
  • Количество слайдов: 30


Overview of the Fortress System of Komárom/Komárno SK: Komárno The Palatinal Line DANUBE: border Overview of the Fortress System of Komárom/Komárno SK: Komárno The Palatinal Line DANUBE: border river The Váh Line The New Fort The Old Fort Monostor / Sandberg HU: Komárom The Danube Bridgehead / Csillag Fort Igmand

The 3 forts in Hungary- managed by the Fort Monostor Nonprofit Ltd. Fort Csillag The 3 forts in Hungary- managed by the Fort Monostor Nonprofit Ltd. Fort Csillag Fort Monostor Fort Igmandi Owner: State of Hungary (national registered monuments) Site-manager: Fort Monostor Non-profit Ltd. (property management)

FORT MONOSTOR In numbers 66, 8 hectars (buildings covers appr. 25 ha, 41, 8 FORT MONOSTOR In numbers 66, 8 hectars (buildings covers appr. 25 ha, 41, 8 ha green area 32. 000 m 2 covered building, 640 rooms in different condition – mainly in good condition The biggest part of the complex is the Danube bastion: 3 storey, 6. 000 m 2 Other parts mostly 1 -2 storey Appr. 4 km of casemates (double) The courtyard is appr. 10 hectars Made for housing of 8. 000 soldiers. Just for comparison… An average apartment in Hungary is between 54 -60 m 2 32. 000 m 2 is : 530 - 590 apartment , which means: 10 -13 block of flat

Utilization of fort – long term process step by step Fort Monostor (built between Utilization of fort – long term process step by step Fort Monostor (built between 1850 -1871) Used for military purpose until 1994 – ammunition depot 1991 – Soviet army left the fort – owner: Hungarian State – resp. body: State Property Directorate 1992 - de-militarization : cleaning from hazardous object, mines, etc. 1998 – open for public – partly, as a monument – income from entrance fee 1999. Establishing the Public benefit company for re-utilization of the Fort Monostor 2000 – 99 year long contract for property management were undersigned between the Property Directorate and Fort Monostor Nonprofit Company Phases of planning: 2000 -2004 : Modular Revitalization Programme – Feasibility Study 2001 - starting of the renovation, restoration works – projects – financed by the state, managed by the Fort Monostor Non-profit Ltd. C 2005 – Fort Csillag and Fort Igmánd belongs to the FM also (extension of the contract) 2007 – UNESCO WH nomination – trans-boundary nomination of the whole Fortress System (intertnational, togehter with Slovak Republic) 2007 - the 2 nd round of EU funds opened in Hungary – National Development Plan 2010 – 1, 5 M € project win, 2013 – end of the biggest investment project in the Danube bastion – will open on 8. June, 2013.

Before starting anything… decisions/ future functions… 1 st decision of the owner & stakeholders Before starting anything… decisions/ future functions… 1 st decision of the owner & stakeholders (state/town) 2 nd decision of the owner & stakeholders Supervising Body Board of owners Consultancy/expertise Finance the operational costs Supports Fort Monostor should be utilized for cultural-touristic purpose & UNESCO WH site. Establishing Fort Monostor Public Benefit Company/non-profit Ltd. Fort Monostor Non-profit Ltd. is a Project/site management organization This is determine all of our activities, basicly the future of the fort. Because of the WH nomination: In 2005. other 2 forts in Komárom became the member of the portfolio of the Fort Monstor Ltd.

