Скачать презентацию The European Union s 7 th Research Framework Programme Скачать презентацию The European Union s 7 th Research Framework Programme


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The European Union’s 7 th Research Framework Programme: EU-China Relations in S&T Opportunities for The European Union’s 7 th Research Framework Programme: EU-China Relations in S&T Opportunities for further collaboration Philippe Vialatte, EU Delegation to China Event on Opportunities with Europe, At EC 2, 30 August 2011 Philippe. Vialatte@eeas. europa. eu

EU Policy context l Europe 2020: Ø smart, sustainable, inclusive growth Ø 7 flagship EU Policy context l Europe 2020: Ø smart, sustainable, inclusive growth Ø 7 flagship initiatives: innovation (Innovation Union), education, digital society, Union) climate-energy-mobility, competitiveness, employment-skills, fighting poverty l Innovation Union Flagship strategy Ø A strategic and integrated approach to research and innovation Ø Putting in place the key conditions to make Europe attractive for research and innovation Ø Focus on major challenges and aiming at competitiveness and jobs l Horizon 2020 under preparation: to implement Innovation Union l Current trends for EU-China S&T: Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement Ø More strategic cooperation: Benefit of EU / win-win Ø Equal partnership, Co-funding Ø Project / programme-level cooperation Ø task-forces (e. g. FAB) to discuss common priorities for Research 2

EU research: the story so far 1952: ECSC treaty; first projects started March 1955 EU research: the story so far 1952: ECSC treaty; first projects started March 1955 1957: Euratom treaty; Joint Research Centre set up 1983: ESPRIT programme (ICT) 1984: First Research Framework Programme (1984 -1987) 1987: Second Research Framework Programme (1987 -1991) 1990: Third Research Framework Programme (1990 -1994) 1994: Fourth Research Framework Programme (1994 -1998) 1998: Fifth Research Framework Programme (1998 -2002) 2002: Sixth Research Framework Programme (2002 -2006) 2007: Seventh Research Framework Programme (2007 -2013) 2014: Horizon 2020 (2014 -2020) 3

7 th Framework Programme (2007 – 2013) EURO 53 billion 4 7 th Framework Programme (2007 – 2013) EURO 53 billion 4

Cooperation Programme – Collaborative Research 10 Thematic Priority Areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cooperation Programme – Collaborative Research 10 Thematic Priority Areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Health Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology Information and Communication Technologies Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities Space Security 6050 M€ 1935 M€ 9110 M€ 3500 M€ 2300 M€ 1900 M€ 4180 M€ 610 M€ 1430 M€ 1350 M€ 5

6 6

7 th EU Research FP basic principles l Transnational cooperation l Public calls, peer 7 th EU Research FP basic principles l Transnational cooperation l Public calls, peer review evaluation, competitive selection l Scientific Excellence, innovation l Cost-sharing l Participants own the results l Fully open to international participation 7

EU-China: 2 main types of S&T cooperation using FP 7 l “Bottom up”: openness EU-China: 2 main types of S&T cooperation using FP 7 l “Bottom up”: openness of the EU 7 th Research FP Ø All calls open for participation by researchers from all countries. Ø For certain partner countries – including China – participation in FP 7 projects can be partly funded by the EU. l “Top down”: EU-China strategic S&T Cooperation: joint / parallel Calls for Proposals based on shared priority and coinvestment of resources Ø Targeted opening, Twining, Coordinated calls 8

Chinese Participation in FP 7 l MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Ø >200 Chinese researchers have Chinese Participation in FP 7 l MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Ø >200 Chinese researchers have been funded in FP 7 MCA Ø IRSES proposals involving 48 Chinese partners l COOPERATION (as of 18 May 2011) Ø In all proposals submitted u 1326 Chinese partners involved in submitted proposals Ø In the main list u 243 Chinese partners involved in main-listed proposals (19% success rate) u 27 M€ EC contribution to Chinese partners CHINA IS THE 3 RD LARGEST PARTICIPANT COUNTRY IN FP 7 OUTSIDE OF EUROPE 9

China 10 China 10

Energy Environ. Health ICT Food, Ag, Biot Ind. Tech Security Space Social scienc. Transp. Energy Environ. Health ICT Food, Ag, Biot Ind. Tech Security Space Social scienc. Transp. 11

12 12

How to get started? http: //cordis. europa. eu/fp 7 Find a call Find partners How to get started? http: //cordis. europa. eu/fp 7 Find a call Find partners 13

