- Количество слайдов: 52
The Eurostars Programme Answering the research ambitions of innovative small businesses Svatopluk Halada EUREKA Secretariat The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The Eurostars Programme >2 > Eurostars Programme is the first European funding and support Programme to be specifically dedicated to R&D-performing SMEs It’s a multi-annual joint EUREKA-EU programme (2008 -2013), which combines: > National R&D programmes from 33 countries (300+ M€ committed) > FP 7 (up to 100 M€ committed) > EUREKA Secretariat (20+ years of experiences of involving in the national R&D programmes) The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Adoption by the European Union >3 Adoption by the European Parliament Eurostars exploits Article 185 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) 10 April 2008 [ex Article 169 of the Treaty establishing the European Community] requiring co-decision by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers Adoption by the Council of Ministers 23 June 2008 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The Eurostars Programme Eurostars in glance The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars project criteria >5 > Consortium leader is an R&D-performing SME* > At least 2 participants from Eurostars participating countries > Project duration is less than 3 years > Market introduction is foreseen within 2 years after project completion > The R&D-performing SME(s) are undertaking at least 50% of total project costs > Well balanced partnership (no country responsible for more than 75% of total project costs) > No restriction on thematic area (bottom up) */At least 10% turnover or 10% full time equivalent (FTE) dedicated to R&D The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars participating countries Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel >6 Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom status: 28 October 2010 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars process SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS & ASSISTANCE EVALUATION PHASE >7 FUNDING SYNCHRONISATION MONITORING PHASE Eligibility check / NPC Cover note Project initiation Registration Contact National Project Co-ordinator Check the Eurostars Guidelines for Applicants Final Consortium Agreement Technical assessment Contact National Project Co -ordinator Contact National Funding Body IEP session Ranking list Project execution Market introduction Market Impact Report Project Progress Report Approval of the Ranking list by HLG Final Report Check Guidelines for Participants 14 weeks Cut-off date 5 weeks Max. 3 years Communication of funding results 2 years Time The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The Eurostars Programme Management Structure The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars management >9 > Eurostars High Level Group > Eurostars Advisory Group > Eurostars member countries network > EUREKA Secretariat in Brussels The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Management structure > 10 Eurostars High Level Group > to supervise the implementation of Programme > to nominate the members of the Eurostars Advisory Group (EAG) > to approve the operational procedures to run the Programme > to approve the call planning and call budget > to nominate Chairman and IEP members > to approve the ranking list of Eurostars projects to be funded The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Management structure > 11 Eurostars Advisory Group > Composed of EUREKA/Eurostars NPCs > Chaired by the EUREKA Secretariat > Recommendation on implementation of the Programme (e. g. funding procedures, evaluation and selection process, project monitoring) The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Management structure > 12 EUREKA Secretariat > Eurostars Team is an integral part and charge for the execution of the Programme Role and responsibilities > Establishment of the yearly call budget, organisation of call for proposals and reception of the project proposals (single entry point) > Organisation of the eligibility and evaluation project proposals > Organisation of the selection project proposals for funding > Project monitoring > Decentralised management of the EC funding contribution > Reporting to the Eurostars HLG, EUREKA HLG and the European Commission > Promotion of the Eurostars Programme The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars network > 13 The NPC network - role > Support in setting up a project application > Performing pre-screening > Performing part of the eligibility check and writing the Cover note > Involvement in the monitoring of ongoing Eurostars projects > Information and promotion on the Programme The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The Eurostars Programme Project Application Submission The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Information website > www. eurostars-eureka. eu > 15 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Guidelines for applicants > 16 > Download PDF at www. eurostars-eureka. eu/forms/guidelinesforapplicants. pdf The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Support and assistance from EUREKA > 17 Discuss your application with your local NPC Ensure that all of your partners discuss the application with their local NPCs The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Signing up as a Eurostars applicant > 18 Submit an application Download an empty Project application form Download the Eurostars ‘Guidelines for applicants’ Download the skeleton for the Consortium agreement Download the checklist for the creation of a Consortium agreement The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars Registration > 19 One registration per application is required The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars Application form > 20 Ensure that the Application form is the latest version Application form The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Upload Application form > 21 Check availability of acronym Upload project application form Pass validation check The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Upload annexes > 22 Upload remaining documents Draft Consortium Agreement in English according to skeleton Financial Document for each participant Certified Accounts Business Plan Not required for public organisations Other annex (optional) The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Draft Consortium Agreement > 23 Must cover all aspects contained within the skeleton provided Does not need to be identical Can contain more information Do not use FP model Focus on Project Management Access to existing know how Protection of project results Exploitation of project results Agreement of partners is critical This is a legal document. You must be happy with all aspects. Important to have a strong draft document Protects partners Protects project Provides clarity for roles Can help with faster processing The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and commencement and the European Community
