- Количество слайдов: 23
The Enterprise Europe Network Business and innovation support for SMEs An overview of support services European Commission Enterprise and Industry
The Context: why support SMEs?
Why support SMEs? 99 % of businesses in the EU are SMEs = the foundation of tomorrow’s prosperity Source: Eurostat, Commission Communication on Modern SME policy for Growth and Employment
SMEs are the backbone of our economy 75 mil. Jobs Contribution to GDP Up to 90% of jobs in some industry sectors Others SMEs Others
SMEs with international activities China: 70% USA: 30% Europe Beyond Internal Market: 13% Outside own country: 24%
SMEs and the single market • 450 million consumers • Millions of potential business and technology partners • A wealth of (missed) opportunities § A minority have international activities in the EU § Even fewer are active outside the EU • Internationalisation and Innovation § Growth drivers that require: time, skills, money • SMEs = vulnerable actors § Competitive pressures, globalisation, crisis: the smaller a company, the harder it gets hit
Mission of the Network • Internationalisation • • Business partnerships Advice on EU laws, rules, standards Help SMEs access markets and benefit from the internal market Access to finance and funding opportunities • Innovation • Technology transfer • Modern innovation support services & Innovation audits, IPR • Increase R&D activities of SMEs • participation in FP 7 • Feedback and consultation: dialogue with SMEs
What does the Network deliver?
The Network’s value chain
The Network’s results since 2008 • Helped businesses to sign over 3000 cooperation agreements • Organised international brokerage events for 30, 000 companies • Local events for half a million companies • Carried out over 75, 000 technology- and company reviews and analyses • 4000 SMEs consulted via feedback and panels • Provided information and services to over 2. 5 million SMEs
Where does the Network operate?
The Network in the EU…and beyond • Serving all regions in the EU 27 and 21 countries outside Europe • Representing nearly 600 local organisations (chambers of commerce, technology and innovation agencies, sector associations, regional development agencies, etc) • • • Over 3000 experts Over 2 million SMEs contacted 12 000 local events
Unique worldwide coverage • Full coverage throughout all EU regions • Partner offices in key markets for EU SMEs (e. g. China, Russia, Japan), many established without funding under Art. 21. 5 (CIP) • Current coverage of 48 countries: EU 27, EEA (Norway, Iceland), Candidate Countries (Turkey, Croatia, FYROM), Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland, US, Russia, China, South Korea, Israel, Chile, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Armenia, Mexico, Japan.
Contact us in ENTR E 2: Entr-business-cooperation-network@ec. europa. eu Visit our website www. enterprise-europe-network. ec. europa. eu
Your Europe Better information on EU rights …. and more all in one place
Your Europe in a nutshell (YE-Business) q User-centric: information on the entire entrepreneurial lifecycle from the start-up phase until the various exit strategies (26 life situations), as less jargon as possible q. National information on administrative requirements and procedures q Direct access to further help, links to the Enterprise Europe Network and SOLVIT offices, putting questions directly planned for 2011 (questions automatically chanelled to the assistance services) q Responsive feedback possibility for users in 2011
National information
Multilingualism YE-B q EU level content is available in 23 langauges q National content is available in national language(s) plus EN q. Update for both content layers once a year
Updates: key to success qinformation is of value only if it is kept up-to-date qautomated data exchange between Your Erope and national information portals (content syndication) qpart of the ISA Porgramme (Interoperable Solutions for European Public Administrations) run by DIGIT
Promotion campaign q Online campaign
Some figures q Your Europe: 138 000 visits in November q Citizens: 49. 000 visits in November, Business: 89. 000 q Number of page-views: 000 in November 340 q Single most visited page ‘residence’ – rights and conditions for workers and pensioners: 2 150 visits, most visited chapters for YE-B: setting up a business and access to finance q Help page (50/day)
More info - questions? Your-Europe@ec. europa. eu Promotional materials http: //ec. europa. eu/youreurope/promo/