- Количество слайдов: 32
The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) g. Lite VOMS Installation and Configuration Jingyan Shi (shi. jingyan@ihep. ac. cn) CC-IHEP, CAS EPIKH/EUMEDGRID-Support Event Beijing, 30. 08. 2010 www. epikh. eu
Concept • Virtual Organizations: (VOs) are groups of Grid users (authenticated through digital certificates) • VO Management Service: (VOMS) serves as a central repository for user authorization information, providing support for sorting users into general group hierarchy, keeping track of their roles, etc. • VO Manager: according to VO policies and rules, authorizes authenticated users to become VO members. • At the time the proxy is created, one or more VOMS servers are contacted. They will return a Attribute Certificate (AC), signed by the VO and contains information about group membership and roles within the VO.
Ingredients • Attribute Centificates: AC is a PKI container, capable of containing a set of attributes tied to a specific identity. It is the system used by VOMS to issue its attributes. • VOMS groups: /seegrid/BG/Bes • VOMS roles: /Role=ops • FQAN (Fully Qualified Attribute Name) is a compact way to represent user’s membership in a group, along with its role holdership, if any – Syntax:
Architecture VOMS Server Voms-proxy-init GSI Voms core Service (vomsd) VOMS Admin Service Voms-admin cli SOAP+SSL Admin Service SOAP Web browser Web User Interface Authorization Database
Architecture • VOMS Admin Service: web application providing tools for administering member database for VOMS • VOMS admin provides an intuitive web user interface for daily administration tasks, and a SOAP interface for remote clients • Entire functionality of the VOMS Admin service is accessible via the SOAP interface • Admin package includes a simple command-line SOAP client that is useful for automating frequently occurring batch operations, or simply to serve as an alternative to the full-blown web interface
VOMS • Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS) – Account Database § Serving information in a special format (VOMS credentials) § Can be administered via command line & via web interface – Provides information on the user’s relationship with his/her Virtual Organization (VO) § VO - Membership § Group membership § Roles of user 6
Installation • Provide a coherent set of Java software packages – Consult https: //twiki. cern. ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/Generic. Install. Guide 310#j package_and_the_JAVA_repository $wget http: //www. astrogrid. org/maven/downloads/jdk-1_5_0_15 -linux-i 586. bin $ mkdir -p ~/redhat/jdk-1_5_0_15 -linux-i 586. bin. BUILD ~/redhat/SOURCES ~/redhat/SPECS ~/redhat/RPMS/i 586 ~/redhat/SRPMS $ cat <
LCG-CA • Install the LCG-CA packages § cd /etc/yum. repos. d § wget http: //grid-deployment. web. cern. ch/griddeployment/glite/repos/3. 1/lcg-CA. repo -O /etc/yum. repos. d/lcg-CA. repo § yum install -y lcg-CA • Install the GILDA CA • wget https: //dist. eugridpma. org/distribution/igtf/ current/worthless/RPMS/ca_GILDA-CA-1. 361. noarch. rpm --no-check-certificate • rpm -ivh ca_GILDA-CA-1. 36 -1. noarch. rpm • VOMS will only recognize subscriptions made by people having certificates delivered by these CAs 8
VOMS Packages and Installations § cd /etc/yum. repos. d § wget http: //grid-it. cnaf. infn. it/mrepo/repos/glite -generic. repo § wget http: //grid-it. cnaf. infn. it/mrepo/repos/glite -voms_mysql. repo § yum install glite-VOMS_mysql --enablerepo=dag Dependency error glite-security-voms-api-noglobus § wget http: //glitesoft. cern. ch/EGEE/g. Lite/R 3. 1/glite. VOMS_mysql/sl 4/i 386/RPMS. release/glite-securityvoms-api-noglobus-1. 8. 8 -2. slc 4. i 386. rpm • rpm -ivh glite-security-voms-api-noglobus-1. 8. 82. slc 4. i 386. rpm • yum install glite. VOMS_mysql --enablerepo=dag 9
My. SQL Server Install My. SQL Server § yum install mysql-server § service mysqld start § chkconfig mysqld on Setup the My. SQL root password § /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password 'secure' 10
Mail Server/NTP • Install Mail server ‘sendmail’ § service sendmail start § chkconfig sendmail on • Install NTP server § yum install ntp § cat <
Configuration • VOMS configuration does not uses YAIM, manual XML configuration is required as old g. Lite installations – Copy Certificates in: /etc/grid-security § wget http: //wn 03. grid. arn. dz/cert/ALGIERS_host_certs/ce rist 02. grid. arn. dz/cerist. XX. grid. arn. dz-cert. pem O /etc/grid-security/hostcert. pem § wget http: //wn 03. grid. arn. dz/cert/ALGIERS_host_certs/ce rist 02. grid. arn. dz/cerist. XX. grid. arn. dz-key. pem -O /etc/grid-security/hostkey. pem § chmod 644 /etc/grid-security/hostcert. pem § chmod 400 /etc/grid-security/hostkey. pem 12
