concierge research Consumer genomics Consumer blood tests Continuous sampling September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Health 2. 0: Crowdsourced Health Computing Quantified selftracking Citizen science DIYbio labs Ambient mental performance optimization 10

Life Code: Biology is an Information Technology DNA sequencing: 10 x/yr improvement I love Life Code: Biology is an Information Technology DNA sequencing: 10 x/yr improvement I love you 010010000001101100011 0111101100101001000 000111100101101110101 I hate you 010010000001101000011 0000101110100011001000 000111100101101110101 Image credit: http: //pubs. acs. org/cen/_img/87/i 50/8750 cover 2_law. gif September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 11

Biology is the Information Technology Organ regeneration (urethra) Algal biofuel Image credit: Anthony Atala Biology is the Information Technology Organ regeneration (urethra) Algal biofuel Image credit: Anthony Atala lab Image credit: http: //www. rexresearch. com Artificial cell booted to life Whole organ decellularization and DNA nanotechnology latch Image credit: J. Craig Venter Institute recellularization (heart) box for drug delivery Image credit: Thomas Matthiesen September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Image credit: Aarhus University 12

Global Population: Growing and Aging September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences UN Habitat Global Population: Growing and Aging September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences UN Habitat – 2010 http: //avondaleassetmanagement. blogspot. com/2012/05/japan-aging-population. html 13

Worldwide Internet Penetration § 2. 4 B Users in 2012, 8% growth, emerging markets Worldwide Internet Penetration § 2. 4 B Users in 2012, 8% growth, emerging markets September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Mary Meeker, Internet Trends, http: //www. kpcb. com/insights/2013 -internet-trends 14

Worldwide Smartphone Penetration § 1. 5 B subscribers, 31% growth, 21% worldwide penetration in Worldwide Smartphone Penetration § 1. 5 B subscribers, 31% growth, 21% worldwide penetration in 2013 E September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Mary Meeker, Internet Trends, http: //www. kpcb. com/insights/2013 -internet-trends 15

Human Urbanization: Living in Cities Over 50% worldwide population in 2008 § 5 billion Human Urbanization: Living in Cities Over 50% worldwide population in 2008 § 5 billion in 2030 (estimated) § Megacity: (>10 million and possibly 2, 000/km 2) § September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 16

Megacity Growth Rates September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Wikipedia 17 Megacity Growth Rates September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Wikipedia 17

Biomimicry-inspired Dwelling Design Living Treehouses – Mitchell Joachim Masdar, Abu Dhabi – Energy City Biomimicry-inspired Dwelling Design Living Treehouses – Mitchell Joachim Masdar, Abu Dhabi – Energy City of the Future September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Himalayas Water Tower

Reconfiguration of Space: Seasteading September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Reconfiguration of Space: Seasteading September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences

Vertical Farms San Diego, California (planned) September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Singapore Vertical Farms San Diego, California (planned) September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Singapore (existing) 20

Transportation Revolution Solar Power: Tesla + Solar City Personalized Pod Transport September 9, 2013 Transportation Revolution Solar Power: Tesla + Solar City Personalized Pod Transport September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Self-Driving Car Google's Self-Driving Cars Complete 300 K Miles Without Accident, Deemed Ready for Commuting http: //techcrunch. com/2012/08/07/google-cars-300000 -miles-without-accident/ 21

Wireless Internet-of-Things Image credit: Cisco September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: Swan, Wireless Internet-of-Things Image credit: Cisco September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: Swan, M. Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2. 0. J Sens Actuator Netw 2012. 22

Sensor Mania! September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: Swan, M. Sensor Mania! Sensor Mania! September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: Swan, M. Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2. 0. J Sens Actuator Netw 2012. 23

Agenda Our Futuristic World § Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities § Synthetic Biology, Regenerative Agenda Our Futuristic World § Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities § Synthetic Biology, Regenerative Medicine, 3 D Printing, Genomics/Omics § Neuroscience, Nanotechnology, Big Data, Citizen Science, Quantified Self § Aging, Space § § Conclusion Potential Risks § Summary § September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 24

Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities Genomics “Omics” Preventive Medicine Biotechnology Synthetic Biology Regenerative Medicine Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities Genomics “Omics” Preventive Medicine Biotechnology Synthetic Biology Regenerative Medicine 3 D Printing Quantified Self (QS) Wearables Internet-of-Things (IOT) Big Data September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Neuroscience Aging Health Extension Robotics Nanotechnology Collective Intelligence DIYscience Participatory Health Space 25

“This century’s transistor” 1. Synthetic Biology Revolution § Vision § § Definition – biology “This century’s transistor” 1. Synthetic Biology Revolution § Vision § § Definition – biology as an engineering medium § § Directed redesign and de novo construction of biological entities such as enzymes, genetic circuits, and cells Extensive applications § § Harness design rules of biology Energy, Food, Pharmaceutical, Materials, Chemicals Main approaches (cellular chassis runs DNA code) Metabolic engineering (bacteria produce diesel) § Extending E. coli capacity (yeast produces medicine) § Biomimicry (replicate biological function in synthetic systems) § de novo Synthesis (create new functionality) § September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: Swan, M. Synbio Revolution: Biology is the Engineering Medium, 6/26/11 http: //futurememes. blogspot. com/2011/06/synbio-revolution-biology-is. html 26

1. Biological Design Software Select System, Device, or Part Level http: //partsregistry. org September 1. Biological Design Software Select System, Device, or Part Level http: //partsregistry. org September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 27

1. Print DNA Code to Cellular Chassis September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1. Print DNA Code to Cellular Chassis September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 28

1. Biofuels § First generation Algal Oil Food crop feedstock: sugar, starch, vegetable oil, 1. Biofuels § First generation Algal Oil Food crop feedstock: sugar, starch, vegetable oil, animal fats § Fuel types: vegetable oil, biodiesel, butanol, ethanol, syngas § § Second generation Non-crop feedstock: cellulose, biomass: wheat, corn, wood § Fuel types: biohydrogen, biomethanol, DMF, bio-DME, biohydrogen diesel, mixed alcohols, wood diesel § § Third generation § § Algae feedstock Fourth generation § CO 2 feedstock: CO 2 converted to methane by bacteria September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences http: //biodynamics. ucsd. edu/pubs/articles/Ferry 12. pdf http: //openwetware. org/images/1/1 f/Biofuels. pdf 29

1. Synthetic Biology Biotechnology Applications Bio. Molecular Design and Synthesis Environmental Sensing Fluorescent Angelfish 1. Synthetic Biology Biotechnology Applications Bio. Molecular Design and Synthesis Environmental Sensing Fluorescent Angelfish ATP Synthase Sustainable Natural Lighting Landmine Sensing Plant: Arabidopsis thaliana Glowing Arabidopsis E. Chromi Water Sensors Why Important? Scope: possibility of designing and remaking every aspect of the biological world September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences http: //www. haaretz. com/business/the-start-up-that-translates-the-abcs-of-dna-1. 486016 http: //scientopia. org/blogs/everydaybiology/2010/08/17/e-chromi-and-the-scatalog/ 30

2. Regenerative Medicine and 3 D Printing Personalized 3 D Models Organ Regeneration Whole 2. Regenerative Medicine and 3 D Printing Personalized 3 D Models Organ Regeneration Whole Organ Decellularization and Recellularization (Heart) September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Lab-grown Meat 31

2. Custom 3 D Printed Objects and Food Why Important? Potential near-term widespread application 2. Custom 3 D Printed Objects and Food Why Important? Potential near-term widespread application of medical and personalized object printing September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences http: //www. plummerfernandez. com/Digital-Natives http: //www. dezeen. com/2013/05/13/print-shift-extract-3 d-printed-food/ 32