Who can participate? l All Cooperation thematic areas open Ø minimum legal consortium requirement: Who can participate? l All Cooperation thematic areas open Ø minimum legal consortium requirement: 3 independent partners from 3 different EU Member States (27) or associated states (13) + any additional partner (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom; Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovinia, Croatia, Faroe Islands, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Lichtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey) l WP 2012: specific topics targeting China 14

Submitting a Proposal A proposal is submitted electronically by the Coordinator (who must be Submitting a Proposal A proposal is submitted electronically by the Coordinator (who must be based in Europe) l You have to provide some administrative details of your institution l Provide inputs on your part of the proposed scientific work to the Coordinator, who will submit the proposal to the EC 15

Evaluation Criteria l Scientific and Technological Quality Ø Concepts, objectives, work plan, relevance to Evaluation Criteria l Scientific and Technological Quality Ø Concepts, objectives, work plan, relevance to Call for proposals l Implementation Ø Quality of participants and consortium, distribution of resources, management l Impact Ø Contribution to work programme expected impacts, dissemination and exploitation of results 16

Key success factors for applicants l Competition is tough: only the best proposals get Key success factors for applicants l Competition is tough: only the best proposals get funded –about 1525% of proposals get funded, variation in areas l Proposals must be within the scope of the Call for Proposals l The Consortium of partners must be excellent in their field and appropriate to the task to be performed – select the right partners l The proposal must address all the evaluation criteria – scientific and technological quality, implementation, impact l Respect the basic rules – deadlines, number of participants, ceilings, length, ethics, … 17

Examples of S&T topics in the call for proposals 2012 launched on 20 July Examples of S&T topics in the call for proposals 2012 launched on 20 July 2011 (with deadlines by the end of the year) deadlines by the end of the year 18

Health Examples of topics covered in the next call: l Activity 1: Biotechnology, generic Health Examples of topics covered in the next call: l Activity 1: Biotechnology, generic tools and medical technologies for human health Ø Technologies for personalised medicine Ø Research on Transplantation and on therapeutic DNA/RNA delivery l Activity 2: Translating research for human health Ø Rare diseases research Ø Research on Ageing, Diabetes and Systems Medicine Ø Infectious diseases: HIV/TB/Malaria/HCV l Activity 3: Optimising the delivery of healthcare Ø Health service delivery and Health Technology Assessment Ø Health systems and services in low and middle income countries See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/health/a-wp-201201_en. pdf 19

Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology l Sustainable production and management of biological resources from Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology l Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments l Food (including seafood), health and well being l Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes l International cooperation mandatory in “Conversion of bio-waste in developing countries” and “Novel protein sources” l Fibre crops topic with China Ø Budget for call 2011 about 310 M EURO Ø Deadline: November 15 See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/kbbe/b-wp-201201_en. pdf 20

Information and Communication Technologies Challenges Objectives Pervasive and Trusted Network Future Networks - Cloud Information and Communication Technologies Challenges Objectives Pervasive and Trusted Network Future Networks - Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Service infrastructures Advanced Software Engineering Trustworthy ICT Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) Alternative Paths to Components and systems Very Advanced Nanoelectronic Components - Smart Components and Smart Systems Integration - Core and Disruptive Photonic Technologies for Digital Content and languages Intelligent Information Management ICT for a Low Carbon Economy Smart Energy Grids - ICT for Efficient water Resources Management Cooperative Systems for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Mobility ICT for Learning and Access to Cultural Resources Technology-Enhanced Learning Future and Emerging Technologies Unconventional Computation (UCOMP) - Dynamics of Multi-Level Complex Systems - Minimising Energy Consumption of Computing to the Limit - Coordinating Communities, Identifying New Research Topics for FET Proactive Initiatives… Science of Global Systems Horizontal Actions Pre-Commercial Procurement Actions See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/ict/c-wp-201201_en. pdf 21

Nano-sciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies l Topics span from enabling research, to Nano-sciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies l Topics span from enabling research, to applications and demonstration activities l Challenges also addressed in Energy and Energy Efficiency; Environment and Sustainable Development; Health and Safety l Enhanced Innovation Elements, e. g. up-scaling and demonstration activities l 47 topics in nanotechnology, advanced materials, production; and “factory of the future”, “energy-efficient buildings” and “green cars” See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/nmp/d-wp-201201_en. pdf 22

