- Количество слайдов: 65
The European Research Council FP 7 – Bringing Great Ideias To Life Sheila Vidal, IGC Margarida Trindade, IMM Information Session 5 th of November 2008
FP: The EU`s Framework Programme European Research Council for Research Tecnhology and Development 2
European Research Council FP 7, Specific programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom 3
The FP 7 “Ideas” Programme European Research Council § Creates European Research Council (ERC) - a pan. European funding organisation designed to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through support to investigator-initiated frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence. § ERC will complement other funding schemes in Europe such as those within the 7 th Framework Programme and those of research funding agencies operating at the national level. 4
European Research Council Frontier Research A new understanding of basic research avoiding distinctions: between “basic” & “applied” research between “science” & “technology” between “traditional” disciplines The term “frontier research” reflects: going beyond these categories absence of disciplinary boundaries intrinsically risky character of ground-breaking research (highrisk/high-gain research) at/& beyond the frontiers of knowledge opening new opportunities & directions in research including those of a multi- & inter-disciplinary nature 5
European Research Council Strategic Aims Boost European excellence in frontier research investing in the best researchers and ideas by through competition at European level the basis of excellence as the sole criterion on raising incentives towards quality and aspirations of individual researchers providing benchmarks and leverage towards broader (structural) improvements in European research 6
European Research Council ERC Actors The Scientific Council Independent scientific governance è 22 members individually selected by an independent identification committee to reflect the full scope of European research and scholarship The Executive Agency Practical implementation and management of operations The European Union Providing the financial means and is the guarantor of ERC’s autonomy 7
European Research Council Funding Schemes 8
European Research Council ERC Grant Schemes Two grant schemes: 1. ERC Starting Grant Support researchers at the stage at which they are starting or consolidating their own independent research team è 1 st call for proposals, 2007 è 2 nd call for proposals, published 24 July 2008, deadline Life Sciences Panel 10 December 2008 17 h 00 Brussels time (ERC-2009 -St. G) 1. ERC Advanced Grant è 1 st call for proposals 2007/08 è 2 nd call for proposals, will be published 19 Nov 08 , deadline Life Sciences Panel 6 May 2009 9
European Research Council ERC Starting Grants § Support researchers at the stage at which they are starting or consolidating their own independent research team (you should clearly indicate your situation) • Each St. G may request up to 2 000€ for a period of 5 years (100 000 - 400 000 € /year) + 20% overheads • Grants are: èFinancially attractive - to attract the very best researchers èFlexible in application - easy to adjust during execution & portable èAdministration simple and transparent - fast preparation of grant agreements without “negotiations” èShort reports (every 1, 5 years) plus detailed final report 10
ERC Starting Grants Summary of results of 1 st Call European Research Council Taxa sucesso: 3, 4% Taxa sucesso PT: 1, 7% 11
European Research Council ERC Starting Grant Requirements à PI § 3 -8 years since completion of Ph. D/24 july 2000 -2005 official docs § Special circumstances will be taken into account, such as maternity/paternity leave, military/civil service (+3 years max. ) à Individual Research Teams Headed by the PI Can be of national or transnational character à PI and Team Members § Any nationality § One ERC Grant per investigator only may be active at any one time à Hosting Institution § Located in a EU member state or associated country § Intra-European grant portability allowed 12
European Research Council ERC Starting Grant I am eligible? How to count years after Ph. D? Date of Publication of call You are eligible if your Ph. D was awarded within the following intervals: 2 nd Call – Open on the 24 July 2008 24 July 2005 ---- 24 July 2000 3 nd Call – Open on the ? ? July 2009 ? ? July 2006 ---- ? ? July 2001 4 nd Call – Open on the ? ? July 2010 ? ? July 2007 ---- ? ? July 2002 5 nd Call – Open on the ? ? July 2011 ? ? July 2008 ---- ? ? July 2003 6 nd Call – Open on the ? ? July 2012 ? ? July 2009 ---- ? ? July 2004 3 years ---- 8 years Note: Special circumstances will be taken into account, such as maternity/paternity leave, military/civil service (+3 years max) 13