Confirmation and signing of application > 24 A confirmation of the participation to the project participation in the project is is asked sending a the sought byby sending‘signature document signed by fax each and commitment form’ to or participant after the cut-off mail to the Eureka deadline. This must be returned Secretariat address within 7 to thefollowing. Secretariat days EUREKA the sending within 5 working days 7 of its date and maximum days delivery. cut off date. after the The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The Eurostars Programme Assessment process The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Central evaluation process > 26 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eligibility check > 27 The EUREKA Secretariat is responsible for providing the eligibility check 1. Consortium leader is an R&D-performing SME from a Eurostars participating country? 2. At least one other participant is from another Eurostars country? 3. R&D-performing SME(s) contribution 50 % or more of the total project costs? 4. Is the consortium well balanced? (no single participant or country is responsible for more than 75 % of the total project costs) 5. Is the project duration 3 years or fewer? 6. Is market introduction within 2 years of the project’s completion? 7. Does the project meet the EUREKA criteria? (No restrictions on thematic area, civilian purpose) 10% FTE engaged in R&D or 10% turnover dedicated to R&D The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Cover note by National offices > 28 The National Offices are responsible for answering eligibility questions relating directly to the project participants from their country 1. Is this participant is a legal entity in the host country? 2. Should this participant be accepted following the application of national track record? 3. Are there serious doubts as to the finances and practices of the entity (bankruptcy, fraud, no viability)? The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
A two-steps of central evaluation process 1. > 29 Technical assessment by two independent experts /EUREKA Project Assessment Methodology – PAM/ > > > 2. Basic Assessment > > > Well balanced partnership; Added value through cooperation Technological and managerial capacity of all participants Methodology; Cost and financing structure Technology and Innovation > > > Degree of technological maturity Technological achievements envisaged Degree of Innovation Market and Competitiveness > > > Market size, access and risk Time to market Return on investment Evaluation and ranking by members of the Independent Evaluation Panel (IEP) The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The selection of Technical experts > 30 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Who are Technical experts > 31 • Industrialists and Academics with specialist technical knowledge and market appreciation • Selected according to eligibility criteria and experience • 574 Experts accepted to database • 485 Contracts signed from 29 countries The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The assessment of applications > 32 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Evaluation by the IEP > 33 • Independent Evaluation Panel : Chairman + 8 members Each of the IEP members evaluate each individual proposal The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Ranking of applications by the IEP > 34 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars HLG endorsement of the IEP Ranking list > 35 Threshold less than 60% in each criteria and less than 67% overall The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Funding availability and contribution simulator > 36 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Funding of successful project applications > 37 > The funding of partners is based on the national funding rules > The funding of projects is following the ranking list until national budget exhaustion > All partners of a Eurostars project must have a funding secured > Upon receipt of the “funding availibility” letter, all participants must contact their NPC within 10 days The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The Eurostars Programme Results of cut-off 1 -5 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The Eurostars Programme > 39 First deadline: 8 February 2008 Second deadline: 21 November 2008 Third deadline: 24 September 2009 Fourth deadline: 25 February 2010 Fifth deadline: 30 September 2010 Sixth deadline: 24 March 2011 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Rate of eligible – Above threshold > 40 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars Programme - global overview Submission Stage > 41 Cut-Off 2 Cut-Off 3 Cut-Off 4 Cut-Off 5 Total 215 317 279 316 343 1470 300 M€ 446 M€ 385 M€ 421 M€ 495 M€ 2061 M€ 3. Number of Applicants 667 1098 957 1061 1092 4875 4. Number of SMEs 74% 73% 71% 72% 73% Evaluation Stage 1. Applications Received 2. Total Budget 5. Applications Eligible 189 245 236 268 … 938 6. Applications Above Threshold 133 111 112 102 … 458 Funding Stage 7. Projects Funded 90 89 85 64 … 328 129 M€ 128 M€ 130 M€ 80 M€ … 472 M€ 60 M€ 63 M€ 61 M€ 38 M€ … 222 M€ > Members States Funding * 45 M€ 47 M€ 46 M€ 28 M€ … 166 M€ > EC Funding * 15 M€ 16 M€ 15 M€ 10 M€ … 56 M€ 8. Total Budget • Public Funding * *Estimations based on the average public funding rate The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Global Overview- Project profile > 42 Cut. Off 1 Cut. Off 2 Cut. Off 3 Cut. Off 4 Average cost (M€) 1. 4 1. 5 1. 3 Average participants per projects 3. 1 3. 4 3. 3 3. 4 Average countries per project 2. 4 2. 5 2. 4 Average duration (months) 30 29 29 27 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Global overview - Project applicants > 43 > Overall, 73% of the applicants are R&D SMEs and SMEs, 5% are large companies, and 21 % are Universities and Research Institutes The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Global overview - Project participants > 44 > Overall, 71% of the applicants are R&D SMEs and SMEs, 6% are large companies, and 22% are Universities and Research Institutes The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Global overview - Technological areas > 45 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Global overview - Market areas > 46 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
R&D SMEs profile > 47 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Types of consortium – Approved projects > 48 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
The Eurostars Programme is effective The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Eurostars is effective because… > 50 > Predictable procedures (effective EUREKA network support and transparency) > Short lead-time (3 months from cut-off date to evaluation results) > Funding is assured (national commitment) The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Main motivations for participation > 51 The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community
Thank you for listening > 52 info@eurostars-eureka. eu Next cut-off date: Cut-Off 6 24 March 2011 at 20 h 00 CET The Eurostars Programme is powered by EUREKA and the European Community