3. Genomics and Personalized ‘Omics’ 1. Established genomic applications Ancestry § Carrier status § 3. Genomics and Personalized ‘Omics’ 1. Established genomic applications Ancestry § Carrier status § Identity (paternity, forensics) § 2. Maturing Health condition risk 1 § Pharmaceutical response 2 § 3. Emerging Athletic performance capability § Environment/toxin processing § Nutrigenomics, OTC product response, HLA matching (dating)3 § Image credit: http: //bit. ly/fovp. Jc 4. Frontier § § Predictive wellness profiling: aging, cancer, immune response Social intelligence, cognitive performance, identity construction September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 Source: Swan M. Multigenic condition risk assessment in direct-to-consumer genomic services. Genet Med. 2010 May; 12(5): 279 -88. http: //www. fda. gov/Drugs/Science. Research/Research. Areas/Pharmacogenetics/ucm 083378. htm 3 http: //www. genepartner. com/index. php/science 2 Source: 33

3. Thinking Fast and Slow Study Operated on the Crowdsourced Health Research Study Platform 3. Thinking Fast and Slow Study Operated on the Crowdsourced Health Research Study Platform GENOMERA http: //genomera. com/studies/thinking-fast-and-slow-study Objective: Investigate whether a genetic predisposition for loss aversion and optimism bias may be linked to real-life behavior Inspired by Daniel Kahneman’s book ‘Thinking Fast and Slow’ (2011) Hypothesis: Individuals with polymorphisms in genes related to neural processes may be more susceptible to two phenomena that shape human thinking, loss aversion and optimism bias Genotypic Examination: 5 -HTTLPR, COMT Val(158)Met, T 102 C, DRD 2/ANKK 1, PDYN, OXTR Phenotypic Examination: Loss Aversion, Optimum Bias Instruments September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences

3. Social Genomics: Empathy Study Operated on the Crowdsourced Health Research Study Platform GENOMERA 3. Social Genomics: Empathy Study Operated on the Crowdsourced Health Research Study Platform GENOMERA http: //genomera. com/studies/social-intelligence-genomics-empathy-building Objective: Confirm and extend research linking genetic profile and social intelligence Hypothesis: Individuals with certain genetic profiles may have greater natural capacity for characteristics of social intelligence Genotypic Examination: OXTR, DRD 2, COMT, BDNF (genes which have been associated with optimism and empathy, extraversion, and altruism) Phenotypic Examination: Interpersonal Reactivity Index Instrument DIYgenomics Preventive Medicine Methodology : Genotype September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences + Phenotype + Intervention = Outcome

3. Big Data: Integrated Health Data Streams Omics Data Streams Genome SNP mutations Structural 3. Big Data: Integrated Health Data Streams Omics Data Streams Genome SNP mutations Structural variation Epigenetics Microbiome Traditional Data Streams Personal and Family Health History Mobile App Data Lab Tests: History and Current Proteome Demographic Data Diseasome Standardized Instrument Response Environmentome September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Self-reported data: health, exercise, food, mood journals, etc. Prescription History Transcriptome Metabolome Quantified Self Data Streams Quantified Self Device Data Biosensor Data Objective Metrics Swan, M. Health 2050: The Realization of Personalized Medicine through Crowdsourcing, the Quantified Self, and the Participatory Biocitizen. J Pers Med 2012, 2(3), 93 -118. Legend: Consumer-available 36

3. Personal Microbiomics 20 Microbiome Ecosystem Zones My. microbes. eu Gut Enterotype Analysis Image 3. Personal Microbiomics 20 Microbiome Ecosystem Zones My. microbes. eu Gut Enterotype Analysis Image credits: my. microbes. eu Disease risk, drug response, and nutrient generation § Enterotype affiliation and nutrients 1 § 1. 2. Image credit: Grice EA et al, Nat Rev Microbiol, 2011, Figure 3 September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 Source: 3. Bacteroides (biotin synthesis) Prevotella (thiamine synthesis) Ruminococcus (folate synthesis) Arumugam M et al. Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome. Nature. 2011 May 12; 473(7346): 174 -80. 37

