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THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 9, 2014 Our Lord commands, “Your light must shine before others. ” The prophet Isaiah promises that if we share our bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless, clothe naked, and do not turn our back on our own, then our “light shall break forth like the dawn. ” For all who suffer in this way are living icons of the crucified Christ. By our actions, we unite ourselves to Saint Paul who declares, “I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified… I came to you in weakness. ” When we reach out to the weak, going to them in our own weakness, we become truly “the light of the world. ” Today’s gospel complements the previous account of the beatitudes. “Happy are you!” declared Jesus to those to whom he announced persecution. Today he reveals who they are. They are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The images must be explored. The scriptures prescribed the use of salt, a covenant sign, on all the offerings made to God. (Lev 2: 13, Num 18: 19). Salt was also considered a fertilizer. For Israel, light was a symbol of messianic revelation triumphing over the darkness of paganism. // We must live, then, as salt for the earth and light for the world. The prophet Isaiah points the way. If we pursue justice for the oppressed and care for those in need, we will be true to our mission to preserve, to nurture and to enlighten all humanity. Through our lives, Jesus Christ, the true light of he world, will shine on in the darkness, a darkness that will not overcome it (John 1: 5). ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA www. St. Matthew. The. Evangelist. Parish. org Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10: 00 AM to 3: 30 PM Phone: (570) 544 -2211 Fax: (570) 54 -2317 SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc. ; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish!’ SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole(610 -289 -8900 x 222) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1 -800 -791 -9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8: 00 AM MON – Victoria Souky (Estate) TUE – 11: 00 AM – Anna Siminitus by Family 1: 30 PM – Theresa D’Attilio by Marie Harner and Frank Ryan (Mass and Anointing at Golden Living / York Terrace) WED – Deceased Members of the K of C John F. Kennedy Council 4000 THU – Scott Renninger by Arthur and Carolyn Weis FRI – Otimpio Santarelli by M/M Alphonse Santarelli SAT – 4: 00 PM – Thomas Donlen, Sr. (5 th Annv) by Family SUN – 7: 00 AM – Mary Ann Moore by Mary M. Sninsky 9: 00 AM – Joseph Gottschall by Helen 11: 00 AM – Living and Deceased Parishioners ********************************************************************** REQUIESCAT IN PACE: MARJORIE JANE BARRES, Mother of our Bishop, John O Barres, died Monday, February 3. May God grant her the joys of eternal life. . Expressions of sympathy can be sent to The Most Reverend John O. Barres, Office of the Bishop, Diocese of Allentown, PO Box F, Allentown, PA 18105 -1538. ********************************************************************** THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: O Come, Let us worship God/ and bow low before the God who made us, / for he is the Lord our God. (Ps 95 (94): 6 -7) THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, February 9 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 6: 30 AM and 10: 45 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS(FPC): Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into his harvest. We hope the prayers of our participating families will bear fruit. May God be attentive to THE MUNDY FAMILY who will host the Family Prayer Chalice for Vocations this week. Sign up in Church Vestibule or call 570 -399 -5056. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: Today’s gospel challenges us to be a “light” to our family. Parents shine their guiding light, not in front but behind them, inviting their children to follow their “good deeds. ” PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: Everyone who supported slavery was free. Everyone who supports abortion was born. “Cursed is the one who takes a bribe to slay an innocent person” – Deuteronomy. Think of politicians and all who make money from the slaughter of the preborn. STEWARDSHIP: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. ”Matthew 5: 16. The generosity of being a good steward of your gifts has a positive effect on people and it is contagious! Good works encourages more good works. Let your light shine! Be careful to recognize that God is working through you and don’t put yourself above the people you have been called to help. LAST WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $3, 756; Utilities: $680; Expenses: $6, 849. 