The fundamentals of English grammar The Future Simple Tense
The Future Simple Tense (Будущее простое время) The Future Simple Tense употребляется для обозначения какого-либо действия в будущем. WILL – вспомогательный глагол Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form will + V will + not + V = won’t + V Will + подлеж. +V She will go to the zoo She will not go to the zoo Will she go to the zoo?
The Future Simple Tense (Будущее простое время) Для времени the Future Simple характерно употребление следующих наречий: tomorrow – завтра in a year – через год in two days – через два дня next week – на следующей неделе month year hour summer autumn winter spring I will go to school in a year She will read this book tomorrow They will watch TV in two days We will visit this place next week
Wh-questions: When Where What Why Whose Who Вопросительные слова Вспомогательный глагол Подлежащее Основной (смысловой) глагол Nick will play football next summer. Who will play football next summer? When will you go to school? Why will he study English?
We often use will in there situations: Offering to do something: I need some money. Don’t worry. I’ll lend you some. Agreeing or refusing to do something: I‘ve asked John to help me but he won’t. Promising to do something: I promise I’ll phone as soon as I arrive. Asking someone to do something ( Will you…?): Will you shut the door, please?
Exercises with the Future Simple Tense (Упражнения) Заполните пропуски: … you write this letter tomorrow? Kate …not read books next week. … he come to school in two days? … they drink coffee tomorrow? I’m sure he … not like tomato juice. … they help their mother next month? … you go to school next year? WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL
Exercises with the Future Simple Tense (Упражнения) Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам: He will take this book from the library tomorrow. They will come to school on time tomorrow. Mary will eat apples next week. Where will he take this book tomorrow? Where will they come tomorrow? What will Mary eat next week? When will Mary eat apples? Who will eat apples next week? What will he take from the library tomorrow?
Exercises with the Future Simple Tense (Упражнения) Сделайте предложения отрицательными : He will take this book from the library tomorrow. They will come to school on time tomorrow. Mary will eat apples next week. He won’t take this book from the library tomorrow. They won’t come to school on time tomorrow. Mary won’t eat apples next week.