3. Genome Politics, Policy, and Regulation § Individual’s right to their own genomic data 3. Genome Politics, Policy, and Regulation § Individual’s right to their own genomic data § § Our world is not Gattaca § § Validity, Utility, Actionability, Probability 1 Individuals having and sharing health data has reduced stigma and discrimination 2 Global concerns: human cloning, sex selection, genetic privacy, non-discrimination § § UN Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine 1997 (Chapter IV Human Genome) US Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) 2008 Why Important? Cornerstone component in the realization of preventive medicine, goal = avoid clinical onset of disease September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 Swan, M. Multigenic Condition Risk Assessment in Direct-to-Consumer Genomic Services. Genet Med 2010, May; 12(5): 279 -88. T and Swan M. The Potential Power of Personal Genomics in Reducing Social Stereotypes: Attitudinal Study and Computer Animation of Results for 4, 000 Japanese Respondents. ASHG 2013. 2 Kido 38

4. Neuroscience and Brain Research § Neuroscience innovation areas § § Tools and processes 4. Neuroscience and Brain Research § Neuroscience innovation areas § § Tools and processes for characterization and intervention in development, function, and pathology of the nervous system f. MRI Imaging Recent Innovations f. MRI resolution and real-time use § Neuronal stem cell generation via somatic reprogrammming, 1 organoid 2 § Minimally-invasive robot-assisted neurosurgery § Speech and Image Recognition § Natural Language Processing (NLP), Cognitive Computing (IBM Watson) § Google image recognition 3 Organoid § September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 Swan, IBM Watson M. Recent Advances in Neural Stem Cell Generation. Future Neurology 2012, Jul; 7(4): 473 -482. 2 http: //www. theguardian. com/science/2013/aug/28/miniature-brains-test-tubes-neuroscience 3 Le Image Recognition QV, et al, Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning. 2011. http: //arxiv. org/abs/1112. 6209 39

4. Brain Modularity and Minimalism § Human Connectome Project 3 D mapping of neural 4. Brain Modularity and Minimalism § Human Connectome Project 3 D mapping of neural pathways § Neocortical connects: regular grid and neighborhood structure § § Blue Brain Project § § 3 D Neural Modeling Neocortical scanning, simulation, modeling (rat 2011, human 2023 E) UTexas Cerebellum Modeling Cerebellum simulation § Massively repeated cerebellum wiring pattern § Neocortical Grid and Neocortical Column Neighborhood Structure Simulation Why Important? Working with the brain is the final frontier in science, and could have significant worldwide benefit September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences http: //www. humanconnectome. org http: //newbooksinbrief. com/2012/11/27/25 -a-summary-of-how-to-create-a-mind-the-secret-of-human-thought-revealed-by-ray-kurzweil http: //www. cs. utexas. edu/~ai-lab/pubs/Neural. Nets 12 -Li. pdf 40

5. Nanotechnology: Nanomedicine § § § Drug delivery Now Organ repair DNA nanotechnology Biomolecular 5. Nanotechnology: Nanomedicine § § § Drug delivery Now Organ repair DNA nanotechnology Biomolecular interface Medical nanorobots Nanoparticles DNA: Structural Building Block Farther future Respirocytes September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Holliday Junction DNA Walker Microbivore Clottocytes Quantum Dot Dyes Artery Cleaner Vasculocyte Source: Swan, M. Top ten recent nanomedical advances. Book chapter in Clinical Nanomedicine: from Bench to Bedside 2011, Forthcoming. Holliday Junction: http: //www. sciencedaily. com/releases/2013/03/130321141448. ht 41

5. Nanotechnology: Microfluidics MEMS, microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip 1 § Human-body-on-a-chip 2 § Paper-based microfluidics 3 5. Nanotechnology: Microfluidics MEMS, microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip 1 § Human-body-on-a-chip 2 § Paper-based microfluidics 3 § Gut-on-a-chip Lab-on-a-chip 1 Lung-on-a-chip 2 Paper Diagnostics (DFA. org)3 Why Important? Real-time medical and diagnostic applications, preventive medicine, neuroprosthetics, cognitive enhancement September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 http: //wyss. harvard. edu/viewpressrelease/80/harvards-wyss-institute-creates-living-human-gutonachip 2 eb. mit. edu/newsoffice/2012/human-body-on-a-chip-research-funding-0724. html 3 bmf. aip. org/resource/1/biomgb/v 6/i 1/p 011301_s 1? bypass. SSO=1 42