The managing organization nowdays (2013) The owners of the Company: Hungarian State Holding Company The managing organization nowdays (2013) The owners of the Company: Hungarian State Holding Company (95%) Municipality of Komárom (5%) SUPERVISORY BOARD (experts delegated by the owners and Ministries e. g. Ministry of Defence & Min. of Culture) BOARD OF OWNERS (representatives delegated by owners) Fort Monostor Nonprofit Ltd. 35 employee: - 15 to management and assistance - 5 guide - 5 guard - 10 person in the maintenance staff

Re-utilization of the Fort Monostor Vision of future: FORT MONOSTOR: “Complex Military Cultural Center” Re-utilization of the Fort Monostor Vision of future: FORT MONOSTOR: “Complex Military Cultural Center” Together with the Central Fortress (in Slovakia), Fort Monostor will be the major, central attraction of the ensemble and the center for the tourism services on the Hungarian side. 75 % of the interiors will be rehabilitated and get new functions through appropriate conservation and development plans, 25 % will be preserved in the actual “damaged” state, bearing the signs of the last 125 years. At the end of the medium term (25 years) a “town-like” complex of 12 indoor and 12 outdoor designated cultural functions and tourism services will be able to host and serve 5 -600. 000 visitors per year, without harming the fabric of the military architectural monument or its natural environment.

Fields of financing Financing of the operational cost of the Non-profit Ltd. Project financing Fields of financing Financing of the operational cost of the Non-profit Ltd. Project financing „Soft” projects – not for building construction works Like: project for youngs Participation in international projects like AT FORT „Hard” projects Restoration and re-utilization projects

Financing the operation of the FM Non-profit Ltd. Incomes: -Support from the owners -Entrance Financing the operation of the FM Non-profit Ltd. Incomes: -Support from the owners -Entrance fees -Rental fees -Sponsorship Revenues: -Wages & contributions -Overhead costs (electicity, heating, etc. ) -Entrepreneurs (experts) Sources of finance The financing of the site management, conservation program and cultural events is provided by: • annual funding contracts signed between the FMCC and the founders, • income from entrance fees (visitors and cultural events), • short term leasing of historic sites (e. g. for film making), • mid term leasing of areas (e. g. horses in the former stable), Rule: if we earned profit ( by our for-profit activities) we have to turn it into the restoration works (non-profit act. )

1€ = appr. 300 HUF 1€ = appr. 300 HUF

Number of the visitors (Fort Monostor) 114 , 93 2 140000 0 , 37 Number of the visitors (Fort Monostor) 114 , 93 2 140000 0 , 37 , 22 7 82 , 9 45 90 88 , 48 7 100000 97 , 25 1 120000 44 , 45 8 6 , 27 47 2 , 59 44 43 , 96 36 , 96 8 6 60000 51, 55 2 74 80000 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jan. 2007: WH Nomination 1998 21, 15, 58 1 0 11, 9 20000 32 81 6 40000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Project financing… Incomes for financing „soft” projects EU: ESF, EACEA: Youth in Action, Grundtvig Project financing… Incomes for financing „soft” projects EU: ESF, EACEA: Youth in Action, Grundtvig Incomes for financing „hard” projects for the cost of renovation, restoration, construction, infrastructure, equipments, (non-current assets) - Direct support from the owners in relation to investment projects (state support, out of „de minimis rules”) MIXED – depends on the aims and elements of the project Supports from Hungarian public and private funds like support from the Institute for National Culture Support from international funds (EU ERDF, CBC – like HUSK, inter-regional like INTERREG), Visegrad Fund, National Development Funds, etc. ), Sponsorship and support from large companies/factories – CSR (corporate social responsibility)

The Green and The Ampron (Grundtvig projects) Support for „soft projects… examples Aqua e The Green and The Ampron (Grundtvig projects) Support for „soft projects… examples Aqua e forti (I) Rempart (F)

The Modular Revitalization Program in practice… The structure of the MRP Modular Revitalisation Programme The Modular Revitalization Program in practice… The structure of the MRP Modular Revitalisation Programme Inside the walls/Inner Part of the Fort Monostor Module 1 Module 2 Module … 12 Outside of the walls /outdoor area of the Fort Monostor Module 1 Module 2 Module … 12 Project 1 Project 2… Project 1 Project 2… Subproject 1, 2, … Subproject 1, 2, … Activity 1, 2, … Activity 1, 2, …