Energy Budget 325 M€ l Solar energy: cost reductions of PV systems, multifunctional PV Energy Budget 325 M€ l Solar energy: cost reductions of PV systems, multifunctional PV modules; Research and demonstration on CSP; CSP l Wind energy: very large off-shore wind turbines and improvement of current turbines l Ocean energy: demonstration of ocean energy farms l Biofuels: biofuels from algae; aviation jet fuels; demonstration of lignocellulosic ethanol; biomassrelated logistics l Heating and cooling: medium temperature solar collectors l Clean Coal Technologies: Plant integration of CO 2 capture; new combustion technologies l Smart Energy Networks: Grid integration of renewable energy sources; pan-European energy networks; smart metering; battery safety l Energy efficiency: Smart Cities l Future Emerging Technologies See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/energy/e-wp-201201_en. pdf 23

Energy: China specific activities Targeted opening: Twinning: Contacts: See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp Energy: China specific activities Targeted opening: Twinning: Contacts: See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/energy/e-wp-201201_en. pdf 24

Environment (including climate change) • Two calls - 20 July - € 255 million Environment (including climate change) • Two calls - 20 July - € 255 million • Focus on five challenges for resource efficiency and climate resilience: – Coping with climate change – Sustainable use and management of land seas – Improving resource efficiency – Protecting citizens from environmental hazards – Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy, industry and society • Most topic areas are evaluated through a two-stage process • Emphasis on innovation • All topics open to international participation 25

Environment (including climate change) • All topics open for Chinese participation • Topics with Environment (including climate change) • All topics open for Chinese participation • Topics with international collaboration encouraged: – Development of advanced techno-economic modelling tools for assessing costs and impacts of mitigation policies [Topic: ENV. 2012. 6. 1 -2] – Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change [Topic: ENV. 2012. 6. 1 -3] – Exploration of the operational potential of the concepts of ecosystem services and natural capital to systematically inform sustainable land, water and urban management [Topic: ENV. 2012. 6. 2 -1] – Long-term monitoring experiment in geologically active regions of Europe prone to natural hazards: the Supersite concept [Topic: ENV. 2012. 6. 4 -2] – Integrating environmental and health data to advance knowledge of the role of environment in human health and well-being [Topic: ENV. 2012. 6. 4 -3] 26

Transport (including Aeronautics) Focus on 3 major societal challenges l Eco-Innovation l Safe and Transport (including Aeronautics) Focus on 3 major societal challenges l Eco-Innovation l Safe and seamless mobility l Competitiveness trough Innovation 3 sub-themes - All topics open to partners from China (313 M€) l Aeronautics and Air Transport - 150 M€: Level 2 (>5 M€) & Level 1 (<5 M€) Ø Ø l Sustainable Surface Transport - 150 M€ Ø Ø Ø l Open call for long term Innovation (5 M€) 5 topics for IP Level 2 (65 M€): propulsion (2), safety (2), aero-structure 41 topics for CP Level 1 and CSA (71 M€): flight physics, aero-structure, propulsion, systems, avionics, production, maintenance & repair, airports, human factors, noise Biofuels for aviation (5 M€) and Co-funded cooperation with Japan (4 M€) Group N° 1: Increasing railway capacity (24 M€) Group N° 2: Ensuring safe, green & competitive waterborne transport (28 M€) Group N° 3: European Green Car Initiative (63 M€) Group N° 4: Cross-cutting - urban mobility, ITS, safety & security (30 M€) Joint programming in marine and maritime research (2 M€) ERA-NET Transport (all surface transport modes, 3 M€) Socio-economic research and cross-cutting issues – 7 topics, 13 M€ See: http: //ec. europa. eu/research/transport/index_en. cfm 27

Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities l A SICA with CHINA was launched in 2011, Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities l A SICA with CHINA was launched in 2011, implemented with the project URBA-CHINA (Megatrends to 2050) Ø EU-Delegation engagement in an EU-China Urbanisation Partnership, draft of joint activities l Chinese institutions participate in ongoing projects and are welcome to join European partners to address any topic they consider important: this is especially the case for the research area on ‘Europe in the World ’ l Topics of interest include EU internal and external relations, and Integration processes in South East Asia. See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/ssh/h-wp-201201_en. pdf 28

Space Earth observation l Archiving and exchange of climate change data l Emergency response Space Earth observation l Archiving and exchange of climate change data l Emergency response support (risk and vulnerability mapping, geoinformation tools to support emergency recovery) Space science and technology l Support the exploitation of space science and mission data l Advanced observation technologies and instrumentation l Key technologies for space transportation and in-space activities (power generation and storage, re-entry technologies, thermal shielding, next generation of habitation modules) See: http: //ec. europa. eu/enterprise/policies/space/index_en. htm See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/space/j-wp-201201_en. pdf 29