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council Requirements • Re-applications rules è PIs evaluted bellow the threshold (8/10) cannot apply to the next Starting Grant Call è This rule does not apply to applicants of the ERC-2007 -St. G 14
ERC Grants European Research Council Operational Principles • Application in response to calls for proposals • Submission via EPSS only (no paper submission) • One-step application procedure • Two step-evaluation, including interview in step 2 15
European Research Council ERC Starting Grants Evaluation 16
ERC Starting Grants European Research Council Peer Review Evaluation § 25 high level transversal panels in 3 domains • Physical Sciences and Engineering (10 panels) • Life Sciences (9 panels) • Social and Humanities (6 panels) • + pool of remote referees § Pre-allocation of indicative budget (295 762 000 Euro) • • Physical Sciences and Engineering (39%) Life Sciences (34%) Social and Humanities (14%) Interdisciplinary (13%) 17
European Research Council ERC Grants Peer Review Evaluation Life Sciences (Annex 1 Guide for Applicants) Panel LS 1 - Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry Panel LS 2 - Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Panel LS 3 - Cellular and Developmental Biology Panel LS 4 - Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology Panel LS 5 - Neurosciences and Neural Disorders Panel LS 6 - Immunity and Infection Panel LS 7 - Diagnostic Tools, Therapies and Public Health Panel LS 8 - Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology Panel LS 9 - Applied Life Sciences and Biotechnology 18
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council Panel Structure § Each panel consists of one Panel Chair and 1015 Panel Members § Panel Chair oversees evaluation process for the proposals assigned to her/his panel § A pool of referees is used for remote evaluation § Each proposal is assessed by at least 3 reviewers 19
ERC Starting Grants 2 -Step Evaluation SUBMISSION Proposal PI+synopsis project Section 1 Section 2 Project Section 3 Host institution European Research Council STEP 1 (Panel) STEP 2 (Panel+Remote) Proposal Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Individual assessments Individual marks Panel Meetings Ranking Individual assessments Individual marks Interdisciplinary flag Panel Meetings Interview Ranking + Host Institution Support Letter Eligibility Check Note: at the interview you don´t know yet the referees comments on your proposal 20
Evaluation Criteria European Research Council Scientific Excellence is the sole Criterion 1. Potential of Principal Investigator ? /5 2. Quality of research project ? /5 3. Research Environment and Resources § § Pass/Fail Referees and panels evaluate and score criteria 1 and 2 numerically: - 0 -5 points, in increments of 0. 5 - Threshold 8 / 10 Criteria under 3 will be considered as "pass/fail" and commented but not scored 21
European Research Council ERC Starting Grants What are the Evaluators looking for? A trilogy of excellence Principal Investigator Research Project Host Institution 22
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council What are the evaluators looking for? 1. Principal Investigator: Potential a. Quality of research § § Publications of PI in high quality peer reviewed journals or the equivalent? Papers of PI demonstrative of independent creative thinking and capacity to go beyond the state-of-the-art? b. Intellectual capacity and creativity § Records of research, collaborations, project conception, supervision of students and publications demonstrative of new productive lines of thinking? 23
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council What do you need to provide • The PI (Section 1 a. ) è Scientific leadership potential (máx 2 pages) • • • è Self Evaluation of early career achievements demonstration potential to go significantly beyond the state of the art Context of the early scientific scholarly contributions Recognition and diffusion that early contribution have received from other (publications, citations, additional funding, students, prizes, etc) CV (máx 2 pages) Principal scientific activities and responsibilities Participation in research projects & experience Experience in scientific collaboration international experience Funding ID: Current research grants and ongoing applications for work related to proposal. Describe how you envisage an ERC grant will complement any existing funding. è Early Achievement Track Record (máx 2 pages) • • • Benchmark: list publications as main author in peer reviwed publications Benchmark: list publication without the participation of the Ph. D supervisor (last author, at least 1? ) Other publications, patents, invited presentations at conferences, organization of international conferences, international prizes, memberships to editorial boards of international journals 24