Module: Projects: Redevelopment of Danube bastion (3 storey, appr. 6. 000 m 2 covered Module: Projects: Redevelopment of Danube bastion (3 storey, appr. 6. 000 m 2 covered building) O level: Fluvial port and visitor's center 2 nd storey: 1 st storey: Exhibitions of the open air theater armoury of the and existing Warsawa pact and areas NATO In front of the building: Landing area … … green areas … …. Conference halls, event places Activities Inside the building: Visitor's centre Exhibition area Subproject Ramp for disabled people Ticket office Parking places Back-office Information point Catering area… Port

Supports: 50 -95% of full cost Projects: Re-development of the Danube bastion O level: Supports: 50 -95% of full cost Projects: Re-development of the Danube bastion O level: Fluvial port and visitor's center Inside the building: Visitor's centre In front of the building: Landing area Exhibition area green areas Conference halls, event places Subproject Activities EU granted project: "Visitor's centre and green areas" 1, 48 M € 2011 -2013 Module: Ramp for disabled people Ticket offices Parking places (2004) Administration offices Information point (2007) Catering area… Port (2012) Own contribution: support from the owners 5 -50% of full costs Pre-financing of the project: shareholder’s loan (if it is needed). Touristic development grant 40. 000 € (State) Touristic development grant 10. 000 € (Regional) National State Holding Company 200. 000 € (Owner of the Fort Monostor Ltd. BASIC infrastructures: Fort Monostor Nonprofit Company- direct supports (100%) from the owners 2000 -2020

WHY the MRP is a good tool? Because: -It helps us to know, what WHY the MRP is a good tool? Because: -It helps us to know, what we want to do with the fort during the next 50 years… -It is accepted by all relevant stakeholders in local, regional or state level -It is harmonized with the local and regional development plans – basic of application to the EU-funds -We have some prepared project for the real estate sector (like military-style camping, hotel) – you never know, who will enter to the fort in the next minute… -It has many different elements – which are useful in relation to the realization of the redevelopment. -We have more than 15 project in a well preparedt status with a valid building permints –(it means: we can make an application for grants during 1 -3 months/weeks) -There are projects with different needs for support/investment (from a new hotel (appr. 15 M€) to the youth hostel (5 M€) It is like a puzzle: you can do it piece by piece, and at the end it will be a full picture. During realization, we will have many little pictures - attractions to the tourism market…

Our activities in pictures… Our activities in pictures…

Pre-conditions…. Building basic infrastructre Renovation, restoration, implementation of re-utilization plans Pre-conditions…. Building basic infrastructre Renovation, restoration, implementation of re-utilization plans

The military museum Museums, exhibitions The museum of bread The military museum Museums, exhibitions The museum of bread

Events Rodeo-show USA Car’s festival Events Rodeo-show USA Car’s festival

Family days Family days

Young artists at the Fort Monostor Living Picture Society - Morphomans Hosting contemporary art Young artists at the Fort Monostor Living Picture Society - Morphomans Hosting contemporary art Photo: Zsófia Bérczi

Young architects – contemporary architecture at the fort Young architects – contemporary architecture at the fort

Suggestions… You should have… A fort, which you would like to utilize… (question of Suggestions… You should have… A fort, which you would like to utilize… (question of responsibility and decisions…) Support from the owners (if you are not the owner of the fort)… Clear vision of the goals of the utilization… Multi-faceted approaches – interdisciplinarity! Short, medium and long term structured programme, which is more than an idea or a plan, and which is flexible… Feasibility studies, financial plans, CBA analysis – depends of the level of the project /Should they harmonizing with the local, regional or national development plans/ Enthusiast partners (owners, politicians, decision makers, employee, volunteers, etc. ) Money… (it is important, but without above mentioned. . . ) Permanent evaluation PATIENCE…. A LOT PERSISTANCE ENERGY CREATIVITY PROACTIVITY

Thank you for your kind attention. See you in Komárom! Erika Farkas www. fort-monostor. Thank you for your kind attention. See you in Komárom! Erika Farkas www. fort-monostor. hu