- Количество слайдов: 11
The functional theories of the syllable. Types of juncture. Larionova Regina 872(2 e)
Syllable is a unit organization for a sequence of speech sounds. • F. ex : the word «water» is composed of two syllables «wa» and «ter» .
The functions of syllables (by V. A. Vaciliev) 1) Constitutive function 2) Differentiatory and distinctive functions 3) Recognitive
Constitutive function of syllables The syllable forms higher level units of word and rhythmic groups and utterances. Two aspects of this function can be emphasized : - The syllable is a unit in which segmental phonemes are realized. - Within a syllable or a sequence of syllables prosodic or suprosegmental features of speech are also realized
The syllable is a specific minimal structure of both segmental and suprosegmental features.
Distinctive function The syllable is characterized by its ability to differentiate words and word – forms. F. ex. : a name – an aim ice – cream – I scream
Sometimes the difference in syllable division may be the basic ground for differentiation in such pairs as: - I saw her rise – I saw her eyes - I saw the meat – I saw them eat
close Juncture - is a contrastive feature of high-level units but not a phonological units in its own right open
Close juncture is a mid – transition when the final stage of the preceding sound mergers with the initial stage of the sound • a nice woman, away, address, a name
a name – an aim – the close juncture b/n /n/ and /ei/ ice-cream – I scream – the close juncture b/n /s/ and /k/
Open juncture it is shape –transition when the final stage of the preceding sound doesn’t merge with the initial stage of the initial sound. an ice woman, a way, a dress, an aim