Скачать презентацию The faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication Скачать презентацию The faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication


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The faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication 1 The faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication 1

The main information about the faculty 2 The main information about the faculty 2

The faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication is one of the oldest in The faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication is one of the oldest in the university, because it has joined then Kalinin State Pedagogical Institute in 1941 3

Up to 2000 the faculty had the name of Romance-Germanic Fhilology. At the moment Up to 2000 the faculty had the name of Romance-Germanic Fhilology. At the moment it is one of the most prestigious faculties of Tver 4 State University

There are 7 departments at the faculty: the Department of English language, English Philology, There are 7 departments at the faculty: the Department of English language, English Philology, German language, the second foreign language, French Philology, theory of language and intercultural communication, regional 5 studies

 The Training of graduates is conducted within the specialities The Training of graduates is conducted within the specialities "Translation and theory of Translation", "Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures" and "Regional 6 studies (European countries)"

Translation and theory of Translation Possibility to master two foreign languages at a high Translation and theory of Translation Possibility to master two foreign languages at a high level. Study of native culture in comparison with the cultures of foreign countries. ■ Acquirement of fundamental knowledge in the sphere of Theory of Language, Cross-cultural communication, Economics, International Law with practical focus on the work of translator. ■ Practice in translation agencies, travel agencies or at the factories or companies realizing foreign-economy activity. ■ 7

Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures Possibility to master two foreign Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures Possibility to master two foreign languages at a high level. Study of native culture in comparison with the cultures of foreign countries. ■ Acquirement of fundamental knowledge in the sphere of Theory of Language, Cross-cultural communication, Theory of Education, Psychology, foreign cultures with practical focus on educational activity. ■ Practice at the best schools of the city and on the language courses. Opportunity to study at the universities of Germany, USA and Finland during a term. ■ 8

Regional studies (European countries) Possibility to master two foreign languages. ■ Profound study of Regional studies (European countries) Possibility to master two foreign languages. ■ Profound study of economic and legal aspects of the crosscultural sphere. ■ Employment at the Russian state authorities, inclusive of the Tver’s administration , representation of foreign companies and companies, realizing foreign-economy and intercultural activities. ■ 9

The faculty prepares the qualified experts in the field of linguistics and the intercultural The faculty prepares the qualified experts in the field of linguistics and the intercultural communication, possessing high erudition and social empathy, developed feeling of patriotism and intercultural tolerance. 10

In addition to mastering two (in case of desire and three) at the high In addition to mastering two (in case of desire and three) at the high professional level foreign languages students learn to understand another's culture, interact with representatives of other ethnoses and cultures, acquire skills of competent business and personal communication. 11

Graduates of the faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication work in educational institutions, Graduates of the faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication work in educational institutions, travel and translation agencies, representations of the foreign companies, the organizations and the enterprises which are realizing the 12 international and foreign economic activity.

Scientific Activity 13 Scientific Activity 13

Our faculty is also actively engaged in scientific activity. For example 21 April 2011 Our faculty is also actively engaged in scientific activity. For example 21 April 2011 at the faculty took place the Scientific-practical conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists "Dialogue of Countries and Languages: The Linguistic and linguistic didactic Aspects". 14

Then work continued in the following sections: Methodology and Lingvodidaktiks, Problems of psycholinguistics and Then work continued in the following sections: Methodology and Lingvodidaktiks, Problems of psycholinguistics and intercultural communication, Hermeneutics and English Philology, Translation and intercultural communication, Theory of language, German Philology, French Philology, regional studies and intercultural communication. 15

From may 10 to may 15, 2011 in the city. Shanghai (China) was held From may 10 to may 15, 2011 in the city. Shanghai (China) was held the XII Congress of the international Association of teachers of Russian language and literature in time and space". The Congress was attended more than a thousand representatives from 48 countries of the world. Tver state University at the Congress was Zalevskaya 16