40. Thank you for your generosity! MASS CHANGE VOTING RESULTS FRATERNAL CHARITY: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY – Your donation of all TYPES OF HEARTY SOUPS will allow the SVDP Society 4: 00 PM – 163 7: 30 AM – 26 9: 30 AM – 26 to feed the needy of our area. Volunteer to help our SVDP Society Outreach 4: 30 PM – 21 8: 00 AM – 101 10: 00 AM – 103 and God’s Bountiful Table. 570 -544 -2739. 5: 00 PM – 103 8: 30 AM – 32 10: 30 AM – 45 VOTIVES: (1) SANCTUARY: IMO Agnes Sincavage by Family. (Available 7: 00 AM – 68 9: 00 AM – 102 11: 00 AM – 99 Dates: April 20, July 6, August 3, 10, 17, September 7, October 12, 19, November 16, December 28) (2) ALTARS: BVM: IMO Ann and Jack Bevan A total of 325 ballots were cast. 4: 00 by Katherine; Special Intention of John; IMO Anna Sjnajkowska by Daughter, PM was the clear winner for Saturday. Ann. DIVINE MERCY: For the Health of George Homa and Special Intention 9: 00 AM and 10: 00 AM were the definite by Wife and Family; For the Health of Jack Dillow by Louise Barr. (3) OTHER: winners for Sunday. However, it is an ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. REREDOS NICHE: IMO Fr. Joseph F. Reilly absolute impossibility for me to say two by Parents. Call 570 -544 -2211 to memorialize Votives. consecutive Masses without allowing FLOWERS: We gratefully acknowledge the flowers adorning the BVM time in between the Masses for ingress Altar for a Special Intention. Call 570 -544 -2211. NATIVITY BVM HIGH SCHOOL SOPHY JEWELER/UGG BOOT/COACH or egress. Therefore, I am making a PURSE BINGO: Doors open 11: 00 AM; Bingo starts 1: 00 PM. $25 for 15 pastoral decision based on the votes. regular games, 4 specials. Jackpot, homemade food, desserts, beverages. Our new Sunday Mass times will be Call 570 -294 -0551 for information. 8: 30 AM and 10: 30 AM. This new HALUPKI DINNER: 11: 30 AM to 2: 00 PM, St. Nicholas Hall Primrose. Mass Schedule will take effect on the Cost $9 per platter: Halupki, Mashed Potatoes, Filling, Green Beans, roll and butter, beverage. Eat-in or take-out. Advance tickets only (570 -544 -4581). First Sunday of Lent, March 9. MONDAY, February 10 – FEBRUARY VISITATION OF THE SICK: Resumes. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Eighth grade parishioners attending Catholic, public or private elementary or middle school are invited to apply for a one-year $1000 scholarship to attend Nativity BVM High School, Diocese of Allentown. Scholarships will be on the basis of academic achievement; involvement in extracurricular activities; service to school, parish and community; and pastor and principal recommendations. Application forms are available at the Rectory or through the parish religious education program. Completed applications must be submitted to the Rectory or the Parish C. R. E. TODAY. TUESDAY, February 11 – WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE SICK: A) In commemoration of The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, we will have Communal Anointing of the Sick within today’s 11: 00 AM Mass. REQUIREMENTS FOR RECEIVING THE SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK: (1) You must be a baptized Catholic in the state of grace who has attained the use of reason (children who have not made their first Communion and infants are generally not anointed). (2) Your health must be impaired by sickness or advancing age. Practically speaking, you can and should be anointed: (a) If you are suffering from a chronic (long lasting) illness. (b) If you are about to undergo major surgery. (c) If you are suffering from depression or any form of mental illness. Call 570 -544 -2211 to register. THIS IS A MUST! B) Holy Mass will be celebrated and the patients anointed at 1: 30 PM at Golden Living Center, York Terrace.
ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: 6: 00 PM to 7: 30 PM, the Good Shepherd Building. Contact our Coordinator of Religious Education, Rosalie Novack (570 -544 -2211). WEDNESDAY, February 12 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 8: 00 AM Mass. