Presentation EU Liza.pptx
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The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 28 member states that are primarily located in Europe.
Members 28 countries Austria Belgium Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom
Date of entry Name Capital Accession Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Vienna 1 Jan 1995 Founder 1 Jan 2007 1 Jul 2013 1 May 2004 1 Jan 1973 1 May 2004 1 Jan 1995 Founder 1 Jan 1981 1 May 2004 1 Jan 1973 Founder Brussels Sofia Zagreb Nicosia Prague Copenhagen Tallinn Helsinki Paris Berlin Athens Budapest Dublin Rome
Date of entry Name Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Capital Accession Riga 1 May 2004 Founder 1 May 2004 1 Jan 1986 1 Jan 2007 1 May 2004 1 Jan 1986 1 Jan 1995 1 Jan 1973 Vilnius Luxembourg Valletta Amsterdam Warsaw Lisbon Bucharest Bratislava Ljubljana Madrid Stockholm London
Name France Spain Sweden Germany Finland Poland Italy United Kingdom Romania Greece Bulgaria Hungary Portugal Austria Czech Republic Ireland Lithuania Latvia Croatia Slovakia Estonia Denmark Netherlands Belgium Slovenia Cyprus Luxembourg Malta Area (km 2) 674, 843 504, 03 449, 964 357, 021 338, 424 312, 685 301, 338 243, 61 238, 391 131, 99 110, 994 93, 03 92, 39 83, 855 78, 866 70, 273 65, 2 64, 589 56, 594 49, 035 45, 227 43, 075 41, 543 30, 528 20, 273 9, 251 2, 586. 4 316 The biggest area have France, Spain, Sweden, Germany and Finland. Poland, Italy, United Kingdom, Romania and Greece are also in top 10 th.
Name Germany France United Kingdom Italy Spain Poland Romania Netherlands Belgium Greece Czech Republic Portugal Hungary Sweden Austria Bulgaria Denmark Finland Slovakia Ireland Croatia Lithuania Slovenia Latvia Estonia Cyprus Luxembourg Malta Population 80, 523, 700 65, 633, 200 63, 730, 100 59, 685, 200 46, 704, 300 38, 533, 300 20, 057, 500 16, 779, 600 11, 161, 600 11, 062, 500 10, 516, 100 10, 487, 300 9, 908, 800 9, 555, 900 8, 451, 900 7, 284, 600 5, 602, 600 5, 426, 700 5, 410, 800 4, 591, 100 4, 262, 100 2, 971, 900 2, 058, 800 2, 023, 800 1, 324, 800 865, 9 537 421, 4 The biggest population are in Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy and Poland
Germany Capital: Berlin Population: 80, 209, 997 Area: 357, 168 km 2 Official language: German Ethnic groups 81% Germans 7% other Europeans 4% Turks 2% Asian 6% others Climate Steep coast in Darss, Western Pomerania - typical of the coastal landscape in northern Germany Most of Germany has a temperate seasonal climate in which humid westerly winds predominate. The country is situated in between the oceanic Western European and the continental Eastern European climate. The climate is moderated by the North Atlantic Drift, the northern extension of the Gulf Stream.
France Capital: Paris Population: 66, 616, 416 Area: 640, 679 km 2 Official language: French France is a highly urbanized country, with its largest cities (in terms of metropolitan area population) in 2011 being Paris (12, 292, 900 inh. ), Lyon (2, 182, 482), Marseille (1, 721, 031), Toulouse (1, 250, 251), Lille(1, 159, 547), Bordeaux (1, 140, 668), Nice (1, 003, 947), Nantes (884, 275), and Strasbourg (763, 739). Climate The north and northwest have a temperate climate, while a combination of maritime influences, latitude and altitude produce a varied climate in the rest of Metropolitan France. Most of France in the south has a Mediterranean climate. In the west, the climate is predominantly oceanic with a high level of rainfall, mild winters and warm summers.
United Kingdom Capital: London Population: 63, 705, 000 Area: 243, 610 km 2 Official language: English Ethnic groups(2011)87. 1% White 7. 0% Asian 3. 0% Black 2. 0% Mixed 0. 9% Other Climate The United Kingdom has a temperate climate, with plentiful rainfall year round. The temperature varies with the seasons seldom dropping below − 11 °C or rising above 35 °C. Atlantic currents, warmed by the Gulf Stream, bring mild winters; especially in the west where winters are wet and even more so over high ground. Summers are warmest in the south-east of England, being closest to the European mainland, and coolest in the north.