6. Participatory Health and DIYscience (Light) Social Media Ecosystem: Level of Engagement Mobile Health 6. Participatory Health and DIYscience (Light) Social Media Ecosystem: Level of Engagement Mobile Health Apps Tele. Medicine PHRs (personal health records) Consumer Genomics Community Labs Citizen science (Intense) Quantified selftracking DIYbio (do-ityourself biology) Citizen Scientist: Anyone conducting scientific investigation without professional training in the field September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences http: //diybionyc. blogspot. com 43

6. Health Social Networks and Collaboration Health social networks (global & local) September 9, 6. Health Social Networks and Collaboration Health social networks (global & local) September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Health collaboration & experimentation communities Source: Extended from Swan, M. Emerging patient-driven health care models: an examination of health social networks, consumer personalized medicine and quantified self-tracking. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2009, 2, 492 -525. 44

6. Genomera ‘e. Bay of health studies’ May 2013: 600+ community members, 30 studies 6. Genomera ‘e. Bay of health studies’ May 2013: 600+ community members, 30 studies with 10 -65 enrollees Site access via www. DIYgenomics. org Why Important? Hasten pace of scientific discovery and results implementation, extend science landscape and DIY attitude September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 45

7. Quantified Self, Wearables, IOT Goal: personalized knowledge through quantified self-tracking § Global community: 7. Quantified Self, Wearables, IOT Goal: personalized knowledge through quantified self-tracking § Global community: ‘show n tell’ meetups § Outcome: optimality and improvement § § Example: personalized interventions for depression, low energy, sleep quality Image credit: http: //www. nationalpost. com September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Image credit: Quantified Self IOT = Internet-of-Things Source: Swan, M. Overview of Crowdsourced Health Research Studies. 2012. 46

7. Quantified Self Project Examples Food consumption (1 yr)1 and the Butter Mind study 7. Quantified Self Project Examples Food consumption (1 yr)1 and the Butter Mind study 2 § Study § § Low-cost home-administered blood, urine, saliva tests Cholestech LDX home cholesterol test September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 Source: 2 Source: Or. Sense continuous non-invasive glucose monitoring http: //flowingdata. com/2011/06/29/a-year-of-food-consumption-visualized http: //quantifiedself. com/2011/01/results-of-the-buttermind-experiment ZRT Labs dried blood spot tests 47

7. Sensor Mania! Wearable Electronics Smart Gadgetry Creates Continuous Personal Information Climate Smartphone, Fitbit, 7. Sensor Mania! Wearable Electronics Smart Gadgetry Creates Continuous Personal Information Climate Smartphone, Fitbit, Smartwatch (Pebble), Electronic T-shirt (Carre) Smartring (Electric. Foxy), Electronic tattoos (mc 10), $1 blood API (Sano Intelligence), Continuous Monitors (Medtronic) September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: Swan, M. Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2. 0. J Sens Actuator Netw 2012. 48

7. Bio. Sensor Electronic Tattoos Wearable Electronics Detect External Threats and Track Internal Vital 7. Bio. Sensor Electronic Tattoos Wearable Electronics Detect External Threats and Track Internal Vital Signs Electrochemical Sensors Chemical Sensors September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Disposable Electronics Tactile Intelligence: Haptic Data Glove http: //www. jacobsschool. ucsd. edu/pulse/winter 2013/page 3. shtml#tattoos 49

7. Building Exosenses for the Qualified Self Extending our senses in new ways to 7. Building Exosenses for the Qualified Self Extending our senses in new ways to perceive data as sensation Magnetic Sense: Finger and Arm Magnets North Paw Haptic Compass Anklet and Heart Spark http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=D 4 shf. Nufq. Sg http: //sensebridge. net/projects/heart-spark September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Serendipitous Joy: Smiletriggered EMG muscle sensor with an LED headband display Source: Swan, M. Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2. 0. J Sens Actuator Netw 2012. 50