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients / caregivers. GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11: 30 AM to 1: 30 PM, Fr. Anthony Ricapito Annex. THURSDAY, February 13 – “SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT” CONTEMPORARY CHOIR REHEARSAL: Call 570 -544 -2355 for rehearsal times. FRIDAY, February 14 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 7: 45 AM. SATURDAY, February 15 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 3: 30 PM. SPORTSMAN’S NIGHT OUT GAME DINNER AND RAFFLE: Doors open 5: 30 PM; Dinner at 6: 30 PM. St. Michael the Archangel Parish Center. $25 person includes Dinner and Door Prize Chance. Dinner includes: Salad, entrée of Wild Boar Loin Medallions and Smoked Duck Breast, dessert and beverage. Super 10 Sportsman Raffle Tickets are $10 per ticket or 5 for $40. Guest speaker is Tom Coe on Game Calling. Seating is limited! Call 570 -544 -4741 for tickets and more information. SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, February 16 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 6: 30 AM and 10: 45 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): THE EADES FAMILY will host the FPC this week. Call 570399 -5056 or Sign-Up in the Church Vestibule. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR MARCH AND APRIL! PLEASE HELP US! SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: (1) GENERAL REPAIR: Your contribution will help defray the cost of general maintenance. (2) Please catch up with any missed envelopes. Thank you for your generosity! ********************************************************************************* MINISTERS AT MASS FOR THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OFF. PROCESSION LECTORS EUCH. MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS SAT 4: 00 PM Donlen Family Michael Novack Barbara Sincavage Anthony Forte Alexandra Eades SUN 7: 00 AM Sninsky Family Mary Jo Nabholz Eli Nabholz 9: 00 AM Gottschall Family Rosalie Novack Al Boris Olivia Osborne Abby Schoffstall 11: 00 AM Parishioners Tom Mundy Jason Clark Gabriel Kuehn Bella Kuehn ********************************************************************************** COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! FEBRUARY 19 – NATIVITY BVM HIGH SCHOOL TUITION ASSISTANCE PRESENTATION: 6: 30 PM. Members of the Nativity community will be available to answer your questions. No pre-registration is required. All are welcome! Call 570 -622 -8110 with questions. FEBRUARY 20 – MONTHLY ROSARY: 6: 15 PM, our Church. Come and pray the Rosary with us. FEBRUARY 26 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11: 30 AM to 1: 30 PM, Fr. Anthony Ricapito Annex. MARCH 3 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW BUS TRIP: Cost $55. Bus leaves Quandel’s Parking Lot 8: 00 AM; Departs Philadelphia 5: 00 PM. This year’s Flower Show, “ARTiculture”, inspired by the sculptures and style of Alexander Calder, a member of Philadelphia’s historic family of artists, will feature a remarkable aerial dance troupe who will perform above, on and within the multi-dimensional display. Call Julie (570 -544 -5231) or the Rectory. MARCH 22, 23 – ASSUMPTION BVM INFORMATION: ABVM kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Aimee Benulis, will be available after all weekend Masses to answer questions you may have about Assumption BVM and their kindergarten program. Call the school (570 -622 -0106) for more information or for a tour. We hope you consider enrolling your kindergarten-aged children in our regional catholic school. APRIL 1 – 30 – SPRING FLING CALENDAR DRAWINGS: 30 Days of prizes, cash and gifts. One winner per day. Winners eligible to win every day of the month. DONATIONS FROM PARISHIONERS AND BUSINESSES ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED!Call Julie (570 -544 -5231) for information and to donate. APRIL 17 – ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH 50/50 DRAWING: $2. 00 each or three for $5. 00. Call Joe at 570621 -8269 or the Rectory at 570 -544 -2211 for tickets. Benefits Parish Center renovation. Thanks for your support! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CATHOLIC SCHOOL REGISTRATION: Assumption BVM, and other local Catholic Schools, are now accepting registrations for the 20142015 school year. Students transferring to ABVM from other schools in grades 2 through 7 are eligible for a $1, 500 transfer grant: $1, 000 for the 2014 -2015 school year and $500 for 2015 -2016 school year. Bring your child’s birth certificate, baptismal record, and immunization records. Register before April 1, 2014 and receive one $15 discount on the new student registration fee. Applications are available on the school website, www. assumptionbvmschool. net, or by calling the school office at 570 -622 -0106. Tours are also available. 2013 CEMETERY MAINTENANCE: Salaries: $16, 940; Equipment: $5, 325; Gas: $245; Oil: $17. 88; Equipment Repairs: $724. 46. Total: $23, 252. 