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The EU Commission Joint Research Centre Overview and activities Brussels, 12 November 2013 Jocelyne Gaudin Head of Unit Scientific support to Innovation Union, Foresight and International Relations Jocelyne. gaudin@ec. europa. eu
Science and the role of the JRC EC President Barroso: “… acting as a bridge between policy making, science, society and economy is an invaluable asset of the JRC, given its outreach to so many bodies and organisations inside and outside Europe. " EC Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn: “The JRC… delivers scientific excellence, sound advice and key anticipation services…" JRC Director General Dominique Ristori: the JRC is the European Commission's in-house science service, providing EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle. 2
JRC at a glance • IRMM – Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements - Geel, Belgium • ITU –Institute for Transuranium Elements Karlsruhe, Germany, and Ispra, Italy • IET – Institute for Energy and Transport Petten, The Netherlands, and Ispra, Italy • IPSC – Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen - Ispra, Italy • IES –Institute for Environment and Sustainability - Ispra, Italy • IHCP – Institute for Health and Consumer Protection - Ispra, Italy • IPTS – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies - Sevilla, Spain 4
JRC key policy areas • Financial stability and economic growth • Environment and climate change • Energy and transport • Agriculture and food security • Health and consumer protection • Information society and digital agenda • Safety and security (including nuclear) supported through a cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary approach 5
JRC Key policy mandates • Strengthen the evidence base of EU Policy in particular: • To deepen the integration of JRC scientific advice into policy making in the EU • To provide policy analysis, facts and figures, foresight and modelling capabilities
Examples of JRC activities: Supporting EU Policies Ad-hoc policy support Science for the financial sector The JRC develops scientific models for the financial sector to reduce the probability of systematic crisis. The EC legislative proposal for minimum capital requirements in the banking sector (known as Basel III) and the EC legislative proposal on financial transactions were thoroughly tested using “SYMBOL”, a scientific model developed by the JRC. Policy anticipation TEFIS: Techno-economic Foresight for the Information Society The JRC supports Information Society Technology policies by generating prospective analyses and strategies related to the knowledge society. TEFIS is one such example where emerging trends in Information Society Technologies up to a 15 -year time period will be studied, using integrated techno-economic foresight analyses leading to strategic priority-setting.
JRC Key policy mandates • Network with a wide range of customers and stakeholders, in particular Universities: • Between 2008 -2013 • 3400 collaboration with 399 universities, among which 405 with 60 UK universities • co-writing scientific articles: some 1600 peer-reviewed articles authored in cooperation with JRC scientists
JRC Key policy mandates • Contribute to the implementation of Horizon 2020 • As an integral part of Horizon 2020, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) should continue to provide independent customer-driven scientific and technical support for the formulation, development, implementation and monitoring of Union policies. (…) • In carrying out the direct actions in accordance with its mission, the Joint Research Centre should place particular emphasis on areas of key concern for the Union, namely smart, inclusive and sustainable growth, security and citizenship and Global Europe. • The Joint Research Centre should continue to generate additional resources through competitive activities, including participation to the indirect actions of Horizon 2020, third party work and, to a lesser extent, the exploitation of intellectual property.
JRC involvement in Horizon 2020 • Industrial leadership: • Contribute to the strategic orientation and science agenda of H 2020 instruments (eg EIP, PPPs) • Support knowledge and technology transfer: definition of appropriate IPR frameworks • Promote technology transfer(TTO circle, Science parks) • Contribute to standardisation processes, in particular to tackle the societal challenges. 10
JRC involvement in Horizon 2020 • Health, demographic change and wellbeing • assess risks and opportunities of new technologies and chemicals • develop and validate harmonised measurement, identify methods, integrated testing strategies for toxicological hazard assessment. • Develop quality assurance of health testing and screening practices 11
JRC involvement in Horizon 2020 • Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy • Establish a global system and tools for crop forecasting and monitoring of crop productivity; Model scenarios for decision-making in agricultural policies and analyses of policy impact at macro/regional/micro levels • Further develop methods for fisheries control and enforcement and traceability of fish and fish products 12
JRC involvement in Horizon 2020 • Secure, clean and efficient energy • Mapping indigenous primary and external energy sources and infrastructures • Energy/electricity transmission networks, in particular modelling and simulation of trans. European energy networks, • Analysis of smart/super grid technologies • Methodologies for monitoring and assessing the achievements of energy efficiency policy instruments, • Safety of nuclear energy (under the Euratom programme) 13
JRC involvement in Horizon 2020 • Smart, green and integrated transport • Commission internal clearing house for collecting and disseminating information for an integrated transport system. • Definition of harmonised test procedures and assessment of innovative technologies in terms of emissions • Improved methodologies for emission measurements and environmental pressures calculations 14
JRC involvement in Horizon 2020 • Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials • Measuring and monitoring key environmental variables and assessing the state and change of natural resources by further developing indicators • Developing an integrated modelling framework for sustainability assessment based on thematic models such as soil, land use, water, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, forestry, agriculture, energy and transport, also addressing effects of and responses to climate change. 15
Joint Research Centre (JRC) – HQ Brussels Thank you! Web: www. jrc. europa. eu Contact: jrcinfo@ec. europa. eu 16