Areas covered by WP 2012 - 220 M€ Security Home page : http: //ec. Areas covered by WP 2012 - 220 M€ Security Home page : http: //ec. europa. eu/enterprise/security/index_en. htm FP 7 Security Research projects http: //cordis. europa. eu/fp 7/security/projects_en. html See: ftp: //ftp. cordis. europa. eu/pub/fp 7/docs/wp/cooperation/security/k-wp-201201_en. pdf 30

Ideas Programme – Frontier Research l The European Research Council – first pan-European funding Ideas Programme – Frontier Research l The European Research Council – first pan-European funding organization for basic research l Investigator-driven research /bottom-up approach. No thematic priorities l Grants for young and senior individual researchers, of any nationality, and their teams, up to five-years. No consortia, no networks. l Grant packages: Ø Starting grant: up to € 2 m Ø Advanced grant: up to € 3. 5 m l Promotes high-quality research through competition for funds at European level, also open to researchers from outside Europe l Scientific excellence is the only criterion for success l ERC visit to China in June 2011 to promote ERC and encourage China applications l International cooperation strategy and webpage under preparation European Research Council website: www. erc. europa. eu 31

Current ERC calls for proposals Starting Independent Researcher Grants Call for Proposals l Competition Current ERC calls for proposals Starting Independent Researcher Grants Call for Proposals l Competition targeted at early-career research leaders, of any age, with 2 -12 years of experience after their Ph. D. l Applicants can be of any nationality as long as they are working, or moving to work, mainly, in Europe. Team members can also be located and work in Countries outside Europe. l Open to proposals in any field of research (from Social Sciences and Humanities to Life Sciences and Physical Sciences). l Call budget : 729. 97 Mio Euro l Individual grant : up to 2 Mio euros l Deadlines : October 2011 (for Physical Sciences/Engineering) and November 2011 (for Life Sciences/Social Sciences and Humanities) 32

Marie Curie Actions - Fellowships programme Life long training and career development: Initial training Marie Curie Actions - Fellowships programme Life long training and career development: Initial training Intra European Fellowships Networks for Early stage researchers Co-funding of national programmes European Reintegration Grants Industry dimension International dimension Outgoing fellowships Industry-academia partnership and pathways Incoming fellowships International reintegration grants International Staff Exchange Programmes Specific actions Such as: ‘Researchers’ Night’; Marie Curie Awards, ERA-More; networking of NCPs 33

Marie Curie Actions – opportunities http: //ec. europa. eu/research/mariecurieactions 5623 opportunities advertised, including 243 Marie Curie Actions – opportunities http: //ec. europa. eu/research/mariecurieactions 5623 opportunities advertised, including 243 Marie Curie vacancies (18 May 2011) 34

Capacities – Research Capacity This part of the FP will enhance research and innovation Capacities – Research Capacity This part of the FP will enhance research and innovation capacities throughout Europe and ensure its optimal use through: l Development of research infrastructures l Research for the benefit of SMEs l Supporting development of regional research-driven clusters l Unlocking research potential in the EU region l Bringing science and society closer l Activities of targeted international cooperation to support international participation across the whole of FP 7 35

Capacities – Activities of international Cooperation Recently published call includes: l Bi-regional coordination of Capacities – Activities of international Cooperation Recently published call includes: l Bi-regional coordination of S&T cooperation including priority setting and definition of S&T cooperation policies (INCO-NET, closing date: 15 Nov 2011): target regions: Ø Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, Mediterranean Region, South-East Asian Region) l Bilateral coordination for the enhancement and development of S&T Partnerships (BILAT, closing date: 15 Nov 2011): target countries: Ø Australia, Brazil, China, India, New Zealand, Russia, China Ø South Africa, South-Korea, United States of America Ø Argentina, Chile, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, Ukraine 36

Information Sources l Participation in FP 7: http: //ec. europa. eu/research/fp 7/index_en. cfm l Information Sources l Participation in FP 7: http: //ec. europa. eu/research/fp 7/index_en. cfm l General information on European research: ec. europa. eu/research/index_en. cfm l List and description of projects in FP 7 and 6: cordis. europa. eu/fp 7/projects_en. html cordis. europa. eu/fp 6 l EU-China S&T Relations: http: //eeas. europa. eu/delegations/china/eu_china/science_tech_environmement/index_en. htm l Any questions? ec. europa. eu/research/enquiries/ l Or delegation-china-scitech@eeas. europa. eu l EU Research & Innovation Newsletters: Ø To keep up to date on EU research, subscribe to newsletters: http: //ec. europa. eu/research/index. cfm? pg=mailing and via the Delegation website above 37

Thank you for your attention Philippe. Vialatte@eeas. europa. eu Thank you for your attention Philippe. Vialatte@eeas. europa. eu