ERC Starting Grant Hints and tips on the PI session European Research Council Brainstorming Exercise: what do you think the evaluators will be looking for in each sub-section? Consider how to use the additional page effectively • Sell yourself! • Clarify specific points to strengthen your application: explain career breaks, loss of productivity years • Most evaluators are generalists! • The evaluators will review the PI on the basis of their experience and information they provide in the application form! 25
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council What are the evaluators looking for? 2. Quality of the research proposal a. Ground-breaking nature § § Is the proposal challenging? Does it go substantially beyond the current state of the art (e. g. including trans-disciplinary developments and unconventional approaches)? b. Potential scientific impact § Does it open new and important, scientific, technological or scholarly horizons? c. Methodology § Is the outlined scientific approach feasible? Is the proposed research methodology comprehensive and appropriate? Are the envisaged goals to be achieved within the timescales? Are proposed resources and the level of risk adequate to the challenging research project? 26
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council What do you need to provide • The Project (Section 1 b. synopsis/Section 2) è Extended synopsis (máx 5 pages) è It is the only information regarding the project that evaluators will see during 1 st stage of evaluation! • Present consisely the proposal • Show ground-breaking nature andhow it may open new horizons and opportunities for research è Scientific Proposal + Budget (máx 15 pages) • State of the Art and Objectives: – – • Methodology – – – • Explain including intermadiate goals Explain in relation to the state of the art, including novelty or unconventional aspects Highlight intermediate stages where results may require adjustments Resources – – è Objectives and context of the state of the art How and why is important for the field Impact, such as how it may open new horizons or opportunities for science, technology or scholarship Specify challenging or unconventional aspects, including multi or inter-disciplinarity Size and nature of team and roles of key players Infrastructure, equipment Reasonable estimate of project costs +20% indirect costs Calendar Ethical Issues (no limit) 27
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council Hints and Tips • Consider what excites you about the research and conveyed this in your application. • Explain how the research will open new horizons or opportunities. • Provide a clear, concise work-plan with detail of the immediate goals. • Highlight intermediate stages where you may need to adjust your project planning. • Clearly explain how you will manage and disseminate your project. • Justify the resources you need for your research proposal and ensure the resources are appropriate. • Highlight multidisciplinary or inter-disciplinary aspects • Explain how the project came about: is it an idea that accompanies you for long but that seemed to ambitious for other types of funding? Is it an idea that involves the coordination of a multidisciplinary team and thus only a large funding could make it happen? • Explain high risk/high gain 28
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council What are the evaluators looking for? 3. Research Environment a. Transition to independence § Is the consolidation or the transition to independence guaranteed? b. Host institution § § Is required infrastructure available? Is appropriate intellectual environment and infrastructural support provided? c. Participation of other legal entities § Check of justification for participation of other legal entities 29
ERC Starting Grant European Research Council What do you need to provide • Research Environment (Section 3, máx 2 pages) • PI’s Institution è Describe facilities and assistance to the project è Illustrate capacity to support project, including intelectual support Combine your knowledge with information already available at your institution! Contact M. Trindade (IMM) or Sheila Vidal (IGC) 30
ERC Starting Grants Hints and Tips on Research Environment European Research Council • Explain why you have chosen your host institution. • Describe the way your institution will support your transition to independence. • Ask your institution text on administrative support, research critical mass and adequate core facilities 31