34. This total amount is not covered by the Annual Cemetery Collection or the interest from our Endowed Care Fund. CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS: We gratefully acknowledge your kindness and generosity which allowed us to decorate our church so beautifully during the Christmas Holidays (Unless otherwise noted each donation was $10): IMO M/M John Sabadish and Family by Anna Sabadish; IMO Kralick Family, John Sabadish, Fedeles Family, Kushmanik Family by Elizabeth Sabadish; IMO Charles and Elizabeth Schwalm, Patricia O’ Brien by Scott and Patrice Schwalm and Family; IMO Henry Albertini, Steve Schwartz by Karen Schwartz; IMO John Magic, Anna Kanapitski by M/M David Sincavage; IMO John and Anna Scarbinsky by Daughter, Eleanore; IMO Clarence Smulktis, Jr. , Arlene Rizzardi, Bette and Clarence Smulktis, Rita and Joseph Haley by Mary Smulktis ($20); IMO John A. Socko, Annie L. Socko by Daughter, Ann Marie ($20); IMO John G. Szekeres, Mary Szekeres by Ann Marie ($20); Intentions of M/M Thomas Socko; IMO Alfons and Sophie Stabinski by Ray and Karen Stabinski; IMO Stabinsky, Zernhelt and Sodaitis Families by Mike and Regina Stabinsky ($20); IMO Donald Starr, Sr. by Donald Starr, Jr. ; IMO Joseph and Adellia Andruchek, John Andruchek, Michael and Anna Orlosky, Lewis Lesnefsky by Catherine Andruchek ($25); IMO Mary Skavinsky by M/M Stremick; IMO Russ Rothermel, Jr. by Toth Family; IMO John Skrentkowski by Victoria Trusky; In Thanksgiving for God’s Many Blessings by Barbara Vicic; IMO Michael J. Warhola by Family; IMO Sami Stripe, John Kostick, Joseph and Anna Kostick by Shirley Willinsky; IMO Adele Grodis, Brian Witkowski by M/M Michael Witkowski ($20); Intentions of Edward Yakobosky ($20); Intentions of Zdzislaw Zurawski; IMO Ruth and Vince Murphy, Pat and Mary Mc. Govern, Dan Polansky, Joe Mc. Govern by Thomas and Carol Mc. Govern; IMO Ryan Wiscount by Mom and Dad; IMO Stanley Brilla by Catherine Brilla; IMO Stasia and Vince Bobbin, Anna and Michael Nemeth by M/M Vincent Bobbin ($20); IMO Michael Bosack, Sr. , Gertrude Bosack, Stephen and Raymond Bosack, Florence and Eugene Gilchrst, Deceased Members of Bosack and Evans Families by Michael Bosack, Jr. ($50); IMO John, Anna, Richard and Keith Butcavage, Thomas J. and Clara, Thomas R. Farrell by Butcavage Family ($20); IMO Joseph and Amelia Czwarc, Donald J. Butler, Sr. by Aldona and Edward Butler ($20); IMO George, Celie and Georgie Miller by Aldona and Edward Butler; IMO John and Thelma Cazonie by Spotts and Cazonie Families; IMO Murphy and Consugar Families by Mary Consugar; IMO John Consugar by Pat Consugar; IMO Alexander Sumoski, Josephine Sumoski, Mary Skibiel, William Skibiel by M/M Joseph Skibiel, Sr. ($20); IMO Sumoski and Warcola Families by Bertha; IMO Jordan Marteslo, Victoria Fetterolf, John Shelava, Pete and Marcie Marteslo by Vicki Marteslo; IMO Victoria Fetterolf, Ida Fetterolf by Frank Fetterolf; IMO Kaczmar and Gelches Families by Larry Gelches; IMO Leonard Krusnoski by Ellamae Krusnoski; IMO Felix Kryston, Antoinette M. Kryston, Joseph F. Terleckas, Annie Terleckas by Kryston Family ($12); IMO John A. Kukta, M/M John and Margaret Kukta, Leonard Kukta, M/M Jack and Frances O’Brien by M/M John Kukta; Intentions of Michelle Lewandowski; IMO Gerald Murphy, John Consugar by Gerry Maley; IMO Melewsky and Rennick Families by Albert Melewsky; IMO Alex and Catherine Pogirski by M/M Anthony Phillips; IMO William Stock, Jr. , M/M Albert Gavalis, Estelle Savage by John and Janet Mickoseff and Family ($30); Intentions of Lawrence Murphy; IMO Joseph and Elizabeth Holland, Junior Barton, William Renninger Family by M/M Ronald Renninger ($20); IMO Margaret and Onorato Sorce by Vinnie and Fran Roscoe; Intentions of Betty Sabol; Intentions of Walter Slifka; IMO Pasquale Quinn, Sylvia and Arthur Angelo by Linda Berdanier; IMO Anna Lucas Brennan, Mercedes Essler, Diane Warcola, Elizabeth and Andrew Lucas by Gail Brennan; IMO Stanley Siminitus by Wife, David E. Frey, Living and Deceased of Siminitus and Polny Families by Anna Siminitus ($20); IMO M/M Dave Appleby by Mary Jane Appleby; IMO M/M Andrew Lucas, M/M Michael Gretsky and Son, M/M David Brennan, M/M Joseph Lucas and Son by Martin Marchowsky; IMO George and Robert Honyara, M/M Andrew Sabados, Frances Donoris, M/M George Mitchell by Joe and Judy Sabados ($20); IMO Charles Stablum, Sr. , John Stablum, M/M Mario Stablum, M/M John Kanaval, Sr. , M/M John Kanaval, Jr. by Barbara Stablum Family; IMO Jack Rodgers, Jr. , Janell Rodgers, Rodgers and Nevorosky Family, Thomas and Martha Brown Family by M/M John Rodgers; IMO Charles Laurie Family, Frances Rapczinsky Family by Charles Laurie; IMO Robert, Wally and Johnny Logan, M/M Wlater Logan, Intentions of Logan Family by M/M Joseph W. Logan. (the end)