7. Augmenting the Brain 24/7 Consumer EEG, Eye-tracking, Emotion-Mapping, Augmented Reality Glasses Consumer EEG 7. Augmenting the Brain 24/7 Consumer EEG, Eye-tracking, Emotion-Mapping, Augmented Reality Glasses Consumer EEG Rigs Augmented Reality Glasses 1. 0 2. 0 Why Important? Thinking Shift to: My health is my responsibility … and I have the tools to make managing it fun and easy September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: Swan, M. Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2. 0. J Sens Actuator Netw 2012. 51

8. Big Data and Information Visualization Annual data creation on the order of zetabytes 8. Big Data and Information Visualization Annual data creation on the order of zetabytes § 90% of the world’s data created in the last 2 years § Fastest growing segment: life sciences imaging data § September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Mary Meeker, Internet Trends, http: //www. kpcb. com/insights/2013 -internet-trends http: //www. intel. com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/white-papers/healthcare-leveraging-big-data-paper. pdf 52

8. Life Sciences Big Data Visualization Environmental Monitoring Patient Data Consumer/QS Data Integrated Health 8. Life Sciences Big Data Visualization Environmental Monitoring Patient Data Consumer/QS Data Integrated Health Data Streams Social Graph Data Public Health Data Why Important? A wholly new way of reacting to information: formerly everything was signal, now 99% is noise September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 53

9. Aging and Health Extension: Prescriptive § § § Neurodegenerative disease (Apo. E) § 9. Aging and Health Extension: Prescriptive § § § Neurodegenerative disease (Apo. E) § Cholesterol testing and management: exercise, vitamins, stress reduction 1 § Neuroplasticity enhancement Rejuvenation research § Bioremediation enzymes 2 § Genetic therapies: RNA interference, allotopic expression 2 DIYgenomics studies: memory, sleep, telomere-lengthening, Retin-A Telomere-lengthening Skin Rejuvenation September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 REVEAL Lipoprotein Particle Density Bioremediation Enzymes Study http: //www. nytimes. com/2009/07/16/health/research/16 dementia. html? _r=0 2 http: //sens. org/research/intramural 54

9. Aging: Telomere Length Telomeres (DNA tips) shorten with Aging Telomere-length Testing: What is 9. Aging: Telomere Length Telomeres (DNA tips) shorten with Aging Telomere-length Testing: What is your Biological Age? Scientist: Maria Blasco Scientist: Cal Harley Astragalus Root September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences http: //www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/23808324 (2013) http: //www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/20822369 (2011) 55

Aging: Skin Rejuvenation § Topical Treatments Salicin (Willow Bark) Retinoids (Retin-A) § Retinoid substitutes Aging: Skin Rejuvenation § Topical Treatments Salicin (Willow Bark) Retinoids (Retin-A) § Retinoid substitutes § Salicin, Co. Q 10, Intense Pulsed Light § § Filler injections § § Botox, hyaluronic acid, transdermal hexapeptides, bio-roller microneedle therapy Cellular therapies Injected collagen-producing fibroblasts (La. Viv, Vavelta) § Stem cell face lift § § Microneedle bio-roller Dermal substitutes, spray-on skin, wound-healing, scar reduction September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Perma. Derm 3 D Spray-on Skin http: //www. slideshare. net/lablogga/translational-antiaging-skin-research 56

DIYgenomics Retin-A Skin Study § Can personal genomics (TERC, TERT, ILA 1, TNF) predict DIYgenomics Retin-A Skin Study § Can personal genomics (TERC, TERT, ILA 1, TNF) predict Retin-A reaction and side-effects? September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: http: //genomera. com/studies/retin-a-wonder-cream-for-acne-and-wrinkles-is-there-a-genomic-link 57