European Research Council ERC Starting Grants Case studies (1 st Call) 32
ERC Starting Grants 1 st Call Scholars European Research Council Julia Kempe German, 34 Quantum Computers Tel Aviv Univ. School of Computer Science Israel EUR 744 000 60 months Mobility Top education 33
ERC Starting Grants Henrique Veiga-Fernandes - PT European Research Council Solid record of research achievements 34
ERC Starting Grants IVO Boneca - PT European Research Council Solid record of research achievements 35
ERC Starting Grants Tips of successful applicants • • European Research Council Writing courses Interview training/reharsal Search help from support officers at host institution Do your budget according to your needs/avoid overbudgeting – 2007 projects ranged from 300 000 € to 2 million € • Choose well your panel and panel descriptors • Generally, the interview helps to level English competence between candidates (push people up) • Combine methods and new approaches (multidisciplinarity) • Adventurous projects (1/3) but feasible (2/3) • Highlight potential applications of research • Quick reactions, concise answers; be yourself, relax and enjoy (interview) • Go for it! 36
European Research Council Sheila Vidal svidal@igc. gulbenkian. pt (EXT: 202) & Margarida Trindade (EXT: 47023) mtrindade@fm. ul. pt The European Research Council for a policy of excellence: the first award winners pave the way” - Paris 7 th October 2008 http: //www. canalc 2. tv/evenements. asp? annee=2008&page=1&id. Evenement=423 37
European Research Council HOW TO FIND AN FP 7 CALL? 38
European http: //cordis. europa. eu/fp 7/home_en. html Research Council 39
European Research Council 40
European Research Council 41
European Research Council 42
European Research Council 43
European Research Council HOW TO APPLY? 1) REGISTER IN EPSS 2) (Electronic Proposal Submittion System) 44
European Research Council 45
European Research Council PIC: 999813339 Org. Short Name: IMM 46
European Research Council You may change in the real application Title, Acronym & Abstract & Panel 47
European Research Council You will receive in your email Username & Password 48
European Research Council 49
European Research Council 2) PREPARE ONLINE APPLICATION HOW? FORMS? 50
European Research Council 51
European Research Council 2. 1) A FORMS (A 1, A 1 T, A 2 & A 3) 52
Form A 1 – General information on proposal + candidate European Research Council + host institution 53
Form A 1 – General information on proposal + candidate European Research Council + host institution To be filled with by host Institution (M Trindade/ S Vidal) 54
European CV Form A 1 T – Track record information of candidate - Research Council To be filled by candidate you may ask support of host Institution Leadership profile + scientific achivements 55
Publications, Monographs, Patents, Chapter of Books, Proceedings European Research Council ISI web of knowledge 56
European Research Council Expeditions, steering committes, prizes, editorial boards 57
European Research Council Form A 2 – General information on host institution Both to be filled with support of host Institution (M Trindade/ S Vidal) Form A 3 – Budget 58
European Research Council Part B – PROPOSAL B 1 B 2 Ph. D certificate (PDF) Host Support Letter (M Trindade/ S Vidal) 60
European Research Council Part B 1 General info (1 page) PI (6 pages) Proposal Synopsis (5 pages) 61
European Research Council Part B 2 Project (14 pages) + budget (1 page) Ethical issues Host Institution (2 pages) 62
European HOST SUPPORT LETTER (M. Trindade / S Vidal) Research Council 63
European Research Council To SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL: 1. Click “Submit NOW” to start the final steps of submission 2. The EPSS performs an automatic validation of the proposal 3. If list of problems appears, submission is blocked until corrected 4. If ok, press “Press this button to submitt the proposal” You may continue to modify the proposal and submit revised versions overwriting the previous one right up until the deadline! Make sure you don’t submit too near the close of the call. If uploading is not concluded at the close date the “SUBMIT NOW” button becomes inactive and you can no longer submit the proposal! 64
European Research Council Sheila Vidal svidal@igc. gulbenkian. pt (EXT: 202) & Margarida Trindade (EXT: 47023) mtrindade@fm. ul. pt The European Research Council for a policy of excellence: the first award winners pave the way” - Paris 7 th October 2008 http: //www. canalc 2. tv/evenements. asp? annee=2008&page=1&id. Evenement=423 65