International Relations 17 International Relations 17

The Programme “Partnership Institute of Germanic Studies”. Taking into account the linguistic specificity of The Programme “Partnership Institute of Germanic Studies”. Taking into account the linguistic specificity of the programme, the faculty of modern languages and international communication of Tver State University was chosen as a basic faculty for implementation this programme. The programme is directed primarily towards academic mobility. 18

Germanic studies: for 3 -years students of the faculty of modern languages and international Germanic studies: for 3 -years students of the faculty of modern languages and international communication, who have very good knowledge of German language and good or great progress in other subjects. Semester teaching at the Department of Germanic Studies 19 of Osnabruck University.

The selection of students is realized by the Dean of the faculty, the candidates The selection of students is realized by the Dean of the faculty, the candidates (4 -5 persons annually) are sent for teaching from 01 October to 01 April. The programme is free, as recommended students receive a scholarship at Osnabruck University. 20

The Programme “Work and Travel USA”. For 17 years existence of this programme thousands The Programme “Work and Travel USA”. For 17 years existence of this programme thousands Russian students took part in it. In the limits of the programmethe international students are able to work legally in the U. S. during the summer holidays. (All students receive a J-1 visa). 21

The work is given, as a rule, in the resort towns in the service The work is given, as a rule, in the resort towns in the service sector – hotels, shops, restaurants, amusement parks (such as Disneyland, Six Flags, etc. ). Work on the programme can be up to 4 month + 1 month for the journey. And, of course, many students of the faculty of modern languages and international communication (TSU) take part in this programme. 22

Tver State University`s Library 23 Tver State University`s Library 23

The fund of our library offers you a great amount of valuable Science, Humanities, The fund of our library offers you a great amount of valuable Science, Humanities, and fiction literature. The Archive is so impressive that you either can borrow it or buy it, or reserve the books you need in advance. Besides, you can get an access to popular international Science magazines like “Oxford University Press”, “Wiley”, “Journal of Physical Society of Japan”. 24

Huge amount of seminars, book presentations, exhibitions, ceremonies of awards for author-winners also were Huge amount of seminars, book presentations, exhibitions, ceremonies of awards for author-winners also were held there. One more pleasant thing is that the library allows students to organize social activities, to give evening classes or poetic club etc. that can attend anybody for free. Nowadays library enlarges its` internet stock, and enriches amount of projects. That`s why it`s also actively seeking for new authors and specialists. Welcome everyone! 25

Extracurricular Activities 26 Extracurricular Activities 26

Of course, in Tver State University and on the Faculty of Modern Languages and Of course, in Tver State University and on the Faculty of Modern Languages and International Communication particularly a special attention is paid to extracurricular activities, which help us to draw our mind away from routine work-days 27 and to bring bright moments in life.

One of the most extraordinary events in a year is “The Students Spring”, which One of the most extraordinary events in a year is “The Students Spring”, which is held annually on two stages and all 17 faculties take part in it. “The Students Spring” is a good opportunity for students to demonstrate their talents, show themselves and just 28 have wonderful time!

On the 25 -th of January this year – the Student's Day – all On the 25 -th of January this year – the Student's Day – all students of TSU were invited to celebrate this event on the ice arena of the skating-rink “Orbita”. Festive atmosphere of merriment and gladness, which filled the skating-rink that day, left 29 nobody in bad mood.

Do you have an extraordinary sense of humor and are you a soul of Do you have an extraordinary sense of humor and are you a soul of every company? In this case you should take part in the KVN – a Cup of the Rector (club of merry and quick-witted people). This festival usually takes place in February, and 30 a team of every faculty can take part in it.

Our students don't forget, that we should help people, who need. During the whole Our students don't forget, that we should help people, who need. During the whole year we arrange trips to the boarding school for orphans in Emmaus, homes for senior, disabled citizens and also take part in Blood Donor's Day. Readily students go to the hospitals, donate their blood and help to save somebody's life 31