Configuration • Make a copy of template XML files § cd /opt/glite/etc/config/templates § cp *. xml. . § cd. . • Values to change are flagged by value ”changeme“ 13
glite-global. cfg. xml • Open configuration file with a text editor (vi, nano, …) • vi glite-voms-server. cfg. xml JAVA_HOME - value="/usr/java/jdk 1. 6. 0_20" ! PLEASE VERIFY THE Java VERSION /usr/java/jdk… 14
" 15 " src="https://present5.com/presentation/2024bde22d5aeecafa2f3711a780891e/image-15.jpg" alt="glite-security-utils. cfg. xml • cron. mailto § value="
glite-voms-server. cfg. xml • This XML seems corrupted, AT THE TOP it should look like:
glite-voms-server. cfg. xml • Other values to customize … voms. db. type - value="mysql" voms. db. host - value="localhost" voms. admin. smtp. host - value="localhost" voms. mysql. admin. password - value="secure" 17
vo-list. cfg. xml • Other values to customize … vo. name - value="cerist" voms. hostname - value="cerist. XX. grid. arn. dz" port. number - value="15000" voms. cert. url - value="" vo - value="voname" vo. name - value="voname" voms. cert. url - value=”
vo-list. cfg. xml • Complete with other values to customize … voms. cert. subj - value=”
vo-list. cfg. xml • Get the Admin User Certificate scp algiers. XX@glite-tutor. ct. infn. it: . globus/usercert. pem /etc/grid-security/usercert. pem • Complete the values … voms. admin. certificate="/etc/grid-security/usercert. pem" 20
VOMS Configuration and Execution • Just execute a python configuration scripts/glite-voms-server-config. py --configure • Then execute the VOMS server scripts/glite-voms-server-config. py --configure scripts/glite-voms-server-config. py --start • To check the status scripts/glite-voms-server-config. py --status • To use the built-in command line tools ‘source’ in root’. bashrc file the following file source /etc/glite/profile. d/glite_setenv. sh 21
Testing (Admin) • Load the Admin User certificate in your Browser • Connect with this brower to: – https: //
Registration procedure VOMS SERVER VO USER VO ADMIN Membership request via Web interface Request confirmation via email Confirmation of email address Request notification accept / deny via web interface create user (if accepted) Notification of accept/deny 23
Registration Confirmation Approval … Acknowledge 24
Usage and Maintenance • People having user certificates delivered by a recognized Cas (LCG-CA) may request to subscribe your VO • Requests will be notified via e-mail both for requestor and administrator • More than one VO can be created • From the Web GUI different Roles may be defined to the users • Grid services supporting the new VO must have the specific VO setting properly configured in the site-info. def file ####### # VONAME # ####### VO_
Administration GUI Users list User details 26
UI Testing (User) Take VOMSES string from ‘Configuration’ menu on the web GUI Copy it into. glite/vomses file in your UI’s $HOME account; create it if necessary voms-proxy-init --voms cerist Enter GRID pass phrase: Your identity: /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=INFN/CN=Riccardo Bruno Creating temporary proxy. . . . . Done Contacting cerist 02. grid. arn. dz: 15000 [/C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Host/L=ALGIERS/CN=cerist 02. grid. arn. dz] " cerist" Failed Creating proxy. . . . . Done Your proxy is valid until Tue Jun 29 04: 34: 45 2010 27
Log and scripts • Log files can be found in /var/log/messages /var/log/glite/voms.
Command Line Interface # voms-admin --help voms-admin v. 2. 0. 10 Usage: voms-admin [OPTIONS] --vo=NAME [--host HOST] [--port PORT] COMMAND PARAM. . . Options: --help Print this short help message. --list-commands Print a list of available commands. --help-command CMD Print help about command CMD. --help-commands Print help for all available commands. --version Print version string. --verbose --nousercert Print more messages. Don't extract DNs from supplied certificates. 29
CLI examples # voms-admin --vo cerist get-vo-name /cerist # voms-admin --vo cerist list-users /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=INFN/CN=Riccardo Bruno, /C=IT/O=GILDA/CN=GILDA CA riccardo. bruno@ct. infn. it # voms-admin --vo cerist list-roles Role=VO-Admin #voms-admin --vo cerist create-user Missing X 509 cert argument! It is missing the usercert. pem voms-admin --vo cerist create-usercert. pemf 30
References • VOMS Installation guide – https: //edms. cern. ch/file/974982/1/voms-installation-configuration -guide. pdf • EUMEDGRID-Support Wiki – http: //wiki. eumedgrid. eu/bin/view – http: //wiki. eumedgrid. eu/twiki/bin/view/Infrastructure. Status/Eume d. Site. Installation • EUMEDGRID VOMS@CNAF – https: //voms 2. cnaf. infn. it: 8443/voms/eumed/Login. do 31
Algiers, Joint EPi. KH/EUMEDGRID-Support in Algeria, 27. 06. 2010 32