DIYgenomics Memory Study Goal: 100 member cohort • Genotype: COMT, DRD 2, SLC 6 DIYgenomics Memory Study Goal: 100 member cohort • Genotype: COMT, DRD 2, SLC 6 A 3 (~5 SNPs) (neurotransmitter modulation) • Phenotype: memory test (2025 minutes) • Background questionnaire September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: http: //genomera. com/studies/aging-telomere-length-and-telomerase-activation-therapy 58

DIYgenomics Telomere Study Telomerase genes, telomere length, and intervention § Telomere-lengthening and immune system DIYgenomics Telomere Study Telomerase genes, telomere length, and intervention § Telomere-lengthening and immune system benefits (Harley § CB et al, Rejuvenation Res, 2011, de Jesus BB et al, Aging Cell, 2011) September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: http: //genomera. com/studies/aging-telomere-length-and-telomerase-activation-therapy 59

9. Aging, Life Extension, Robotics Robotic Companions Wearable Exoskeletons Robotic Helpers Self-Driving Cars/Pod Transport 9. Aging, Life Extension, Robotics Robotic Companions Wearable Exoskeletons Robotic Helpers Self-Driving Cars/Pod Transport Senior Empowerment Why Important? Possibility to reduce human suffering, extend well-being, productivity, and quality of life September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ma. Tfz. YDZG 8 c&feature=share 60

10. Future of Life Sciences in Space Search for Life Asteroid Mining: Water, CHON, 10. Future of Life Sciences in Space Search for Life Asteroid Mining: Water, CHON, Metals September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences http: //www. planetaryresources. com http: //www. youtube. com/user/virgle Mars Caves: Shelter and Ice Cyanobacteria: Syn. Bio on the Moon 61

Why Important? Space is an important field of growth, survival, entertainment, exploration, and resource-generation Why Important? Space is an important field of growth, survival, entertainment, exploration, and resource-generation for our future September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: http: //blogs. scientificamerican. com/oscillator/2012/03/31/foods-in-the-year-2000/ 62

Agenda Our Futuristic World § Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities § Synthetic Biology, Regenerative Agenda Our Futuristic World § Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities § Synthetic Biology, Regenerative Medicine, 3 D Printing, Genomics/Omics § Neuroscience, Nanotechnology, Big Data, Citizen Science, Quantified Self § Aging, Space § § Conclusion Potential Risks § Summary § September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 63

Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities Genomics “Omics” Preventive Medicine Biotechnology Synthetic Biology Regenerative Medicine Top 10 Life Sciences Opportunities Genomics “Omics” Preventive Medicine Biotechnology Synthetic Biology Regenerative Medicine 3 D Printing Quantified Self (QS) Wearables Internet-of-Things (IOT) Big Data September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Neuroscience Aging Health Extension Robotics Nanotechnology Collective Intelligence DIYscience Participatory Health Space 64

Future of Life Sciences Summary § Biology is the information science of the century Future of Life Sciences Summary § Biology is the information science of the century § Wider ecosystem: institutions to citizen scientists § Preventive Medicine: avoid disease onset, optimality § Data: continuous, automated, objective metrics with attendant access, sharing, security, privacy concernt § Biocitizenry: your rights and responsibilities, health as a human right September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 65

Future of Life Sciences: Participatory Health 1. Continuous health information climate Automated digital health Future of Life Sciences: Participatory Health 1. Continuous health information climate Automated digital health monitoring, self-tracking devices, and mobile apps providing personalized recommendations 2. Peer collaboration and health advisors Individual Health social networks, crowdsourced studies, health advisors, wellness coaches, preventive care plans, boutique physicians, genetics coaches, aestheticians, medical tourism 3. Public health system Deep expertise of traditional health system for disease and trauma treatment September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: Extended from Swan, M. Emerging patient-driven health care models: an examination of health social networks, consumer personalized medicine and quantified self-tracking. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2009, 2, 492 -525. 66

