Скачать презентацию The European X-Ray Laser Project Welcome to the Скачать презентацию The European X-Ray Laser Project Welcome to the


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The European X-Ray Laser Project Welcome to the XFEL DAQ and Control for photon The European X-Ray Laser Project Welcome to the XFEL DAQ and Control for photon beam systems workshop 10 -11 th March 2008 Agenda and presentations are available on: https: //indico. desy. de/conference. Display. py? conf. Id=762 Christopher Youngman, DESY March 9, 2008 XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser 47 registered participants (8. 3. The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser 47 registered participants (8. 3. ’ 08) ALESSANDRO, Polini alessandro. polini@bo. infn. it ANGELSEN, Christian. C. Angelsen@rl. ac. uk BILLICH, Heiner. Billich@psi. ch BOUROV, Sergueiserguei. bourov@desy. de CHELKOV (JINR), Georgychelkov@nu. jinr. ru CLAUSEN, Matthias. Clausen@desy. de CLAUSTRE, Laurentclaustre@esrf. fr COPPOLA, nicola, coppola@mail. desy. de COUGHLAN, John, J. COUGHLAN@RL. AC. UK DECKING, Winfried, winfried. decking@desy. de DIMPER, Rudolf, rudolf. dimper@esrf. fr DUVAL, Philip. Duval@desy. de ESENOV, Sergey, sergey. esenov@desy. de FURUKAWA, Yukito, furukawa@spring 8. or. jp GRAAFSMA, Heinz, heinz. graafsma@desy. de GUELZOW, Volker, volker. guelzow@desy. de GöTTLICHER, Peter, peter. goettlicher@desy. de HALSALL, Rob, R. Halsall@rl. ac. uk HATSUI, Takaki, hatsui@spring 8. or. jp HENRICH, Beat, beat. henrich@psi. ch HOMS PURON, Alejandro, homs@esrf. fr HOTT, Thomas. Hott@desy. de JALOCHA, Pawel. Jalocha@psi. ch KLEESE VAN DAM, Kerstink. kleese@dl. ac. uk Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 KLORA, Jörg klora@cells. es KRACHT, Thorsten thorsten. kracht@desy. de KUGEL, Andreas, andreas. kugel@ziti. uni-heidelberg. de MANT, Geoffrey, g. r. mant@dl. ac. uk MURIN, Pavel, murin@vk. upjs. sk NICHOLLS, Tim, t. c. nicholls@stfc. ac. uk PERAZZO, Amedeo, perazzo@slac. stanford. edu PLECH, Anton, anton. plech@uni-konstanz. de POTDEVIN, Guillaume, guillaume. potdevin@desy. de REHLICH, Kay, kay. rehlich@desy. de RYBNIKOV, Vladimir. Rybnikov@desy. de SCHWARZ, Andreas, andreas. schwarz@desy. de SCHöPS, Andreas, andreas. schoeps@desy. de STEFFEN, Lothar, lothar. steffen@desy. de STEPHENSON, Paul, p. c. stephenson@dl. ac. uk TIEDTKE, Kai, kai. tiedtke@desy. de TRUNK, Ulrich, ulrich. trunk@desy. de VAN BAKEL, Niels, nielsvb@slac. stanford. edu VAN BEUZEKOM, Martin, martinb@nikhef. nl VISSCHERS, Janjanv@nikhef. nl WINTER, Graeme, g. winter@dl. ac. uk YOUNGMAN, Christopher. Youngman@desy. de ZIMMER, Manfred, manfred. zimmer@desy. de 2

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 1 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 1 Machine parameters and timing: XFEL machine parameters relevant to beam lines Timing & data synchronisation for machine and experiments Should learn: time structure of bunches and bunch trains delivered what energy sweeps and chirps are possible any other interesting machine parameters? variations of machine parameters: inter bunch timing, etc. how the experiments (and other instruments) will synchronize to machine operation, etc. … Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 3

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 2 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 2 Photon beam line instruments and detectors Photon beam line and diagnostic systems Experiment systems incl. large 2 D pixel detectors Should learn: what beam line and diagnostics systems are foreseen their current implementations (instruments and DAQ) and the same for the expected experiment instruments … Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 4

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 3 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 3 Control systems at DESY Using FLASH as a prototype for XFEL DAQ and control baselines Should learn: what is currently used at DESY for control what developments may be expected in the future look at FLASH as a prototype for XFEL get a definition of what I think the starting point is … Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 5

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 4 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 4 Archiving and data processing DESY site data archiving Large scale data retrieval and processing Analysis tools Should learn: about the potential for sinking the large data rates and volumes expected hear about ideas for managing the retrieval and processing of data some ideas about analyzing the data … Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 6

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 5 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 5 DAQ and control at other Labs DAQ and control at ESRF DAQ and control at Diamond DAQ and control at LCLS Should learn: find what is happening at some of the other labs what can be used at XFEL, potential collaborative effort, … … Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 7

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 6 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 6 Infrastructure requirements Should learn: where is all the hardware going to be installed? when do we have to specify space, power, cooling requirements? to whom do we have to make our requests? where are the fibre connections going to run how many are needed? … Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 8

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 7 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 7 Perspectives for data rejection and size reductions Should learn: significant data rejection will be required to ease data storage requirements. size reduction (compression, regions of interest, …) could also help what is possible requires input from experimentalists and simulation tools, what is the status? … Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 9

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 7 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 7 2 D pixel detectors HPAD 2 D pixel detector LPD 2 D pixel detector LSDD 2 D pixel detector Fast 2 D data acquisition at ESRF beam lines Machine/Backend requirements, in kind developments, etc. Should learn: what the current designs foresee address the Clock&Control and backend issues, what do these look like, can they be generic, … … Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 10

The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 7 The European X-Ray Laser Project XFEL X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Workshop aims – section 7 Additional items: produce a list of work required produce a list of milestones required understand precisely what my group (and others) are to do is sufficient manpower and other resources available? … Let’s see if we can answer some of these questions ! Christopher Youngman, DESY January 29, 2008 11