Скачать презентацию The food life of Japanese people is varied Скачать презентацию The food life of Japanese people is varied


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The food life of Japanese people is varied. . 日本人の食生活は 多様化している。 The food life of Japanese people is varied. . 日本人の食生活は 多様化している。

There are Japanese people who fell unsatisfied if they don’t eat rice once a There are Japanese people who fell unsatisfied if they don’t eat rice once a day. 一日に一回、米 を食べないと気がすま ない日本人がいます。

The condiments that Japanese use a lot are soy sauce, miso, mirin, worcestershire sauce, The condiments that Japanese use a lot are soy sauce, miso, mirin, worcestershire sauce, pepper, salt, sugar and red hot pepper. 日本人がよく使う調味料は しょうゆとみそとみりんと ソースとこしょうと塩と砂糖と とうがらしです。

A ryoutei is a high class Japanese restaurant and serves Japanese food. 料亭は高級な料理屋 で、和食を出します。 A ryoutei is a high class Japanese restaurant and serves Japanese food. 料亭は高級な料理屋 で、和食を出します。

In former times rice was the staple food, but now the eating of bread In former times rice was the staple food, but now the eating of bread and noodles has 多くなりました。 以前は米が主食で、 パンや麺(めん)などを食べることも 多くなりました。

At one time, breakfast in every Japanse home consisted of rice and miso soup… At one time, breakfast in every Japanse home consisted of rice and miso soup… 昔、どこの家庭でも朝食は「ご飯にみ そ汁」と決まっていましたが。。。。

The morning is busy so a meal of bread , which doesn’t take trouble, The morning is busy so a meal of bread , which doesn’t take trouble, has become prevalent. 朝は忙しいので手間(てま)がかから ないパン食(しょく)が多くなりました。

Even so, more than 65% of both men and women say they feel unsatisfied Even so, more than 65% of both men and women say they feel unsatisfied if they don’t eat rice once a day. それでも、一日に一回は米を食べな いと気がすまないという男女も65%以 上います。

Busy people make do with just a simple meal of toast and coffee 忙しい人たちはトーストとコーヒー Busy people make do with just a simple meal of toast and coffee 忙しい人たちはトーストとコーヒー だけで簡単にすませることもある ようです。

These are some of the condiments that the Japanese use to flavor their food. These are some of the condiments that the Japanese use to flavor their food. 日本人が材料に味をつけるために よく使う調味料です。

Soy sauce is the most typical Japanese condiment. Its main ingredient is soy beans, Soy sauce is the most typical Japanese condiment. Its main ingredient is soy beans, and each Japanese household consumes an average of about 8. 5 l per year. しょうゆは日本の代表的な調味料です。 主な材料は大豆(だいず)で、 日本人一世帯(いっせたい)当たり1年に 約8. 5リットル消費(しょうひ)しています。

Worcestershire sauce was introduced from Europe during the Meiji period, and it has become Worcestershire sauce was introduced from Europe during the Meiji period, and it has become a flavor suiteed to the Japanese palate. ソースは明治時代にヨーロッパ から伝(つた)わったものですが、 日本人の味覚(みかく)に合った 味になっています。

Togarashi is the Japanese name for red hot pepper. (With other ingredients also in Togarashi is the Japanese name for red hot pepper. (With other ingredients also in it, it is called SHICHIMI TOOGARASHI. When eating SOBA or UDON (people) people often sprinkle it on. とうがらしは辛(から)いレッドペッパーのことです。 ほかの材料も入(はい)っていて、 七味(SHICHIMI)とうがらしと呼(よ)ばれています。 そばやうどんを食べるときによくかけます

Tenpura is typical Japanese cuisine, but its name comes from the Portuguese language 天ぷらは代表的な日本料理ですが、 Tenpura is typical Japanese cuisine, but its name comes from the Portuguese language 天ぷらは代表的な日本料理ですが、 天ぷらということばはポルトガル語か ら来たものです。

Tenpura is made of prawns, fish, or vegetables deep-fried in oil. It is eaten Tenpura is made of prawns, fish, or vegetables deep-fried in oil. It is eaten with ten-tsuyu (a special dipping sauce) or salt 天ぷらは、えび、魚、野菜(やさい)など を油(あぶら)で揚(あ)げた料理です。 天つゆか塩(しお)をつけて食べます。

Tenpura, which after coating seafood or vegetables with a wheat flour batter is a Tenpura, which after coating seafood or vegetables with a wheat flour batter is a food deep fried in oil. 天ぷらは、魚や野菜などを水で溶(と)いた 小麦粉(こむぎこ)につけてから、 油(あぶら)で揚(あ)げた料理です。

Tendon is Japanese cuisine where tenpura put on top of rice. 天丼(てんどん)はご飯の上に天ぷら をのせた日本料理です。 Tendon is Japanese cuisine where tenpura put on top of rice. 天丼(てんどん)はご飯の上に天ぷら をのせた日本料理です。

Togarashi is the Japanese name for red hot pepper. (With other ingredients also in Togarashi is the Japanese name for red hot pepper. (With other ingredients also in it, it is called SHICHIMI TOOGARASHI. When eating SOBA or UDON (people) people often sprinkle it on. とうがらしは辛(から)いレッドペッパーのことです。 ほかの材料も入(はい)っていて、 七味(SHICHIMI)とうがらしと呼(よ)ばれています。 そばやうどんを食べるときによくかけます

Sukiyaki’s ingredients include beef, tofu, scallions, and Chinese cabbage. It is often dipped in Sukiyaki’s ingredients include beef, tofu, scallions, and Chinese cabbage. It is often dipped in raw eggs. すき焼(や)きの材料は、牛肉、豆腐(と うふ)、ねぎ、白菜(はくさい)などです。 よく生卵(なまたまご)につけて食べます

In Sukiyaki, several people surround one pot and すき焼きは何人かの人が一つ のなべを囲んで (かこんで)。。 In Sukiyaki, several people surround one pot and すき焼きは何人かの人が一つ のなべを囲んで (かこんで)。。

Togarashi is the Japanese name for red hot pepper. (With other ingredients also in Togarashi is the Japanese name for red hot pepper. (With other ingredients also in it, it is called SHICHIMI TOOGARASHI. When eating SOBA or UDON (people) people often sprinkle it on. とうがらしは辛(から)いレッドペッパーのことです。 ほかの材料も入(はい)っていて、 七味(SHICHIMI)とうがらしと呼(よ)ばれています。 そばやうどんを食べるときによくかけます