Frontier: Mental Performance Optimization Mood Management Apps from Mobilyze and M. Morris PTSD App Frontier: Mental Performance Optimization Mood Management Apps from Mobilyze and M. Morris PTSD App ‘Siri 2. 0’ Personal Virtual Coach from DIYgenomics Source: http: //www. ptsd. va. gov/public/pages/ ptsdcoach. asp Sources: http: //cbits. northwestern. edu and http: //quantifiedself. com/2009/03/a-few-weeks-ago-i September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Source: DIYgenomics Social Intelligence Study http: //diygenomics. pbworks. com/w/page/48946791/social_intelligence 67

But wait…Bioethics Risks and Society § Regulation (synthetic biology, genetics, stem cells) § § But wait…Bioethics Risks and Society § Regulation (synthetic biology, genetics, stem cells) § § § Unsupervised release of synthetic organisms 1 Practitioner ethics, registry, and licensing Safeguards: control and if necessary extinguish technology Monitoring and enforcement: top-down and bottom-up § Ownership (IP) rights and responsibilities § Policy issues § Digital divide accessibility, non-discrimination, medical tourism § Manufacturing standards, raw materials sourcing § § PRECEDENT: Nanotechnology September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 http: //www. nature. com/news/glowing-plants-spark-debate-1. 13131 68

Biological Warfare and Public Health Can these technologies be weaponized? § Biological Weapons Convention Biological Warfare and Public Health Can these technologies be weaponized? § Biological Weapons Convention (1972) § § Offense prohibited; defensive research Open publishing (AIDS, SARS) § Risk assessment § Access to existing samples § Creating pathogens is difficult § Superbugs (Staph aureus), emerging infections § § Simultaneous development of defenses § Sensors September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 69

Bioethics Practitioner Standards § § Follow Hippocratic oath principles: autonomy, privacy, beneficence Research Ethics Bioethics Practitioner Standards § § Follow Hippocratic oath principles: autonomy, privacy, beneficence Research Ethics Recommendations for Whole-Genome Research: Consensus Statement 1 March 25, 2008 § Consent Withdrawal from research Return of results Public data release Synthetic biology biosafety § § Reviews: external pre-experimental and ongoing Responsibility-taking: signature, documentation Safe design: non-reproductive, activation-based, suicide gene Safeguards for unintended consequences September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 1 http: //biology. plosjournals. org/perlserv/? request=get-document&doi=10. 1371/journal. pbio. 0060073 70

Ethics: Intellectual Property § Models § § Protected, open-source, shared foundation Successive tiers cleared Ethics: Intellectual Property § Models § § Protected, open-source, shared foundation Successive tiers cleared to public use § § § Considerations § § § 1996 Bermuda Principles 2000 Clinton: genome sequences ineligible for patent Product window, cost of development, market demand Open-source information, fee-based services Definitional issues § § What is life? Can genetically modified organisms be patented? § September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 1980 71

Heidegger in the Age of Biotechnicity § § § Technology discloses the world to Heidegger in the Age of Biotechnicity § § § Technology discloses the world to us in a way that could endanger us because we are not aware of it Technology is not bad in itself Our attunement to technology as a means of deeply revealing the world to us could help us away from the forgetfulness of being, our lostness in daily projects We should tune into the enframing capability of technology in the background disclosing to us the possibilities for the meaningfulness of our being See technology is an enabler, not a means to an end September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences Heidegger, M. The Question Concerning Technology, 1954 72

What is your world-changing vision? § Where will you be in one year? § What is your world-changing vision? § Where will you be in one year? § § Back in school? § § Start-up company? Working for someone else? Who are your role models? September 9, 2013 Future of Life Sciences 73

The Future of Life Sciences Vielen Dank! Questions? Image: Natasha Vita-More, Primo Posthuman Slides: The Future of Life Sciences Vielen Dank! Questions? Image: Natasha Vita-More, Primo Posthuman Slides: http: //slideshare. net/La. Blogga Melanie Swan MS Futures Group +1 -650 -681 -9482 @La. Blogga, @DIYgenomics www. Melanie. Swan. com m@melanieswan. com http: //www. youtube. com/Technology. Philosophe Creative Commons 3. 0 license